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Love_to_Bodybuild improvement log

Today visited countryside where bud Steve takes care of Shelia and yellow dog. Explore some woods with, female german shepard Shelia, never been before, then sprinted as hard as possible for short peroids in feild where soft on feet. Friend of mine tore something sprinting in the gym, I recommend soft ground outside

quads hams adductors. Went intense today. Leg extensions, seated leg curls, adductors. knees feeling good, watching things and can take more intensity , it seems. Hack squats are up , going quite deep. The high I get from these is so mind clearing. Was posing quads in gym mirror tioday and they looked good, better than video, due to lighting.

cardio 30 mins. Everything seems to be clicking right now body wise. Those three days off helped a lot .
Today visited countryside where bud Steve takes care of Shelia and yellow dog. Explore some woods with, female german shepard Shelia, never been before, then sprinted as hard as possible for short peroids in feild where soft on feet. Friend of mine tore something sprinting in the gym, I recommend soft ground outside

quads hams adductors. Went intense today. Leg extensions, seated leg curls, adductors. knees feeling good, watching things and can take more intensity , it seems. Hack squats are up , going quite deep. The high I get from these is so mind clearing. Was posing quads in gym mirror tioday and they looked good, better than video, due to lighting.

cardio 30 mins. Everything seems to be clicking right now body wise. Those three days off helped a lot .
Is there any consistency currently with your cardio (form, time etc) or training? Or with your meal plan beyond just the macros?
Is there any consistency currently with your cardio (form, time etc) or training? Or with your meal plan beyond just the macros?
No there is not which just makes things more difficult for himself.
Why 45 mins of cardio one day and 30 the next?

Why did you decide to up your protein 25g?
Nice log! You need b-boy and aHarness and others to light the fire 🔥 and help you be the best you can be 💪
Nice log! You need b-boy and aHarness and others to light the fire 🔥 and help you be the best you can be 💪
Not sure who aHarness is I must have blocked the name bc I block people that diss me or say negative things. Would be nice to do in real life. 🤙
I'm not trying to be a dick, honestly, but you need to hear it.

You carry way too much body fat. I don't understand how you've been dieting for 2 months and still have fluff over your midsection. I don't know how you think you can be competitive when you can't even see your abs. Your only goal right now should be getting all that fat off asap. You need to be uncomfortable and hungry and follow a very strict meal and training schedule. You have to get shredded to even think about being competitive at the National Level. Best of luck man, I'm rooting for you and I do hope you show us that you're capable of getting truly lean.
Why 45 mins of cardio one day and 30 the next?

Why did you decide to up your protein 25g?
At his bf% those details shouldn’t even matter yet. Op looks over 15%bf all he has to do is just eat in a moderate deficit, doesn’t even need to do these crazy sporadic workouts. Getting down to just 11-12%bf should be relatively easy, Just fucking lift and eat under maintenance. And he claims to be eating around 2.5kcals at his size with cardio included?

Something just doesn’t add up here. I think he’s adding in some huge cheat days during the week which offsets whatever net caloric deficit he’s been in. Either that or he has the metabolism of a sloth.
At his bf% those details shouldn’t even matter yet. Op looks over 15%bf all he has to do is just eat in a moderate deficit, doesn’t even need to do these crazy sporadic workouts. Getting down to just 11-12%bf should be relatively easy, Just fucking lift and eat under maintenance. And he claims to be eating around 2.5kcals at his size with cardio included?

Something just doesn’t add up here. I think he’s adding in some huge cheat days during the week which offsets whatever net caloric deficit he’s been in. Either that or he has the metabolism of a sloth.
If you follow my cronomter posts , while I posted them youll see some days were 2,700, and 2,900. I posted them. I mentioned that when I was at 2500 was when I injured my knee at work, and not doing any cardio, wghile losing 2 lbs a week. This misinformation was factored into my calorie count by bboy. Look at a few cronomter posts as youll see its been 2800-3000 calories on average. @b-boy did you see my post earlier in this log about this error ?
I'm not trying to be a dick, honestly, but you need to hear it.

You carry way too much body fat. I don't understand how you've been dieting for 2 months and still have fluff over your midsection. I don't know how you think you can be competitive when you can't even see your abs. Your only goal right now should be getting all that fat off asap. You need to be uncomfortable and hungry and follow a very strict meal and training schedule. You have to get shredded to even think about being competitive at the National Level. Best of luck man, I'm rooting for you and I do hope you show us that you're capable of getting truly lean.
We are guys and we have dicks so no need to apologize. Yes, it appears the fat is stubborn. This isnt any lighting but here ya go

This was Monday

Not even weighing anymore going by ab area
We are guys and we have dicks so no need to apologize. Yes, it appears the fat is stubborn. This isnt any lighting but here ya go

This was Monday

Not even weighing anymore going by ab area

I didn't want to come off rude because you're putting yourself out there and that's a lot more than most of the guys here. I do respect anybody that competes. I think you should definitely keep weighing yoursel every day though and average it out through the week. It's a good gauge to see if you're trending up or down. You've got a good base but it really is the fat that's effecting your look. A tight midsection will have you looking much bigger, even if the scale is going down. Im going to keep following your log, so I hope you keep updating it and show us all what you're capable of. You got this, if you want it bad enough.
We are guys and we have dicks so no need to apologize. Yes, it appears the fat is stubborn. This isnt any lighting but here ya go

This was Monday

Not even weighing anymore going by ab area
Man you need to stop injecting everything subcutaneous NOW! you are destroying your lower stomach, I am 52yrs old and have NEVER injected any type of oil subcutaneous! Gh in water yes, gear in oil? .....HELL F_ _ _ ING NO!
The calories given to a guy your size should have been peeling the fat off of you, there is no way with those calories are you eating at maintenance or above what your burning. I'm not here to babysit anyone or I would charge an arm and a leg for my troubles. It all up to you to....
1. Follow the diet
2. Train brutally hard
3. Do the cardio
4. Get adequate sleep

As other have easily noticed... something isn't adding up 🤷🏿
My hands get cold all the time. Could be thyroid related , been tested many times and comes back okay , tends to be in the low normal, to normal ranges, even a tad above normal, once. so idk. Being consisent with routine lab results. Injected one full ml since Dec 8th. It was 300 mgs deca today. Using an oral, 10 mgs dbol.

*****warning***DO NOT do deca solo without using mucuna pruriens , with l dopa in it. Im going to start using 40 % mucuna l dopa tomorrow, more than likely. I did deca solo 210 mgs for three months, over a year ago, and had severe depression , it took nine months for it to resolve itself, after discontining it. Deca lowers dopamine and raises prolactin. Mucuna pruriens riases dopamine and lowers prolactin. Do not use mucuna l dopa too long. Not sure about other drugs like caber but l-dopa 40% works fine for making decas negative effects normalish. Deca seems to cause calmness in me, easy going nature inside of me out more or at a higher percent or longer.
My hands get cold all the time. Could be thyroid related , been tested many times and comes back okay , tends to be in the low normal, to normal ranges, even a tad above normal, once. so idk. Being consisent with routine lab results. Injected one full ml since Dec 8th. It was 300 mgs deca today. Using an oral, 10 mgs dbol.

*****warning***DO NOT do deca solo without using mucuna pruriens , with l dopa in it. Im going to start using 40 % mucuna l dopa tomorrow, more than likely. I did deca solo 210 mgs for three months, over a year ago, and had severe depression , it took nine months for it to resolve itself, after discontining it. Deca lowers dopamine and raises prolactin. Mucuna pruriens riases dopamine and lowers prolactin. Do not use mucuna l dopa too long. Not sure about other drugs like caber but l-dopa 40% works fine for making decas negative effects normalish. Deca seems to cause calmness in me, easy going nature inside of me out more or at a higher percent or longer.
Cold hands you could be low on iron. Have you been checked for that? Anemia.
Cold hands you could be low on iron. Have you been checked for that? Anemia.
One time iron was low after donating blood. Another time Iron normal and ferritin extremely low, tanked. Havent donated in five months. Sister has it , and had it all throughout teenage years and still has it, as well as low ferritin levels, with their cycle. May need to write that down so remember when next labs are due in around May. Will mention Anemia since sister has had trouble all of her life with it. Moms fine . I take more after mom though, Sisters more like Dad, but never know which side got into you, on specific things. I got an alocholic gene from dads side, and doing ketamine or anesthetics, doesnt effect me as much bc genetic history of alcholism on Dads side.

okay today 30 mins cardio

work steps in

biceps, triceps forearms, idk 6-8 sets, untill I knew if I did more itd be counterproductive

cardio 30 mins

nutrition: quite clean. Abs looked good in one mirror in gym, and others faded a bit.

This is some fantasic posing music =-) or dancing as well;-)

The calories given to a guy your size should have been peeling the fat off of you, there is no way with those calories are you eating at maintenance or above what your burning. I'm not here to babysit anyone or I would charge an arm and a leg for my troubles. It all up to you to....
1. Follow the diet
2. Train brutally hard
3. Do the cardio
4. Get adequate sleep

As other have easily noticed... something isn't adding up 🤷🏿
For the viewers one can not train brutally hard for too long, utilizing intensity techniques and truley training hit like someone has a gun to your head and will shoot your family if you don't get another rep. When I was natural I did this and get hurt again and again.

The other day doing legs, hamstring machine I was screaming at my self , call my self a pansy, and alerted some gym members. Anyways I think training true hit for 4-5 weeks is plenty before going back down to "hard" training again or it's an injury waiting to happen. Good idea to use highest doses during ng the s brutal training as well, then go down . Thank you so many for your help, love you Brad, appreciate you bro. Keep up the great work.
For the viewers one can not train brutally hard for too long, utilizing intensity techniques and truley training hit like someone has a gun to your head and will shoot your family if you don't get another rep. When I was natural I did this and get hurt again and again.

The other day doing legs, hamstring machine I was screaming at my self , call my self a pansy, and alerted some gym members. Anyways I think training true hit for 4-5 weeks is plenty before going back down to "hard" training again or it's an injury waiting to happen. Good idea to use highest doses during ng the s brutal training as well, then go down . Thank you so many for your help, love you Brad, appreciate you bro. Keep up the great work.
All I'm going to say is....
I'm 52yrs old, on 10-20mg of test a day and train hard as fuck. I don't do HIT, I don't always go to true failure but I do go to pain tolerance tap out (my pain threshold is very high).

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