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2023 summer cycle


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 11, 2008
well boys summer is just around the corner, whats your cycle looking like?

1 cc of each/ week+ 20mg/day blue hearts to kick things off :)


  • alreadyknow.jpg
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well boys summer is just around the corner, whats your cycle looking like?

1 cc of each/ week+ 20mg/day blue hearts to kick things off :)
300 eq
300 deca
250 test
250 mast

not trying to be a dick, but it seems a little scattered
300 eq
300 deca
250 test
250 mast

not trying to be a dick, but it seems a little scattered
deca for the joints, eq for the endurance, test because test, mast for the anti-estrogen effects, and blue hearts because they make me feel fucking amazing

jeez your such a dick :p
You just gonna take a little bite of everything of the buffet huh?

Your the psycho that puts mayo,mustard, And ketchup on a burger arnt you?

I like to taste all the flavors :)
deca for the joints, eq for the endurance, test because test, mast for the anti-estrogen effects, and blue hearts because they make me feel fucking amazing

jeez your such a dick :p
I mean, he was kind of being a dick, and then you explained your reasoning, and now it's clear his read was dead on.
600mg test cyp
600mg EQ
5iu GH
You just gonna take a little bite of everything of the buffet huh?

Your the psycho that puts mayo,mustard, And ketchup on a burger arnt you?
Damnit Craig. I'm that burger guy
1200mgs test cyp/enanthate blend
750mgs EQ
Anadrol 50mgs ed
10 iu gh ed
6iu novalin r 3x daily (will go up)
50 mcg t4 ed
25 mcg t3 ed
30 mcg clen 3x daily
1500mgs of berberine
10mg boron
20 grams eaa/Gatorade x 2 daily
4500 calories ed

That's my entire weightlifting plan for the next 3 months. Including all sups except protein.
1200mgs test cyp/enanthate blend
750mgs EQ
Anadrol 50mgs ed
10 iu gh ed
6iu novalin r 3x daily (will go up)
50 mcg t4 ed
25 mcg t3 ed
30 mcg clen 3x daily
1500mgs of berberine
10mg boron
20 grams eaa/Gatorade x 2 daily
4500 calories ed

That's my entire weightlifting plan for the next 3 months. Including all sups except protein.

Thats awesome!! i feel like i wanna copy that right out lol.
If I may ask. I want to take myself to the next level, right now i upped my doses with another 200 mg, but in the future i want to add in slin. when you do novalin r x3 daily, when do you take it? waking up, pre and post?
Also is there a reason why you didnt want to take metformin?
Thank you! The slin is taken upon waking up, pre and then add 6 hours to pre. So it's usually taken around noon then 6pm when I train and then around midnight. Walmart sells novalin r for like 25 bucks so I went with that.
Metformin is just not taken simply because I don't have any plus I have read on here it can effect strength so I didn't want to get any.
deca for the joints, eq for the endurance, test because test, mast for the anti-estrogen effects, and blue hearts because they make me feel fucking amazing

jeez your such a dick :p

If it were me, I’d drop EQ and dbol. Run 250 test, 450 deca, 400mast.


Drop the deca, run 500/500 test/EQ and keep the dbol.
1200mgs test cyp/enanthate blend
1250mgs EQ
Anadrol 100mgs ed

10 iu gh ed
6iu novalin r 3x daily (will go up)
100 mcg t4 ed
30 mcg clen 3x daily
1500mgs of berberine
20 grams eaa/Gatorade x 2 daily
4500 calories ed

That's my entire weightlifting plan for the next 3 months. Including all sups except protein.
This seems more an off-season program 😆
Current is
Test E 400-500mg/wk
Deca 400mg/wk
NPP 240-300mg/wk

Dbol 10-20mg pre
15iu Log Post
5iu GH/day
200mg L Carn/day
500mg Metformin

With: 300 cal/day deficit.

Will see where this leads, then will switch once visible changes and/or scale stop moving.
Man I went off everything for 9 ish months to have a kid and been on 70-110mgs of test a week since we had him 9/27. I look a lot of “meh” right now.

I’m going to start this (yes it’s very light)…

3x a week:
40mgs test
30mgs NPP
30mgs mast

I know the test ratio is low but I’ve always felt good with it in that zone. I should be able to maintain impeccable bloods with this and going to start…today.

I even may start with 20mgs if each per dose as I’ve been taking 50mgs of test or so a week total the last 10 weeks I expect a huge boost and maybe work up to 50-70mgs of each per dose.
Not necessarily for summer but just switched from 900 test, 600 bold and 100 mast with 8 iu HGH and insulin on trainingdays to now 1000 test, 700 primo and 10 iu hgh and insulin. Hoping to put on a substantial amount of muscle this year. So far it's going pretty well.
Good luck with your stack! Everything looks amazing!

Right now, I'm on a blend on Test P, NPP, and Mast. Running about 490mg of each compound per week. It's a .7ml shot per day
Good luck with your stack! Everything looks amazing!

Right now, I'm on a blend on Test P, NPP, and Mast. Running about 490mg of each compound per week. It's a .7ml shot per day
This is like my plan on steroids lol

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