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21 Year Old Bloodwork after dangerous blasting and crusing for 3 years

Let me say it again! Don't do anything. Your LSH and FH are what are important right now, after those go up then your test levels go up. Of course if you inject testosterone your testosterone level will be up, but your LSH and FH will crash and you'll be shut down all over again! The fact your LSH and FH have gone up is a good sign you are recovering. So I repeat AGAIN, do not fuck with it! Be patient, you can't expect to blast for years and recover in a month.

Don't shoot test or take any letro. You guys misuse the shit out of AIs these days.

Thank you sir, I very much so appreciate it. I guess you could say my hormones are making me over worry about everything but I will defiantly take your word and not take a test shot.
Thank you sir, I very much so appreciate it. I guess you could say my hormones are making me over worry about everything but I will defiantly take your word and not take a test shot.
If you take a test shot you'll be back at square one and will just have to go thru this and prolong it all anyway brother. Just relax, forget about it. I know its on your mind but go find something to keep busy and take your mind off of things. Idk maybe play some Pokémon Go haha!
21 years old is a good age and you will be better

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Today I woke up I squeezed my left nipple and lactated tiny and barely noticible translucent and clear stuff. Its been about over a week since my letro dose aswell aw my belly fel thicker like I was holding water because this whole week prior my nipole was not doing that and my belly didn't feel like this.

I think I'm having a estrogen rebound because I have been using letro as my ai since the beginning of this year even when I was blasting 500mg+ a week could my estrogen levels be unbinding and causing this? Can I just take half letro? Should drinking enough water like 2 gallons plus get rid of estrogen related water? Because my stomach was flatter days prior estrogen
feel like this.

Will taking letro interfere with my recovery process and mess with my test, lh, fsh levels? I would think it would help.

Thanks if anyone replies.
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Since you are so unsure and feeling anxious about this situation the only way you are going to put your mind at ease is to stop guessing and get a blood test.
estrogen won't rebound with no reason, unless you used sth. else, if you are not sure please do a test and no worry by yourself
estrogen won't rebound with no reason, unless you used sth. else, if you are not sure please do a test and no worry by yourself

Look at that! Combined Rambo and my posts to make her/his own parrot post!
Dude, just relax and let your body do its work. Get off of everything that could impact your hormones in a negative light. Also there's no reason to do 3-5hrs/day of physical activity if you aren't a college athlete. 90 mins of weights and 20 mins of cardio is more than enough. Make sure your diet is on point. Listen to Rambo please.

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