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4 week cycles

Big A

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Jun 4, 2002
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Registered: Feb 2002
Location: Belfast
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4 week cycles?
The owner of our gym has just come back from Thailand where he's supposed to have talked to some pro's about their cycles. Apparantly they cycle heavy (3-4000mgs per wk) for 4 wks then come off for four wks using hcg,clomid etc before starting another 4 wk cycle. Has anybody else heard of this method and most importantly does it work???!!!!!!

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04-25-2002 05:33 AM

Ry Roid

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 212
Usually these are used like 2-3 times a year to overcome plateau's. Basically they are 30 days and you will use high amounts for short periods of time. The following is an example:

Days 1-10
750mg Sust ED
250mg Enan ED
150mg Drol
25mcg T-3
16iu's GH(Taken first 6days of month)

Days 11-20
200mg Deca ED
200mg primo ED
25mcg T-3
16iu's GH(Taken first 6days of month)

Days 21-30
200mg Prop ED
150mg WinV ED
25mcg T-3
16iu's GH(Same)


You can determine a man's worth by the amount of criticism that comes out of his mouth.


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04-25-2002 08:19 AM

Junior Member

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 25
I am presently experimenting with shorter cycles and am about to enter into a 4 week blast with all fast acting products. This will be following a 6 week "off" cycle. My mg's will not near even the 2000mg mark as I seem to respond better than most at lower doses. It will look something like this

100 mg Suspension EOD
100 mg Winstrol EOD
100 mg Tren 3x weekly
8 iu GH M-F

Guess total mg will be around 1000 but I am expecting good results. I will keep you posted.

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04-25-2002 10:15 AM

Junior Member

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 25
The G is only taken for the first 6 days? Interesting.......anyone had experience this and can comment on their results. I figure 16 iu's for 6 days is a bit cheaper than 8 iu's for 20 days. Maybe I will experiment with that a bit......

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04-25-2002 10:19 AM

Junior Member

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 18
l like that cycle Ry.

i myself and starting to think that i need much more. gear to grow

for about the last two years most of my cycles have been about 1300mg a week total

i honestly have not gained to much in the way of lean mass durring this time. a few total lbs a year after the dieting is done.

i am thinking i might need to move myself closer to the 2000mg mark.

i am a fairly small guy with lowsy gentics so i will take all i can get. lol. i am dieting for a contest right now so after this is over it might be time to get serioius.

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04-26-2002 01:15 AM

Ry Roid

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 212
6 days per month is not something all that new. It is mimicking your GH spurts as a child wherein you only produce high GH for 6 days a month. That is why sometimes you don't see a kid for a month and they look like they got 2in taller. Works better in offseason than dieting IMO but, is great way of taking GH.


You can determine a man's worth by the amount of criticism that comes out of his mouth.


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04-26-2002 03:44 AM

Junior Member

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 7
When they're using a longer acting ester like sust or something, shooting every day makes the best use of the prop and phenylprop while letting the other two esters (mainly the decanoate) build up. You hit it hard and heavy for 4 weeks, and you'll have plenty left in your system for the next 4 weeks. Starting the clomid, HCG early will keep the testes from atrophying while making it a bit faster to recover than if they had waited until week 8 or 10 to start the recovery process.

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04-26-2002 05:53 AM

Junior Member

Registered: Feb 2002
Location: Belfast
Posts: 3
Thanks for the response guys.Theres too many people here in Belfast full of shit to get a straight answer from!

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04-26-2002 06:18 AM

Ry Roid

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 212
Basically another thing w/ 4 week courses is to just hit is HARD AND FAST!! This works really well cause your body doesn't know what hit it and when your off your body is still confused so your gains won't go bye bye.

You can determine a man's worth by the amount of criticism that comes out of his mouth.


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04-26-2002 08:26 AM

heavy squat

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 37
gotta say seems most my gains are in week 3 and 4 and after that they just start dying. Found on my first 4 week cycle, after many 9-16 weekers, I did just about as well, and kept quite a bit that first 4 week ccyle. I was impressed. Didin't like the idea till I tried it.

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04-26-2002 10:48 AM

Junior Member

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 25
If I decide to experiment with the 6 day GH blast should a break be taken in the G dosing prior? Been on for about 12 weeks 5 on 2 off at a pique of 9iu.

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04-26-2002 05:51 PM

Junior Member

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 25
On second thought, maybe I should hit some oils hard for the first 7-10 days. Maybe 250mg Sust, 250 mg Enan daily. Should be interesting!
Has anyone actually used a cycle like this personally? What were your results? Did you keep your gains? I was thinking about trying one set up like this:
Days 1-10 250 mg Sus ED
Days 11-20 200mg EQ ED
Days 21-30 200mg Tren ED

10 iu humalog used post workout.

Need some input.
This sounds very similar to doggcrapp's cycle, only he emphasizes use of "fast-acting" gear. I've done one course and am on "cruise." I may have to lengthen my cruise to 5 weeks to overcome an outer delt muscle pull that I just incurred whilst deadlifting :mad:

So far, so good - I like it!

Interesting theory. Might have to give that a shot (no pun intended)
Big A

What are your reasons for posting this? Has someone asked about it or do you really feel that it has merit? I've read about many different cycles, this being one of them, and never really felt it that beneficial unless trying to get past a bullish sticking point.
Re: Big A

mike man said:
Big A

What are your reasons for posting this? Has someone asked about it or do you really feel that it has merit? I've read about many different cycles, this being one of them, and never really felt it that beneficial unless trying to get past a bullish sticking point.
Big A did not post this originally. He just transfered it over here from Pro Bodybuilding when it shut down. BigDee was the original author.


I intended no negativity on my part, just wondering how much BigA actually believed in those type of cycles.
Re: OK

mike man said:
I intended no negativity on my part, just wondering how much BigA actually believed in those type of cycles.

When I do things properly, I stay on the injectibles non stop, but I cycle the orals 4 weeks on 4 weeks off.
Diesel, the eq is not a good choice due to its long ester
I'm actually trying this out right now for the first time using 6 weeks cycles blasting them with 4 weeks off time. Gonna see how this works some say its better for recovery and everything. I will let everybody know this is my second week doing it right now blasting while training DC style :headbang:
Reminds me of the Paul Borreson 30 day blasts....

Days 1-10: 1g Sustanon per day.
days 11-20: 800mg Deca per day, 600mg test prop per day, 400mg primo per day.
Days 21-30: 400mg test prop per day, 200mg Winstrol per day, 4 capsules of T3, dnp, metformin, and 30iu insulin after each meal.

I'm really not sure where he was going with the last ten days of that cycle.
Don't care if this is an old thread, I like that it got bumped. Some may immediately think it is too unhealthy, but if you are only doing it 30 days, rather than half the doses over a period of several months, I can't see how it would be any worse.
Don't care if this is an old thread, I like that it got bumped. Some may immediately think it is too unhealthy, but if you are only doing it 30 days, rather than half the doses over a period of several months, I can't see how it would be any worse.

Drink a bottle of Bacardi 151 in a night, or spread it out over a week, which do you think is worse.

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