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advice please


New member
Oct 22, 2002
Anybody ever feel like they arnt getting bigger? I will do a cycle come off then go back on about 4 to8 weeks later and after while i feel that im really not getting much bigger. maybe its a plateau.Would a dogcrapp cycle do it? If I add more mgs on the next one I see a little more but thats it.I know my gear is good.
Has anyone experienced this?any remedy? I am experienced been doing gear about 3 to 4 years on and off.Just getting frustrated. my mgs are around the1500 mark and my diet is pratty good. any input?

are you concerned with the scale or the measurements??? some times my scale dosen't move like I thought it would like my cycle right now, but if your looking beter in the mirror and the measurements are getting better, then don't stress bro. It could also be a calorie issue. are you getting enough through out the day? what you used to grow 20lbs ago may now work for ya now. I don't know if this helps at all bro, but I hope things get better for ya. it's a hard game and EVERYONE goes through something to this point through out the years. if getting huge was easy, everyone would be there. So just stay focused bro and keep at it. let us know how it turns out.
good luck and be safe...

Killer, I think we all know what you're going through. It can be frustrating. Assuming your training and rest are proper, there are only a couple changes you can make. I think you have stated why you have plataued in your post. It sounds like you are upping the gear a little but eating the same as always. Next time you go on, try taking 2 to 2.5 grams of gear and significantly raise your protein and overall calorie intake. Be sure to mix in a good amount of orals and take the proper precautions (liv-52 or syntheteks version). But I think the key is to not only raise the mg's but more importantly the calorie intake. You can't expect to break plateaus without some major change. Hope that helps.;)
What are your stats?

You say you aren't gaining any. Do you mean you are not gaining muscle or fat or both?

Even if you are working out incorrectly but you are eating enough you should be gaining something.
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Maybe its time to try something new; growth, slin, igf-1,letting your chick fuck you in the ass:D Also maybe you should concentrate a little more on trying to keep the gains you made when you come off. Also maybe its time to do some powerlifting for a couple of days a week, that always works for me!
Im thinking of doing the opposite. I do about 1.5g test wk, 100-150mg oral ED, 500mg deca, tren (last half)150mg EOD. Plus 1st 4wks is about 1g suspension/prop also. I dont seem to get much anymore. Ive heard other guys say also (Xecel) that nothing much seems to realy have a significant effect anymore. So Im thinking the next ywar Im going low dose, 500-750mg test, 50mg orals, 300mg deca, tren (last half) 75mg EOD. Basically cut everything in half or less. Then after 1yr do a huge cycle-2g test, 150-200mg oral ED, deca,tren,...Hopefully my receptors will have downgraded and will be shocked by the large increase in doseage, instead of resistant to it like I am currently.

Any comments? Xecel (figuring you seem to be in the same boat!)? :confused:
why dont you guys try going off TOTALLY!, that means no bridging or ANYTHING! for about 6 months. I mean what harm can it do!? you will probally feel alot better mentally, fully healed and receptors will be clean and ready. The BIG picture is what you should look at, if you lose what 10-15 lbs so what, you will get it back and you can do it with half the dose. you will be suprised I think that if you train instensly and keep the calories up, you may lose less than you think. your going to have to come off sooner or later. just my 2 cents
Well, when I started back up, after a 13-year hiatus, I gained about 10 lbs more muscle than I've ever had. Then I got excited and dieted it all away :(

I know that I can gain back "that" muscle and am just trying to "stay lean" in the process, which I know I can do (and am doing). Im just into the 3rd week of this particular "burst." For the first 8-9 days nothing, then boom - up 5 pounds. Next 8-9 days nothing, then boom - up 5 pounds. I'm still "gaining on it" or at least getting it back up while staying under 7% BF!

I just figure after you've been doing this a few years, the gains just come on slower.

Thanx fellas my stats 5ft7 225 and19 in guns. everybody says i am getting bigger but you know.Body fat is around 13%.
Maybe I do need to up the calories. Some times i am like fuck I cant eat anymore but you know.Any way thanx fellas mabe I just
need to reevaluate my training. I am glad to see its not just me.
Everybodys got reveres anorexia
Sounds like you're a pretty big boy now :) (not saying you can't get bigger)

I just think it's harder to put on muscle after you've gained a fair bit already (getting past that genetic potential and beyond).

Hey Johnny, coming off for 6 months is good in theory and probably would be beneficial in the long run, but doing it is another thing. In a six month period you can lose a lot of hard earned muscle.
Cooter said:
Hey Johnny, coming off for 6 months is good in theory and probably would be beneficial in the long run, but doing it is another thing. In a six month period you can lose a lot of hard earned muscle.
As Johnny stated "you will be suprised I think that if you train instensly and keep the calories up, you may lose less than you think. " - most people won't do this! You NEED to do this to keep that added muscle on your body.


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