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all you guys w kids


Dec 9, 2003
I got called out by my 10 yr old son about the "meds" and "shots" I take and Im not sure how to handle it. Obviously I need to be better about how take care of my day to day bizz but do I straight up lie to my kids? Help
I explain to mine that I take these injectable meds for anti aging purpopses, and that I get them from a doctor.
I thot about that and Im a fairly young dad (32) and he knows it, I dont know how that will go over w him. When did kids get soo smart?! Thanks for the suggestion ericraven2003
maybe u shoulda never done that shit in front of him...i dont know call me crazy i guess. Do u really want your kid going around to his friends saying his dad is on roids and then having those kids tell their parents and so on? Common sense goes a long way. Why cant u just go hide in the bathroom or bedroom while u inject yourself...or even waite late at night until after the kids are in bed? I guess now you are gonna have to go get a safe or lock box for all your shit....last thing you need now is your kid taking that shit to show his buddies.
I thot about that and Im a fairly young dad (32) and he knows it, I dont know how that will go over w him. When did kids get soo smart?! Thanks for the suggestion ericraven2003

I am 38 and look very young, but after a few questions, my 10 year old and 17 year old never brought it up again. My wife backs it on the health benefits, so that helps too.
I have never and would never injected anything in front of my kids! I dont even like drinking in front of my kids... But thanks for lesson on common sense mike. Any one with kids and useful suggestions?
maybe u shoulda never done that shit in front of him...i dont know call me crazy i guess. Do u really want your kid going around to his friends saying his dad is on roids and then having those kids tell their parents and so on? Common sense goes a long way. Why cant u just go hide in the bathroom or bedroom while u inject yourself...or even waite late at night until after the kids are in bed? I guess now you are gonna have to go get a safe or lock box for all your shit....last thing you need now is your kid taking that shit to show his buddies.

Because there is nothing to be ashamed of. I am not looking to be huge just healthy and young looking. It hasnt hurt mine. I disagree with you.
i agree. i always wait for my son to go to bed for the night before doing any injections. although its not a big deal to us but seeing your father give himself a shot at home is probably not the best idea. good luck explaining this to your son, i hope he understands
I got called out by my 10 yr old son about the "meds" and "shots" I take and Im not sure how to handle it. Obviously I need to be better about how take care of my day to day bizz but do I straight up lie to my kids? Help

Out of curiosity, if your son is 10 years old, and you are in your bedroom with the door closed. How does he know you're doing shots? Unless someone told him or showed him?

(And yes I have kids. Yes I have run cycles. And NO my kids dont know. But they do see me in the gym busting my hump. and thats all they know)
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FYI. I don't inject gear where they can see, but they have seen me give an HGH shot before. Not any different then injecting insulin for a diabetic in front of their kids..
I would have to say yes. Straight up lie. Or tell a half truth. hink about the many things you have lied about before, santa, easter bunny etc. This is the same, you just feel guilty because society taking these compounds is wrong.

I have been on HRT since I was 20 years old. When my kid asks I will simply tell him that it is a medication that helps keep my hormones at a stable level. I think a huge part of how this goes, depends on how YOU treat it. Do not act like its a big deal, just be direct and blunt and end with a sort of statement such as "do you have any questions about it?" that will make him feel like there is nothing to hide. You might want to say that even though you are not embarrassed about it, you would rather keep it in the family and not tell everyone.

Edit: hmmm. I know that hindsight is 20/20 but I would never innject anything in front of my kid. HCG and test or deca look the same to most people. You are inviting questions by doing that.

edit2 I misread your post before putting in my edit. My mistake pal.
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Again guys I have never injected any thing in front of my kids! This came about as he found a pin in I had pulled out of my lock box the nite before and put in a drawer in my bathroom, cause I inject in the mornings. For you guys who have kids you know how kids can get into things and I have been cycling for about 10 yrs off and on and this is the first time this has come up. Im looking for some good insight into the situation.
Bro.. I know exactly how kids are and have to say SHAME ON YOU FOR LETTING HIM SEE ANYTHING...

First problem bro... you got sloppy... tighten up! What if he would have stuck himself with some of your gh or decided to stick one of your other kids? OR TOOK THE NEEDLE TO SCHOOL!!! USE YOU HEAD bro... your a father ACT LIKE ONE... part of your job is to protect your kids... even from yourself!

NOW to answer your question... it is simple... Tell him "Daddy is borderline diabetic, the doctor wants me to try this for a couple weeks to see if it helps"... This will give you a couple weeks to make the shots disappear again... When the question comes back up... and it will... tell him the doctor took you off the diabetic medicine because daddy is ok now...
What did you say to your kid when he asked?

If my kids ended up finding out I would tell them it's doctor prescribed and I have to for my health, but I don't plan on them finding out.
Bro.. I know exactly how kids are and have to say SHAME ON YOU FOR LETTING HIM SEE ANYTHING...

First problem bro... you got sloppy... tighten up! What if he would have stuck himself with some of your gh or decided to stick one of your other kids? OR TOOK THE NEEDLE TO SCHOOL!!! USE YOU HEAD bro... your a father ACT LIKE ONE... part of your job is to protect your kids... even from yourself!

NOW to answer your question... it is simple... Tell him "Daddy is borderline diabetic, the doctor wants me to try this for a couple weeks to see if it helps"... This will give you a couple weeks to make the shots disappear again... When the question comes back up... and it will... tell him the doctor took you off the diabetic medicine because daddy is ok now...

You judgemental guys need to check yourselves..... you say shame on him, but then you tell him to lie.
Morals are morals no matter how you try to justify it.
Out of curiosity, if your son is 10 years old, and you are in your bedroom with the door closed. How does he know you're doing shots? Unless someone told him or showed him?

(And yes I have kids. Yes I have run cycles. And NO my kids dont know. But they do see me in the gym busting my hump. and thats all they know)

That's exactly what I was thinking :confused: …maybe a little discretion is in order? Too late now though…
guys hide it from their wives/gf's why cant you hide it from your kid. Your kid doesnt have to or need to know everything that is going on with your body. Maybe when he's an adult you can talk to him about it but when he's 10 I would say the less he knows about your cycling the better (ie nothing!)>
tell them this is what daddy gets for eating so much junk food and this is what happens..so if you dont like shots ....
You judgemental guys need to check yourselves..... you say shame on him, but then you tell him to lie.
Morals are morals no matter how you try to justify it.

That is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. So I guess you are or will always be completely honest with your children right? So if your kid hears you and his/her mom having sex and asks "Why was mommy screaming" you will be completely honest with them right? They are kids and you need to treat them as such and that means telling them things in a way they can understand and handle at the age that they are. Sorry but not everything is black and white. However if you want a black and white answer then here it is; if he never let his kid see him taking a shot then he wouldn't be here asking how to explain to his kid what he was doing.

Your statement of morals are morals is ridiculous. Morals are not universal. Lying to a kid might be against your morals but that doesn't mean it against everyone else’s.
Guys he only saw a pin, it was loaded, but nothing else! NOT me shotting anything and everyone here has some valid points and its all gonna depend on how you raise your kids we are not all gonna see eye to eye to on this. Im gonna take some time to discuss it with my wife and we come to an agreement as how we should handle it. Thanks fellas

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