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Anabolics 2009 PoWeR PCT... Opions please!


Feb 27, 2009
PoWeR PCT... its proven in the medical field read below

Protocols: Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is taken at 2500lU every other day for 16 days. Clomiphene citrate 50 mg is taken twice per day for 30 days.Tamoxifen citrate is taken 20 mg per day for 45 days.

The PoWeR PCT Program
The PCT program outlined below represents what I consider to be an ideal and effective post-cycle program. It was developed by the doctors at the Program for Wellness Restoration (PoWeR), who have a formidable history helping patients recover normal hormonal functioning following steroid therapy. One of the key doctors on this program, Dr. Michael Scally, claims to have successfully treated more than 100 cases of hypogonadism/hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, and is very well known in the field of androgen replacement therapy. PoWeR published this program as part of a recent clinical study, which involved 19 healthy male subjects who were taking supraphysiological (highly suppressive) doses of testosterone cypionate and nandrolone decanoate for 12 weeks. Their HPGA Normalization Protocol focuses on the combined use of HCG, Nolvadex' and Clomid, and is perhaps the only clinically documentec post-cycle therapy program to be found in the medical literature (it is amazing how little attention has been paid to hormone normalization in clinical medicine). The most notable variation from a classic PCT stack, such that I have been a longtime supporter of, is the combined use of two anti-estrogens. In this case I cannot say that there is disadvantage to such use; perhaps it is indeed the better option.
Examining the program closely, we note that the testes are hit hard with HCG at the onset of therapy. Its intake however, is limited to only 16 days. The doctor, undoubtedly recognize that when HCG is taken for toe long or at too high a dosage, it can desensitize the LH receptor. This would only further exacerbate the post cycle problem, not help it. Anti-estrogens are used during and after HCG, with a dosage of 10 mg of Nolvadex and 100 mg of Clomid per day rounding out this compliment of drugs. Clomid is used for a shorter period of time than Nolvadex, likely because of the desensitizing effect it can have (on the pituitary gland) with continued usage.
Among other things, these two anti-estrogens will continue to foster LH release as testosterone levels start to go back up, as well as combat any potential estrogenic side effects that may be caused by HCG's up-regulation of testicular aromatase activity. Although in the first couple of weeks the anti-estrogens probably do very little they should be much more helpful towards the middle and end of the program. During this clinical investigation normal hormonal function was restored in all subjects, within 45 days of drug cessation.This is a definite success far more favorable than the protracted recovery windows noted in studies without post-cycle therapy. For me, I believe such a detailed recovery program should follow any serious steroid cycle It is the best way to maintain your gains at their maximum and that is, after all, what we are after.

"William Llewellyn's ANABOLleS, 9th ed."

2500iu dosage is uncommon, has anyone followed this before?
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so they measured T level RIGHT AFTER the PCT and said it was nice and high? lol

how about once they stop everything and 2 months after washout period

let us know how it works if you try it, i would run SERM lower dosage
Man that seems to be about 2 to 3 times more than most people are taking. 100 mg clomid ed?? 2500iu eod??? WOW thats quite a bit right there. But i am no expert.
Man that seems to be about 2 to 3 times more than most people are taking. 100 mg clomid ed?? 2500iu eod??? WOW thats quite a bit right there. But i am no expert.

My thoughts exactly... 20000iu's pf hcg is alot of money.
**broken link removed**

link to the original study, before you judge Dr. Scally you might want to research him a bit. He lost his license to practice because he refused to give in when the gowvernment pressured him to stop helping bodybuilders with health issues related to long term abuse of androgens, that is when he started his new organization with the goal of helping those that know one else gives a damn about...namely us.

It kills me how we are quick to take the word of some anonymous internet personality like its the gospel but when a legitamate MD publishes something that might actually be helpful we call it crap.
Thanks morepain for posting that up for us.

I infact am 11 days into this protocol and am very opptomistic about its results. The only thing I suggest is the consideration of IGF, HGH, GHRP-6/Hexelrin, etc. to help maintain more of the gains. If these are used correctly during recovery they can in fact increase your gains. Obviously all other factors have to be in order (diet, training, rest).
Please keep us up to date with how it goes Daddy. Way back when I was working with a Dr (legally where i was). I had great results with something somewhat similar. However I was young. i am not young now :)
Thanks morepain for posting that up for us.

I infact am 11 days into this protocol and am very opptomistic about its results. The only thing I suggest is the consideration of IGF, HGH, GHRP-6/Hexelrin, etc. to help maintain more of the gains. If these are used correctly during recovery they can in fact increase your gains. Obviously all other factors have to be in order (diet, training, rest).

I agree

GHRP-6/GHRH you can run it will high levels of naty test and see some pretty impressive changes!
hcg 2000iu E2D for 2 weeks
clomid 50mg twice a day for 2-3 weeks
adex .5mg EOD for the duration of PCT

Out of all pcts ive come across this one made the most sense and worked great with buddies of mine
I'm surprised Dr. Scally isn't throwing some HMG in the mix too.

A doctor i know suggests the below protocol for someone who has been on juice straight for a year or more (even up to a coue of years) and has had success.

Front load for two days with two days seperating (each day 10,000 IU of HCG) then Four-weekly injections of 2500 IU each of hCG (Profasi; Serono) and daily injections of 75 IU of hMG (Humegon; Organon) for 3 months.syntherol
Results are back

Well I did an at home saliva test 6-8 weeks post PCT. My levels were as follows

Testosterone - 214.4 mg/dl "Excessive"
Estradiol - 0.9 mg/dl "Optimal"

These results are a little questionable given my testosterone levels are in the "Excessive" range. I was not using anything that should have effected this level. In fact I was off any kind of supplements OTC or otherwise for two weeks prior. Not sure why the testosterone level came back so high. I would assume it is safe to say that the PCT was a success nonetheless though.

As for maintenance of gains I can say my weight actually increased slightly (5-7 lbs) during this PCT and up to this test. It was lean weight for the most part as I only lost a little definition.
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good read! and how i usually do things minus the clomid.
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I'm surprised Dr. Scally isn't throwing some HMG in the mix too.

A doctor i know suggests the below protocol for someone who has been on juice straight for a year or more (even up to a coue of years) and has had success.

Front load for two days with two days seperating (each day 10,000 IU of HCG) then Four-weekly injections of 2500 IU each of hCG (Profasi; Serono) and daily injections of 75 IU of hMG (Humegon; Organon) for 3 months.syntherol

"this is more like what my dr suggest"
Well I did an at home saliva test 6-8 weeks post PCT. My levels were as follows

Testosterone - 214.4 mg/dl "Excessive"
Estradiol - 0.9 mg/dl "Optimal"

These results are a little questionable given my testosterone levels are in the "Excessive" range. I was not using anything that should have effected this level. In fact I was off any kind of supplements OTC or otherwise for two weeks prior. Not sure why the testosterone level came back so high. I would assume it is safe to say that the PCT was a success nonetheless though.

As for maintenance of gains I can say my weight actually increased slightly (5-7 lbs) during this PCT and up to this test. It was lean weight for the most part as I only lost a little definition.

did you have any issues with the 2500ius shots of hcg...specifically dizziness in the mornings or any other times...i have done 1500iu hcg shots and i almost fell down in m bathroom a few times
Well I did an at home saliva test 6-8 weeks post PCT. My levels were as follows

Testosterone - 214.4 mg/dl "Excessive"
Estradiol - 0.9 mg/dl "Optimal"

These results are a little questionable given my testosterone levels are in the "Excessive" range. I was not using anything that should have effected this level. In fact I was off any kind of supplements OTC or otherwise for two weeks prior. Not sure why the testosterone level came back so high. I would assume it is safe to say that the PCT was a success nonetheless though.

As for maintenance of gains I can say my weight actually increased slightly (5-7 lbs) during this PCT and up to this test. It was lean weight for the most part as I only lost a little definition.

also, is that mg/dl or ng/dl...and what scale is used, 214 is really low as on usual scale 350 - little over 1000 ng/dl is normal....is it the type of test you used?
your experience...

hey big daddy... that is awesome that your results came back good. this is one subject that i need help on as well as anyone doing aas. What were you running while on and how long? did you take any anti E's while on? what exactly did you take to come off? did you keep all your gains?

Sorry for all the questions as i never got the real scoop on this from anywhere.. where is a good place to get my PCT prods? thanks
This makes total sense to me, I like to run 1250 IU of HCG EOD, post cycle for two weeks, 50 mgs of clomid for 21 days and 20 mgs nolvadex for 30 days, and I recover pretty good, I bet if I would bump it up to this protocol it'll be much better. I will try this next, I'm schedule for PCT in two weeks. Keep you boys posted. God bless you all.

I've done it the last 3 times and works very well for me.
This makes total sense to me, I like to run 1250 IU of HCG EOD, post cycle for two weeks, 50 mgs of clomid for 21 days and 20 mgs nolvadex for 30 days, and I recover pretty good, I bet if I would bump it up to this protocol it'll be much better. I will try this next, I'm schedule for PCT in two weeks. Keep you boys posted. God bless you all.

this is what you use when you come off... but when you are on.. what do you use? and during your off do you take all these at once or like your post says the HCG, clomid and then the nolva? or is it either the hcg or the nolva...which ever you have at the time. thanks for all the help guys.. i am asking all the questions because i don't want gyno and i am currently doing a cyce and want to get it right.

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