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Benefit of higher nandrolone vs test

At your body weight now I’d run….

1.2g Test
800 NPP

Since you’ve had gyno surgery are you running any AI with your planned run? Did the surgeon remove the entire gland or is there still some tissue still left?

Yep that is roughly what I was planning after talking to a few guys and reading these responses. Will probably go with 1g test and 700ish NPP.
He left a small bit of the gland to prevent the nipples from caving in.
I'm still going to run 12.5mg aromasin EOD to keep the water retention down.
where did he put all that oil lol thats 70ml a week
you can see how much people don't realize what bodybuilding looks like... some people can take 200ml per week of seo alone, not counting gear
Did the classic deca/dbol (no test) many times and npp/mast/primo/winny (no test) for contest prep. The no test cycles fascinated me for a while. I bet I could get away with a deca only. I believe I did run NPP at 300mg EOD for a period of time but can't find it in my notes.
My first bulk ever was on 1g Deca 1g EQ 350 Proviron 4iu Humatrope and was a great experience... Built lots of muscle and felt good.

300mg NPP eod should be a tad extreme 🤣

Nowadays i don't like NPP at all i prefer test tren EQ (some Anadrol here and there) all time....
Nandrolone within about 4 weeks kills my dick.. I love npp but it's only for short stints.. and test and mast needs to be present
If I were to do something like this, forget the test completely. Just go high doses NPP or deca. Jordan Peters did this a few years back and had good success.

Was any type of ancillaries needed with this?

I’d be curious to see what lipids would look like after a cycle like this - if they would recover from say, a test/tren/winstrol cycle into the deca only
I like 250-300 test and 600 nandrolone (Deca).

I don't get any sides and look and feel much, much better this way.

Nandrolone makes me stronger, fuller, and rounder than test by far. I think everyone is a bit different in how they metabolize and process nandrolone.
From reading too much bullshit logs, it seems as long as your over 700mg nandrolone, you will have enough E2.

If your under that, a tiny bit of test can be helpful.

Yea I remember those logs. Crazy asshole took it up to 1.5g I think?
Yep that was exactly it.
Had to have enough nandrolone where it actually gave enough E2 itself. He was doing some crazy numbers but I remember him saying u truly had to be on no T or else you would get pretty horrid side effects. I know there were some idiots on the board there that tried it (with T) and felt terrible.
Yep that was exactly it.
Had to have enough nandrolone where it actually gave enough E2 itself. He was doing some crazy numbers but I remember him saying u truly had to be on no T or else you would get pretty horrid side effects. I know there were some idiots on the board there that tried it (with T) and felt terrible.


That is why MENT makes many people gain 15lbs of water in 2 weeks. Methy-E2+very strong progestin.

Welp, someone send me 70ml of 150mg/ml NPP and I’ll give her the old college try. Lol
My first bulk ever was on 1g Deca 1g EQ 50 Anadrol 4iu Humatrope. (Started at 600 600 went up to 1g 1g for a total of 14w)
I started when i was 182cm 86kg shredded to the bone, after a 12w cut.
Didn't touch any antiprolactin or ais or serm, sex drive was fine, no gyno.

Remember that deca and EQ most of the dose is ester so it wasn't all that incredible high dose.
Anyway i gained 10kg and kept 6-7kg after a cut. (Was my first bulk ever so for sure it was noob gains)

The worst thing of this cycle was that you will really feel OFF mentally, i mean you have flat feelings all time,when on test i really feel great.

After that cycle i started using test and i noticed that i didn't suffer anymore from any sides from it, when before that bulk test was estrogen galore.

Never used low test+Higher nandrolone.

In any case i stay away from nandrolone, i don't like how i feel, i prefer to stick to: test eq low tren anadrol/winny HGH insulin around workout.
My first bulk ever was on 1g Deca 1g EQ 50 Anadrol 4iu Humatrope. (Started at 600 600 went up to 1g 1g for a total of 14w)
I started when i was 182cm 86kg shredded to the bone, after a 12w cut.
Didn't touch any antiprolactin or ais or serm, sex drive was fine, no gyno.

Remember that deca and EQ most of the dose is ester so it wasn't all that incredible high dose.
Anyway i gained 10kg and kept 6-7kg after a cut. (Was my first bulk ever so for sure it was noob gains)

The worst thing of this cycle was that you will really feel OFF mentally, i mean you have flat feelings all time,when on test i really feel great.

After that cycle i started using test and i noticed that i didn't suffer anymore from any sides from it, when before that bulk test was estrogen galore.

Never used low test+Higher nandrolone.

In any case i stay away from nandrolone, i don't like how i feel, i prefer to stick to: test eq low tren anadrol/winny HGH insulin around workout.
how did you feel without testosterone? I also avoid using nandrolone, it causes me problems unlike tren
I have never run nandrolone higher than test. I usually run it at half but when I use it, my dosages on test and nandro are low because I do tend to get the cystic acne.
A typical run is 300 or 400 test and 150 or 200 nandrolone.

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