raybravo said:
whats the importance of this i dont understand ???
i just feel insulin and clenbuterol dont mix .
this is important because the theory is that clen/slin combo, in kiwis wordsfrom original post:
I have often wondered why I gain muscle when on clen and so many others say it has no anabolic properties apart from losing fat. I have come to the conclusion that because I am constant insulin user this combined with the clen gives me that extra muscle. I only just realised this the other day as my blood sugar levels kept on getting so low after my second dose of clen hours after I had had my first insulin shot. Because clen works on your Beta3 receptors thus making you more insulin sensitive I now realise that using it in conjunction with the insulin has helped my growth throughout the dieting stage on so many occasions. My new theory is that if it enhances insulin sensitvity to get the best effects why go off before a show ? the only reason I stop clen usually is I when I feel no fat loss occurring usually after 3-4 weeks. I will use clen for 12 weeks on the theory of enhancing the insulin to the fullest just my thought for the day
it is commonly accepted that INSULIN IS the MOST anablic hormone in the body. kiwi is usng high dose clen along with continious insulin administration. research is revealing that these two compounds act in synergy to produce an anabolic enviroment, in humans and not JUST animals.
the idea that it "inhances insulin sensitivty" might not be completely accurate, BUT, clen blocks the role epinepherine to inhibit glycogen uptake into muscle, leading to the need for more carbs which would explain why his BG continued to drop after clen dose. on top this, clen stimulates futher insulin production as well as igf.
the growth he is refering to is likely because of these actions creating a more anabolic enviroment.
in the study which showed local igf icrease and phenotype shift, the rats were given 1mg/kg of bodyweight. i know his dose isnt close to this, but at 500-600mcg a day, surely he is experiencing SOME of igf production if non of the phenotype switch, which can be done to an extent through heavy resistance training alone.
nonetheless, clen does create an anabolic enviroment and one must provide the needed elements. aside from the obvious, androgens, FOOD. most people restrict calories when on clen so reports of no anabolic properties are a given if theres a calorie deficit.
my thinking is that this could be applied to the gh burst cycle while eating everything in site for 6 days or more. while the fat burning effects continue in the following days. the lipoltyic properties of gh, and thermo prop of cle should prevent excessive fat accumilation during that time.
Are you picturing the huge surge in insulin and glycogen transport due to exo-slin, clen stimulated insulin production, increased igf from high dose clen and high dose gh(what is it, 1iu of gh stimulates 4-6mcg of igf--ray, i got that from u over at anisci

so 20iu=80-120mcg igf!) clen has also shown to induce skeletal muscle protein synthesis by increasing translation of mRNA at the early time of its administration, this mechanism might be involved in the rapid increase of IGF-I peptide in response to clenbuterol.
Thats one hell of an anabolic enviroment!
In the study i posted earlier, it said that there was a 10 and 13% increase in muscle mass at days 3 and 9 respectivly, and 16% by day 28. this supports that the 6 days is enough time to induce significant muscle growth.