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Body Odor FIX

I actually called this annnoying Indian out last night at the gym because he smelled rotten like currry garlic and incense and it was making my girlfriend gag. Fucking nasty. I just said bro I don’t know if your aware of the fact that you smell horrible and your actually making the entire gym stink and it’s rude” he tried arguing w me and I said put some deodorant on take a shower or find a new gym buddy” lol I might be kind of a dick but I said what everyone in the gym would have said if they had a spine. He just walked out. I might have embarrassed him but he already did that himself.
I honestly don’t think you spoke out of turn at all pal. If a foul smell is putting you off your workout then whoever’s creating that smell should be called out.
Gym staff are such fucking melts these days and I’d imagine none of them would have the balls to approach someone about them smelling a bit funky in the gym.
A gym I used train at many moons ago in a densely populated indian area had a legendary owner who’d walk straight up to whoever was stinking and without hesitation pass them a bottle of deodorant and tell them to go to the changing rooms and use it until they quit stinking. He purposely say it at the top of his voice to make them an example to all those in the gym. These days you’d accused of being a racist or a bully for doing so!
I honestly don’t think you spoke out of turn at all pal. If a foul smell is putting you off your workout then whoever’s creating that smell should be called out.
Gym staff are such fucking melts these days and I’d imagine none of them would have the balls to approach someone about them smelling a bit funky in the gym.
A gym I used train at many moons ago in a densely populated indian area had a legendary owner who’d walk straight up to whoever was stinking and without hesitation pass them a bottle of deodorant and tell them to go to the changing rooms and use it until they quit stinking. He purposely say it at the top of his voice to make them an example to all those in the gym. These days you’d accused of being a racist or a bully for doing so!
A few years ago I remember there was somewhat of a controversy over this Orthodox Jewish family ordered off a plane so they could take off without them, they stank so bad. I think they were offered a hotel to go clean up. Of course they were offended. Probably don't even notice the smell themselves, so used to it.
A few years ago I remember there was somewhat of a controversy over this Orthodox Jewish family ordered off a plane so they could take off without them, they stank so bad. I think they were offered a hotel to go clean up. Of course they were offended. Probably don't even notice the smell themselves, so used to it.
I reckon it’s got something to do with kosher and halal meat. Always seems to be the same offenders
You write like William Shakespeare mate. Fuck going out for a beer with you, you boring fuck!
Let me just summarise that drivel in two easy to follow steps.
1. Shower/bath at least once a day
2. Use deodorant

Like this is news in 2023 ffs.

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