my .02 cents is you can never watse money on reading and learning new things even if you do not believe in them you can always gain some input to maybe put with another theroy or two.
my .02 cents is you can never watse money on reading and learning new things even if you do not believe in them you can always gain some input to maybe put with another theroy or two.
with the amnount of knowledge on this board on B uilding a better body just thought i would ask. i think maybe a better thread would be a poll on the best books out there on specific topics like, Gear, exercises, mind health and nutrition
what do you think
Dardens book is good. Its a revised edition to his past thoughts on HIT. It kind of puts a spin on Jones work such as backing off from failure every so often. Great for those who have limited training time. Fullbody 2x a week one set training.
Pearls book is also a good read but the complete oppisite of Dardens as he recommends traditional bodybuilding theories.
If you are like me and are open minded to all ideas then you will get a lot of info from them and use what you learned to improve your training and nutrition.
Getting stronger is a clasic, I have it as well and have put of few of his routines together for a great workout, I used to fight MMA and still train for it but he tech did work for endurance and just all around fitness
i have read nutrient timing and i think its a great book, so no i dont think you wasted your money based on everyone elses opinions on the other books as well
Darden's original 'High Intensity Training' book is required reading as far as teaching one how to perform a rep properly and how to develop the mind muscle connection.
Darden's original 'High Intensity Training' book is required reading as far as teaching one how to perform a rep properly and how to develop the mind muscle connection.
Very true A. One of the first books i ever bought and it helped me out greatly in many aspects. Your routine seems to be influenced by Jones,Darden, early Metzner in some ways. Also your routine is a lot like Richard Winnets who has a ton of scientific evidence in one compound and one iso for 1 set and a 3 way split.