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Jul 14, 2002
Bros I need your help!!! Last Sunday, I took my shots as usual,Test Enanthate 800 mg, EQ 600 mg, now I have done these shots dozens of times before!!! As usual I cleaned site (glutes) with alcohol, injected, ASPIRATED like I have ALWAYS done and did my shot.The EQ shot went well, now the test shot, after I injected I started having coughing fits.They were not real bad as I have had worse ones where gear gets into blood vessel and coughed my ass out- fina comes to mind Anyway after coughing a lil bit I didnt think nothing of it, i rubbed site , took a warm shower and went to bed. At midnight I woke up shivering!!!!!!!!I was having a real bad fever like symptoms one minute i was cold the next hot as hell and sweating like a pig!!!!!It was like a had a real bad flu or fever...i was so weak i couldnt even grab the phone to call 911!!!!...nway 2 hrs later i crawl to the phone call my g/f who comes over and feeds me some alleve....
it breaks the fever, but in the morning am still weak as hell and feverish!! So i think well it will pass over the course of the day and igonore going to see doc, but it doesnt, am still feverish sweating and shit!!!..and this is day two!!
what the hell is happening to me?..!!! should i just go to doc? hellp me bros!!
I would wake up in the morning and call the doc to see if you can make an appointment
That's happened to me many times, but it usually only lasts overnight and I'm good sometime the next day. Coughing.......oh yeah fina definately comes to mind. Sick, cold and hot flashes...yeah T400 always does that to me when I front load it, still my favorite though! I'd see a doc if you don't feel any better real soon. Take care.

iron-kid said:
The EQ shot went well, now the test shot, after I injected I started having coughing fits.

You did ONE shot w/ 600 mg EQ?...

What does the site look like?...

Also, why not mix in some EQ w/ the test (T-400?...)... Maybe try spreading the shots over two days, using fewer ml / shot?...

Good luck sounds like what QV enthanate does and did to me. Take care motrin worked better for me but then was so sick on it couldnt train. I am using their cyp and its much better now no sickness or fever. MM
800mg of test at one time is alot. I have to break my test shots up into three a week. If I don't, I get really sick and feel just like you do right now. That's also a lot of eq to take at one time, and I also take 3 per week for the same reason. Hope you feel better.
I agree with what others have said - you're taking A LOT of stuff at once! Your blood levels will stay more even if you take this two or even three times a week instead on one.

Let me ask you guys, if he did go to the Dr. would you recomend him telling them he was juicing and he thinks thats what trigered the flu?Thanks
Becarefull this product would be fake, it happends to a lot of friends in USA
dude, what kind of test are you taking? i think i know what ya mean, i had some dirty gear a while ago, and it made me sick as hell, and the site swolled and got hard like a rock. it did that after every shot, so i stopped using it. i always waited until the fever would break, but I am hard-headed and think I know everything so I'm not really sure what to say about going to the Dr.

I would prolly wait and see how you feel in another day or so before you go to the Dr, and keep an eye on the inject spot, you don't want any infection showing up.

Bro, if ths shit was dirty then you would end up with an abcess and it would be obvious because your ass would be swollen, red, hard, and feel like it was going to explode and fall off.

Some people get flu-like symptoms from some AS but also keep in mind that there is a nasty flu going around as well and it may just be coincidence but you may actually have the flu.

In any event, unless it is a bacterial infection, which it doesn't really sound like; then going to a doctor will be useless.
Thanks alot good bros!!!


Bros, words can;t express my thanks for all the support you guys gave me!! Thanks alot......

Well, I believe in miracles now!!..I am fine and well...shit i even went to the gym this morning. Here's what happened...on day 2 still was feeling shity as hell and when i breathed in i would cough or feel a weird cold like feeling in my lungs or chest..so i slept took some anti-biotics...yes i went and saw the doc who by the way nearly shit warheads when i told him what i was taking....lol
nway next day (today) i woke up perfect!!!!! I mean wtf....my energy was back full force and now instead of feeling like i had been fukked by a donkey in the arse.....i felt like i had fukked anna kournikova....hehehe
but i went to the gym and am ok. You guys are right..it was roid flu..i think when i was pulling out the needle i nicked a blood vessel or something, and some oil got into my lungs and gave me a mild bacteria infection.
But all is well now, i will boil my gear and divide my shots so i take twice a week.

Re: Thanks alot good bros!!!

iron-kid said:
But all is well now, i will boil my gear and divide my shots so i take twice a week.
Glad all is well!

If you're gonna go to the trouble, "BAKE" your gear, not boil it. Boiling only gets it to 212F. You want to preheat the oven to 250 with a cookie sheet in it (use an oven thermometer to verify temp). Place the gear in oven for 15 minutes then remove and let cool for 10 minutes, then repeat two more times. I've been told it's the heating/cooling action that kills bacteria.

I have a downdraft fan on the cooktop. I place my gear on the fan grill and turn the fan on during the "cool down" periods :)

If it were me, and I was going to that trouble, I'd first sterile filter into new sterile vials before baking (I recommend doing this with all Mex gear!).


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