what is the signifigance of not injecting AAS (test. e., eq, etc.) into the vein? don't the aas make it into the bloodstream any way? i just was wondering. any feedback would be greatly appreciated. thanks bros
what is the signifigance of not injecting AAS (test. e., eq, etc.) into the vein? don't the aas make it into the bloodstream any way? i just was wondering. any feedback would be greatly appreciated. thanks bros
The significance of not injecting into a vein ... is not dying.
PLEASE read and ask many more questions before you hurt yourself. Oil based compounds are made for intra-muscular injection. Injecting into a vein is like pumping your heart full of Crisco.
When the needle is at the proper depth, pull back slowly on the plunger. If blood enters the chamber, don't inject. If you see a bubble, you are good to go.
IMO, if you do not know why not to inject into a vein, then you are not ready for AAS. You need to do much more reading, and learning before you run a cycle!!!
The gear enters the blood strem too fast and you go into what I believe is known as steroid shock. That is why we draw back for blood when we inject. My advice is stick with to good old tried and trusted IM route.