pretty sad when you cant even buy real 100% chicken at the grocery store any more. everything has a 10-15% solution in it. anyone else have this problem
This is why I raise my own.
Yeah, this is an actual picture taken of his backyard:
This is why I raise my own.
You cant grow chickens in Michigan.....can you?
pretty sad when you cant even buy real 100% chicken at the grocery store any more. everything has a 10-15% solution in it. anyone else have this problem
You cant grow chickens in Michigan.....can you?
Like aqua eluded to, the soil quality is the main determinant. I'm actually in a part of Michigan known for our prize-winning chicken orchards.
Ever had chicken cider?
Mmmm... better than that LBA shit all you guys are touting.
depends on how moist the soil is. that determines the growth allowance.
pretty sad when you cant even buy real 100% chicken at the grocery store any more. everything has a 10-15% solution in it. anyone else have this problem
I think organic chicken is 100% real chicken, no solution. The only problem is, it is expensive. Also if you notice just about everything in the grocery stores have high fructose corn syrup.
pretty sad when you cant even buy real 100% chicken at the grocery store any more. everything has a 10-15% solution in it. anyone else have this problem