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finally tuned up diet. this prepped chicken is killing me.

When I was in the military I used to get stuck on the flightline for 12 hours without a lunch break sometimes, so at one point I had ziploc baggies full of ground beef in my pockets for emergency protein. Nothing like cold ground beef with a hint of jet fuel for lunch 😋
Brother, I used to have baggies full of cereal or granola when I was on the bomb jack loading the line :LOL:
i ate eggs usually egg whites 6+ days a week for 30 years not counting my childhood when it was also 6+ days a week. And ate chicken 3+ times a day 5+ days a week for 25 years. I chewed and swallowed and kept my eye on the ball and where i wanted it to go. Dieting even crap can taste good. When bulking i just dealt with it. After 20 years though i started mixing my chicken and veggies with some curry sauce tike indian or thai. That was like having a gourmet meal compared to the early decades.
im gonna start just drinking the eggwhites in the morning. its not that im getting full necessarily. its the time it takes to eat
im gonna start just drinking the eggwhites in the morning. its not that im getting full necessarily. its the time it takes to eat
Make sure they have been pasteurized long enough or hot enough or they will be less digestible. It seems the bare minimum for pasteurization is not enough to aid digestion. From past info and conversations posted here. If getting big and strong was fun and easy everyone would already be there.
Not to completely side track the topic...but you're getting back into the swing of things, liife is in order, training and diet are slowly lining up....AND you're natty. WHY...are you bulking? I'm gonna guessss that from this time away from lifting, you aren't sitting at under 8% bodyfat. AND you're on no hormones whatsoever. "Clean Bulking" at this moment doesnt seem like a good idea.
Lift hard, eat quality good food, stay at maintenance. Get stronger for a bit. Get into a rhythm for awhile...you're also probably not lean enough to do a quality bulk. Be smart about this.

Also, 42ish grams of protein to 200g of carbs every meal? Something is up. You're asking to get fat as a natty. 5 meals into the day and you're 200g of protein and 1000g of carbs? What?
Not to completely side track the topic...but you're getting back into the swing of things, liife is in order, training and diet are slowly lining up....AND you're natty. WHY...are you bulking? I'm gonna guessss that from this time away from lifting, you aren't sitting at under 8% bodyfat. AND you're on no hormones whatsoever. "Clean Bulking" at this moment doesnt seem like a good idea.
Lift hard, eat quality good food, stay at maintenance. Get stronger for a bit. Get into a rhythm for awhile...you're also probably not lean enough to do a quality bulk. Be smart about this.

Also, 42ish grams of protein to 200g of carbs every meal? Something is up. You're asking to get fat as a natty. 5 meals into the day and you're 200g of protein and 1000g of carbs? What?
im only staying natty for a month or 2. and even then ill ease into the gear. my goal is more size and strength for now. im 36. ill probably be on test within 60 days then play it by ear. i also do 20 min of cardio every day.
Eat that shit and shut the fuck up.
(.. Kinda)
You've been thru alot. Glad u made it to the other side.
Now... It's food.
That's all it is.
Do u wanna look like that out of shape guy in aisle 3 at Walmart?
I sure don't.
I eat about 70% clean.
That's good enough for me.
The way I see it, as long as ur doing better than that guy in aisle 3, the rest is gravy.
But I must say.. I'm a little bummed out I didn't qualify for the Olympia again.

finally back heavy into the lifting after a few years of life, children, addiction, incarceration and work. got my routine and diet down but this chicken and rice is torture. i eat it twice and find myself swishing water for those 2 meals just to help make it end faster. currently 6'0 235. going natty for a while first. 3467 calories a day. this is my first go at clean bulking. how do you make these chicken and rice meals go by faster. probably going to start drinking the egg whites in the mornings too.
Not to completely side track the topic...but you're getting back into the swing of things, liife is in order, training and diet are slowly lining up....AND you're natty. WHY...are you bulking? I'm gonna guessss that from this time away from lifting, you aren't sitting at under 8% bodyfat. AND you're on no hormones whatsoever. "Clean Bulking" at this moment doesnt seem like a good idea.
Lift hard, eat quality good food, stay at maintenance. Get stronger for a bit. Get into a rhythm for awhile...you're also probably not lean enough to do a quality bulk. Be smart about this.

Also, 42ish grams of protein to 200g of carbs every meal? Something is up. You're asking to get fat as a natty. 5 meals into the day and you're 200g of protein and 1000g of carbs? What?
also im weighing everything cooked. thats 54-60g of protein per serving. same with the 93 ground beef
Eat that shit and shut the fuck up.
(.. Kinda)
You've been thru alot. Glad u made it to the other side.
Now... It's food.
That's all it is.
Do u wanna look like that out of shape guy in aisle 3 at Walmart?
I sure don't.
I eat about 70% clean.
That's good enough for me.
The way I see it, as long as ur doing better than that guy in aisle 3, the rest is gravy.
But I must say.. I'm a little bummed out I didn't qualify for the Olympia again.
i like this guy
Sous Vide

I prep 40lbs of chicken in just over an hour. That's slicing, seasoning, and vacuum sealing into 2.5lb bags. Usually end up with about 14 bags after trimming the fat and such.

Then I'll usually sous vide them in 3 or so batches. 4-5 bags per cook.

In the oven you've got to hit 165F for chicken. I do 146F in the sous vide. I typically go 4 hours which is technically overkill, but I want to be sure it's fully cooked/pasteurized.

  1. Nearly impossible to overcook because you never exceed the set temperature.
  2. Chicken breast is extremely moist, can't dry it out with this method.
  3. Meat is seasoned all the way through.
  4. It's the laziest and most efficient method I've found. After the initial prep your only work is setting the temperature and dropping your bags in the water.
  5. Great method for mass storage. The chicken is fully cooked in a vacuum sealed bag. Lay them flat in a freezer and stack them up.
I probably have 80lbs in my freezer right now. I take a bag out and let it thaw then transfer it to a Ziploc or you can go straight into meal prep containers if that's your thing.

Anyone who has ever tried it can't believe how great the flavor/texture is considering it's boneless, skinless chicken breast.

I've had a sous vide for years and this is the only thing I use it for now.
I thought this was a total game changer when it first came out. But about halfway through the first bottle I started finding it way too overpowering for most foods. Haven’t used it in over a year now but your picture did make my mouth water a little. May have to break it back out again for a meal soon.

idk if anyone mentioned it but Walden Farms has a bunch of low/no calorie sauces you (OP) may want to investigate further. I personally don’t eat crazy clean as I don’t compete and feel best around 10%bf. Look really lean in public at that percentage too. Obviously not stage lean but I have no interest in that or what it takes to get there. Food is probably my favorite or one of my favorite things in life. Even more than lifting and training and I really enjoy those.
I have two options for you
1 srirarcha sauce
2 sweet sour sauce
Pellet grill 380. Flip every 10-12 minutes till internal temp is 165-170. Take off wrap in aluminum foil for 5-10 minutes.
finally back heavy into the lifting after a few years of life, children, addiction, incarceration and work. got my routine and diet down but this chicken and rice is torture. i eat it twice and find myself swishing water for those 2 meals just to help make it end faster. currently 6'0 235. going natty for a while first. 3467 calories a day. this is my first go at clean bulking. how do you make these chicken and rice meals go by faster. probably going to start drinking the egg whites in the mornings too.
Have you tried ground chicken? It’s a lot easier to eat.
Just find your preferred cooking method and season your food/use condiments.


it's all about the sauces and condiments and how you prep the chicken, ie - bake, BBQ , boil and tear ect....

You can take chicken to so many different countries of taste.

I do the cooking for my family and I can say I only get tired of cooking all the time, I dont get tired of eating chicken though.

Jerk, piri piri, kebob, harisa (my fave)

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