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CM's Exo-Gen log

huge backfire this afternoon
being talkative at the gym to a female today. Not the first time, just way more casual today.
whole Place knows she is a dancer. When guys approach, she just invites them to come out to see her at work. while we were chatting I eventually spilled and said I knew and I appreciated her hustle, that if guys want some, they can can come get some, as long as they bring that $ to her club. Being friendly, not shooting a shot, and just being playful, backfires, and she sends a text @ 20 min after I leave saying I can see her whenever, dont need to come out to see her, no invite to the club, and I have other options. I ignore the message, and just respond I hope I didnt make her feel uncomfortable, as most of the gym goers see me as a resting bitch face, serious gym guy, who isnt mean, but only likes to talk occasionally, and/or when done.
this follows up with a "no way" was she uncomfortable, and that she liked it.

fucking devil minx:devilish:
actually worked out ok. damn she is a minx, no doubt, and no doubt Ive never been pursued harder. it continued, videos pics, GODDAMN its a lot, fucking outrageous to be honest. but Ive kept it professional and now she has hired me to be her coach. I truly believe that since I wasnt going after her like every other guy, she wanted to find out why, whats wrong with me, whats wrong with her. It was appreciated being desired like that, and a weaker man would have folded. many in the gym were seeing it happening, and said things like tell her we are a package deal, or ask permission, or for a hall pass or other shit unhappy, alone guys say. after the understanding of where I stand, it seemed to go from lust to respect. I have no doubt there is still something, she still looks at me like Im a frosted cupcake, but she realizes I am only interested in being her coach, not her
Some stories she tells about the club are interesting, but i think they are just to raise intrigue, which they do, but its more playful now, less I wanna fuck you, when are you free.
what it must be like to be in college now. I dont know if i wouldve made it out alive
last week tuesday did some incline presses 365 @ 5 a little help from a spotter but really pleased with cals on the lower side
hoping this tuesday to have another good day, did 140's for almost 10, literally annoyed right arm no lock, but it hard for me to compare to last week. I did expect more reps, but Ill have to take it for the day
actually worked out ok. damn she is a minx, no doubt, and no doubt Ive never been pursued harder. it continued, videos pics, GODDAMN its a lot, fucking outrageous to be honest. but Ive kept it professional and now she has hired me to be her coach. I truly believe that since I wasnt going after her like every other guy, she wanted to find out why, whats wrong with me, whats wrong with her. It was appreciated being desired like that, and a weaker man would have folded. many in the gym were seeing it happening, and said things like tell her we are a package deal, or ask permission, or for a hall pass or other shit unhappy, alone guys say. after the understanding of where I stand, it seemed to go from lust to respect. I have no doubt there is still something, she still looks at me like Im a frosted cupcake, but she realizes I am only interested in being her coach, not her
Some stories she tells about the club are interesting, but i think they are just to raise intrigue, which they do, but its more playful now, less I wanna fuck you, when are you free.
what it must be like to be in college now. I dont know if i wouldve made it out alive
shows more power to not be the average drooling dog
guy at the gym, got kicked out for kicking someones tripod
cant say I wasnt right there with him. must be exhausting to carry around all that shit everyday to train.
refeed this weekend was only carbs. lately since the show was cxl and i had to choose something later, it has been whatever
being just carbs, no bloating, no water retention, just some stomach indigestion the next day, but overall, positive.
also feel energetic today, 2 days later.
the next day, felt moody, uneasy, annoyed short tempered, not unusual but have to find a better balance
@300 grams carbs
@300 grams protein
@40 grams fat

usually once a week (sat) late night its been a grab all or whatever, but I liked the carb only, will prob do this for a while and see before things get really tihgten up
food def ran out this week. going through the motions. was rationalizing by saying it was deload week. what a croc of shit
the carb only re feed had its downfall, flt as could be, weaker, low energy, but we will see if it makes a difference as I wont just call it because I had a low week. it also isnt the first go round with this, its just been a while, so adaption didnt happen real quick
have been, but i dont think its necessary. I felt like it was this week but if I say absolutely yes, thats just not accurate. I can deal without the extra calories, its just been a bigger challenge for the last few days
@ doubled the carbs yesterday. we will see how the week goes. not too much water, feeling fuller, no soreness
@ 6 weeks or so to hit it hard
here is the program
all exo products

gh 2/day
clen .2 day
t3 now @ 25-50 mg per day
mast /trn/ tst pr 75-100 per day
wv 20 mg day

training 6x week

havent done any cardio yet, will prob begin today/tmrw
last weight check was @225
separated the test mast tren. was using a combo exo cuts
smoother believe it or not with more oil from all three separate in the same pin? good stuff
separated the test mast tren. was using a combo exo cuts
smoother believe it or not with more oil from all three separate in the same pin? good stuff
using 3 individual product vials will be more oil yes and would be smother with more volume for some guys. and some would dislike the volume using every day and would catch up to them using same injection spots. not a bad idea to switch it up here and there. one way or the other
been a rough couple days/weeks (s)
felt ill, lots of heartburn and indigestion, disrupted sleep, exhausted etc
mayn was covid, who knows. was def around some who tested +. worst part was it caused somje loss of appetite, having to force some food in. last couple have ben better, hungrier, more energetic, better lifts, all meals in etc
started cardio @ 9 days ago. airdyne bike 10/20 interval

supps are same, all going well, very pleased with the exo . very pleased
picking up a new list. last push to the finish
had to back off the tren this past week. really kicking my ass.
upped the wv to 50 per day, but with the removal, sleep is a bit better, heartburn a bit better, and feeling overall more energetic.
shit is strong , real strong
put it back in, @50 day
so far its ok
cardio is @1 hour per day

normalization you coukd say. just a fog haze of getting through the days, but not the suffering it was a couple weeks back.
@ 5 weeks to go

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