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I actually think the death rate in general is probably much lower. As all those people with mild symptoms will not be diagnosed with the disease for the most part. But pretty much all those that die will be diagnosed.
Yes, rate is lower than reported because of that, but some are saying it's no worse than regular flu. Ask any health care worker that dealing with it and they'll tell you how wrong that is.
Yes, rate is lower than reported because of that, but some are saying it's no worse than regular flu. Ask any health care worker that dealing with it and they'll tell you how wrong that is.
I am sure hey are right. It seems like it is 3X more deadly then the flu. But most flu cases do not get diagnosed either. So I would guess that proportionately the numbers are close to accurate.
I actually think the death rate in general is probably much lower. As all those people with mild symptoms will not be diagnosed with the disease for the most part. But pretty much all those that die will be diagnosed.

You got to factor in all the people who got this Virus and NEVER got tested. I bet the amount of cases is about triple. That would put that death rate percentage much lower.
You got to factor in all the people who got this Virus and NEVER got tested. I bet the amount of cases is about triple. That would put that death rate percentage much lower.
I am glad we are on the same page!
I am sure hey are right. It seems like it is 3X more deadly then the flu. But most flu cases do not get diagnosed either. So I would guess that proportionately the numbers are close to accurate.
Exactly the point I brought up several times, the methodology is about the same I think for estimating the death rate for each.
You got to factor in all the people who got this Virus and NEVER got tested. I bet the amount of cases is about triple. That would put that death rate percentage much lower.
The death rate of the regular flu is a lot lower too, they have no idea the number of true cases of that either. Its not like everyone is going around testing for the flu either. It could be considerably lower than .1%
Rand Paul is the first senator to be diagnosed with it.

“Senator Rand Paul has tested positive for COVID-19. He is feeling fine and is in quarantine,” Paul's staff tweeted Sunday afternoon. “He is asymptomatic and was tested out of an abundance of caution due to his extensive travel and events. He was not aware of any direct contact with any infected person.”

"He expects to be back in the Senate after his quarantine period ends and will continue to work for the people of Kentucky at this difficult time," a second tweet said. "Ten days ago, our D.C. office began operating remotely, hence virtually no staff has had contact with Senator Rand Paul."

Senator Lee is quarantining himself for 14 days because he was close to Rand. This means that the republicans now have 2 less votes in the senate. Neither is able to cast a vote now. Something like that could be devastating to the party if they didn't have the presidency. If a bunch of democrats were to get sick in the house and have to quarantine then the republicans could ram stuff through there, but now they are missing 2 in the senate. Not sure if they still have majority votes now there without those 2. It could be possible for a party to take advantage of this situation and pass legislature that wouldn't normally be passable.
Yes, rate is lower than reported because of that, but some are saying it's no worse than regular flu. Ask any health care worker that dealing with it and they'll tell you how wrong that is.

I mean you can’t really say that either..

If a health worker is dealing with someone with Covid-19, it’s probably because they’re a confirmed case in critical condition.. I saw on Friday I believe it was that they’re not testing anyone unless they’re in critical condition and some places aren’t testing anyone under 65... So the numbers are extremely off..

So if the vast majority aren’t even being tested and what most people are saying is they feel a little under the weather it’s exactly like a flu for the average, healthy person..

Same thing with influenza, what the average healthy person has to deal with at home for a couple days, if they even get it at all (this last flu season both my parents and my cousin got it bad, bed ridden for a few days and fevers etc and I didn’t get anything and I was around them a lot) is completely different than a health worker dealing with a severe case of Influenza where a person is in critical condition. Asking them gives you an opinion completely outside the normal..
The point is that the people that are hospitalized with this are in much worse condition and there are more of them than the regular flu. if you think that this is just another flu than you are "sticking your head in the sand". The data and evidence is out there. Never, as far as I know, did Italy have 793 people die in one day from the flu.
The point is that the people that are hospitalized with this are in much worse condition and there are more of them than the regular flu. if you think that this is just another flu than you are "sticking your head in the sand". The data and evidence is out there. Never, as far as I know, did Italy have 793 people die in one day from the flu.

Yes I get that, and again, a country with an extremely under prepared medical system..

An extremely high amount of elderly people, more than the average country..

790 of those were 90 years old with medical conditions..

I also believe they average one most amount of generations per household in the world.. Its very normal to have the great grandparents, the grandparents, the parents and the kids all under one roof.. Not exactly the best scenario for a late quarantine and tons of public transportation...
Yes I get that, and again, a country with an extremely under prepared medical system..

An extremely high amount of elderly people, more than the average country..

790 of those were 90 years old with medical conditions..

I also believe they average one most amount of generations per household in the world.. Its very normal to have the great grandparents, the grandparents, the parents and the kids all under one roof.. Not exactly the best scenario for a late quarantine and tons of public transportation...
Right, I already mentioned that. That's why the death rate is 9%. The matter of what I am saying though, 793 dead! I would bet that Italy never lost 793 people to the seasonal flu in just 24 hours. Never. Even if they hadn't run out of beds the deaths would still be worse than the seasonal flu. The reason they ran out of beds is because this is so much more contagious and dangerous than the flu. Never have I seen news that Italy has run out of ICU beds and ventilators any other year with the flu. So what's causing this problem?
Right, I already mentioned that. That's why the death rate is 9%. The matter of what I am saying though, 793 dead! I would bet that Italy never lost 793 people to the seasonal flu in just 24 hours. Never. Even if they hadn't run out of beds the deaths would still be worse than the seasonal flu. The reason they ran out of beds is because this is so much more contagious and dangerous than the flu. Never have I seen news that Italy has run out of ICU beds and ventilators any other year with the flu. So what's causing this problem?

Another thing I forgot, Damn near everyone in Italy smokes cigarettes/tobacco from the age of 12.. Its damn near impossible to find someone who doesn’t smoke that isn’t in grade school..

Not a good thing for preventing a lung virus...

Either way, I don’t see the point in comparing the absolute worst case scenario with what the average person has to deal with..
They are saying realistically that most of us are going to get sick with this eventually, and that scares the hell out of me. It almost feels like this is just a moratorium of death for me. That death is coming for me. With my heart failure and asthma I feel like a goner.

I just hope that by the time I do get it that there is a proven treatment or I can get the vaccine. Even then I'm worried it will mutate and the vaccine wont be effective. If I was healthy I'd not fear much.

You're a therapist, have you had any guys about 50 years old with my problems? What do you think my chances of survival are? Another worry, I'm hearing that there might be permanent damage to lungs. So even if you survive, your quality of life goes down. My quality is already freaking low now! Lol

I am rooting and praying for you brother. I hope this thing skips right over you. As I worry about providing for my family during this your post puts some needed perspective on things. Thank you.
The point is that the people that are hospitalized with this are in much worse condition and there are more of them than the regular flu. if you think that this is just another flu than you are "sticking your head in the sand". The data and evidence is out there. Never, as far as I know, did Italy have 793 people die in one day from the flu.
You have to remember one thing though, you've never seen the flu kill that many that fast because there is a vaccine for the flu. Those are highest risk are getting the vaccine and yet it still kills a lot of people every year. I'll bet 95% of the people who have died from covid, got the shot. So one could theorize that the flu is worse because it still kills with a vaccine. It seems in general, young people who get covid experience similar or less symptoms than what they get with the flu but I don't know, is it possible to be asymptomatic with the flu? Rand Paul apparently doesn't have any symptoms yet and was only tested out of caution because he travels.
You have to remember one thing though, you've never seen the flu kill that many that fast because there is a vaccine for the flu. Those are highest risk are getting the vaccine and yet it still kills a lot of people every year. I'll bet 95% of the people who have died from covid, got the shot. So one could theorize that the flu is worse because it still kills with a vaccine. It seems in general, young people who get covid experience similar or less symptoms than what they get with the flu but I don't know, is it possible to be asymptomatic with the flu? Rand Paul apparently doesn't have any symptoms yet and was only tested out of caution because he travels.

You make a good point; one of the reasons why this is so bad is because is it a new virus and we haven't had a chance to build up any immunity. The flu has been around for a long time and our bodies have adapted it, so it doesn't effect it as bad.
Meanwhile blood supplies are running low. We need to maintain that, so if you are healthy consider donating. People apparently arent donating now because of this virus.

Thats a Shame, I plan to donate this week I donate every 8 weeks. I think this here is an example or the self righteousness we are seeing now. All the ones on facebook preaching the shut down because they "care about others" yet they are scared to go out and donate. My personal opinion is so many people just care about looking moral, they want to say "im more moral than you, I stayed inside and you didn't, so there" just to get high fives and attention. But meanwhile a person could be dying in the street and they will do nothing, the redress asks for blood "oh I can't go outside I might catch the virus."

But I will be donating myself.
Thats a Shame, I plan to donate this week I donate every 8 weeks. I think this here is an example or the self righteousness we are seeing now. All the ones on facebook preaching the shut down because they "care about others" yet they are scared to go out and donate. My personal opinion is so many people just care about looking moral, they want to say "im more moral than you, I stayed inside and you didn't, so there" just to get high fives and attention. But meanwhile a person could be dying in the street and they will do nothing, the redress asks for blood "oh I can't go outside I might catch the virus."

But I will be donating myself.


The hypocrisy is pissing me off..

I’ve seen a couple people posting on IG to support local business owners and trashing big chain companies like Starbucks and Walmart etc..

I’ve already seen 5-6 of those same people posting their Starbucks coffee on their story, shopping at Publix for food and even posting their Amazon orders that came in.. Wtf?!

I even got into a bit with a friend of mine who’s one of these self righteous people who have a moral opinion about everything and she claims we need social distancing and she’s worried about her 4-5 month old son and her parents that are older etc.. So I told her my point of view that I think people who are more susceptible immune wise and have those situations living with elders and babies etc who should socially distance themselves and quarantine and this whole economic shut down will do more harm than good.. Needless to say, this dumb bitch not only posted about all the small businesses and bought Starbucks but then takes her fucking baby out and about and isn’t doing any social distancing at all...

And these are the retards I’m supposed to feel sorry for when some bad shit happens?! Sorry, but from the bottom of my heart, go fuck yourselves.. You get what you deserve..

End Rant lol...
Also, do we really know if it has? They kicked out US reporters. At this point are we just relying on their government for the truth?

I am 100% sure they have lied and hidden a lot. What I am specifically speaking of however is the draconian lock down of Wuhan.

That was a sledgehammer approach in comparison to the West. I know people are upset about their rights in the US, but it's nothing compared to what China does every day. You won't see police beating Americans in the streets for not wearing masks.
You have to remember one thing though, you've never seen the flu kill that many that fast because there is a vaccine for the flu. Those are highest risk are getting the vaccine and yet it still kills a lot of people every year. I'll bet 95% of the people who have died from covid, got the shot. So one could theorize that the flu is worse because it still kills with a vaccine. It seems in general, young people who get covid experience similar or less symptoms than what they get with the flu but I don't know, is it possible to be asymptomatic with the flu? Rand Paul apparently doesn't have any symptoms yet and was only tested out of caution because he travels.
Symptoms can start as long as 14 days after exposure. Your point about vaccines is true! That would have saved a lot of lives. At the same time we have people that are anti-vaccine, we have some on this board.
You make a good point; one of the reasons why this is so bad is because is it a new virus and we haven't had a chance to build up any immunity. The flu has been around for a long time and our bodies have adapted it, so it doesn't effect it as bad.
That's why they call this the "novel" coronavirus and why it is hitting so bad, why its not just the usual flu.
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