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Cain15 will get ya 15%off but if you do the breakdown of cost of phosphatdytolserine by itself to take 800mg daily would run about $120 per month. Most supps are just a blend and contain about 100mg per capsule at $30 per 60 capsules so you would need 4 bottles a month to get same dose of what MPA supps has.
Damn. Yeah I wouldn't pay that. I get a military discount but don't remember if its 10 or 15% I'd have to go look. Thanks though.

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I've never had my cortisol levels tested. But based on what I've read, I knew I had it chronically probably about 1 year ago. I was taking a caffeine pill daily(for years), then doing cardio, every day, first thing in the am. Then taking a preworkout supp that contained caffeine (of course) for every workout(6 days a week). So from all that I was staying lean and looking pretty good, but my energy wasn't all that great.

Then I decided to finally after years, do some bulking. I started Gh for the first time in my life, and also threw in some Anavar. I cut out the caffeine and the morning cardio, slept longer. Ate more food, didn't train like a nut, still a lot of training, but made a point to not go too intense and cut into my CNS. I was tired all the time from the Gh and Var, but I made a point to make sure I got my butt in bed and I slept like a rock. I also made a point to take a nap on both weekend days(hadn't done that in years), could barely keep my eyes open, so not much choice, lol. I was making great progress, but I had to abandon it all, the overeating and the Gh dose(only got up to 4Ius) and the orals, because of my BP. I know that my CNS and cortisol levels recovered immensely from all that sleeping and laying off of stimulants.
I learned from that experience that caffeine can be addictive mentally. I don't drink coffee, but like I said, it was every morning with a pill. I haven't taken a pill in months and sometimes I do a half scoop of C4 for pre workout. I think that's totally a mental thing.
I use to think overtraining and CNS burnout was total BS. I've changed my tune. It can be a slow road that we travel and not really aware. We can think that just because something is OTC and legal that it can't be detrimental. Not true. If you are cutting sleep short, taking caffeine in the form of coffee, pills, or Monster drinks, in order to get through the day and get through your workouts, it's time to reevaluate.
Commit to getting to bed every night at the same time so you can get a good 8 hours and if possible take some naps on your days that you don't work. Trust me, you will feel much better. I know I do. Thanks for letting me rant.
I've never had my cortisol levels tested. But based on what I've read, I knew I had it chronically probably about 1 year ago. I was taking a caffeine pill daily(for years), then doing cardio, every day, first thing in the am. Then taking a preworkout supp that contained caffeine (of course) for every workout(6 days a week). So from all that I was staying lean and looking pretty good, but my energy wasn't all that great.

Then I decided to finally after years, do some bulking. I started Gh for the first time in my life, and also threw in some Anavar. I cut out the caffeine and the morning cardio, slept longer. Ate more food, didn't train like a nut, still a lot of training, but made a point to not go too intense and cut into my CNS. I was tired all the time from the Gh and Var, but I made a point to make sure I got my butt in bed and I slept like a rock. I also made a point to take a nap on both weekend days(hadn't done that in years), could barely keep my eyes open, so not much choice, lol. I was making great progress, but I had to abandon it all, the overeating and the Gh dose(only got up to 4Ius) and the orals, because of my BP. I know that my CNS and cortisol levels recovered immensely from all that sleeping and laying off of stimulants.
I learned from that experience that caffeine can be addictive mentally. I don't drink coffee, but like I said, it was every morning with a pill. I haven't taken a pill in months and sometimes I do a half scoop of C4 for pre workout. I think that's totally a mental thing.
I use to think overtraining and CNS burnout was total BS. I've changed my tune. It can be a slow road that we travel and not really aware. We can think that just because something is OTC and legal that it can't be detrimental. Not true. If you are cutting sleep short, taking caffeine in the form of coffee, pills, or Monster drinks, in order to get through the day and get through your workouts, it's time to reevaluate.
Commit to getting to bed every night at the same time so you can get a good 8 hours and if possible take some naps on your days that you don't work. Trust me, you will feel much better. I know I do. Thanks for letting me rant.

I loved your rent Doug. very great post. bros please take notice this is all very true., EVERY WORD & this is epidemic at a mass levels. I can attest to this. I am myself in a process of making some serious changes.

Paulmbo said in a recent ask Dave show when someone asked him a question ...

" I have always said the worst kind of drugs for a bodybuilder is stimulants . Negative ramifications are just too much for us on top of what we do in order to get big & lean."

He also said all these pre workouts you don't know what the hell is in them. shits coming from China / raws etc. people making them don't know what the hell is in them exactly . he said these 'blast your head off' pre workouts can stay active in the system for up to 6 hours or even longer'.

I m using cobra labs shadow x . had 7 GM dose recommended is 9 GM at 9 pm . I sleep late anyway. this shit is spiked with some serious shit. I was fucking wired like a zombie. I m not even new to pre w game. been using them for good 5-7 years. slept at 4 last night . so bad.
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A few years back, when I found out they were changing the formula on the Jack3d, I ran out and bought the few cans left on the shelves. Damn junky, lol. That stuff was the bomb for otc appetite suppressant and preworkout mixed in one.
A few years back, when I found out they were changing the formula on the Jack3d, I ran out and bought the few cans left on the shelves. Damn junky, lol. That stuff was the bomb for otc appetite suppressant and preworkout mixed in one.

I have NEVER used DMAA ( to my knowledge lol) thank God for that. eaten a truck load of ephedrine HCl shipped from Canada. I gave up ephedrine at least 1.5 years ago or could be longer for good, never touched it again. went cold turkey. I was fucking fine before I use to think I can't train without it. its all in the head like u said mate. all in the head. there was a time I use to train and never knew anything about preworkout drinks. 1x 200 mg caffeine pill before a nap and then cup of green tea and game on! I still bursted balls, trained as hard as I do now. none of this shit is needed.

carbs, water and sodium for pump That's it. cup of coffee or so.

#A Game
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I have NEVER used DMAA ( to my knowledge lol) thank God for that. eaten a truck load of ephedrine HCl shipped from Canada. I gave up ephedrine at least 1.5 years ago or could be longer for good, never touched it again. went cold turkey. I was fucking fine before I use to think I can't train without it. its all in the head like u said mate. all in the head. there was a time I use to train and never knew anything about preworkout drinks. 1x 200 mg caffeine pill before a nap and then cup of green tea and game on! I still bursted balls, trained as hard as I do now. none of this shit is needed.

carbs, water and sodium for pump That's it. cup of coffee or so.

#A Game

A couple hours ago I woke up from a great nap, feeling fine, still put a half scoop of C4 in a preworkout shake. I did train legs though, lol. It is so mental.
A couple hours ago I woke up from a great nap, feeling fine, still put a half scoop of C4 in a preworkout shake. I did train legs though, lol. It is so mental.

C4 is not strong. it's not that stimulant heavy at all. it comes in the cute pre workout category lol that too u only had half a scoop before legs. not bad at all. great that you have maintained a low threshold on stimulants. you got the job done with half a scoop of C4.

this caffeine / stimulant shit is more one takes body gets used to the new high and then it needs it (sort of) and feels normal at it. Same like any other drugs.

My aim is to lower my threshold to caffeine.

If I can quit nicotine gums cold turkey which I did successfully ( did on 1 Jan 2016- my new year resolution till today so over 8 Months from eating like 4 mg strength gums packets of it all fucking day long)

Quitting ephedrine HCl cold turkey after a long stretch of abusing it and 24 mg x 3 times a day. then when I quit that I would still have 24 mg ( 8 mg x 3 pills with preworkout year around )

I can do this too. What is that you Americans say ??? oh yes I remember ... Hell Ya !!! lol

"What the mind can perceive - Body can achieve".

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