beeman, people drink creatine and get results, we all know that works, studies show as well,,,so you are saying it needs to injected with a micro needle into muscle cells to work? then how come people are getting results from it drinking? also HCL means this is a salt version, you can make anything injectable pretty much, the question is will it work or not, is it stable?
bigtex, i think i know who you are talking about, now i know after your ractopamine post hehehe,
you know i was thinking; liquid creatine may not work, not sure if HCL salt version is stable in liquid or not but they stopped making liquid drinkable creatine back in the day cuz someone said once in liquid, creatine got destroyed or something. Could be samething here or this may work.
so im not too sure on this one,,,im not sure on racto either we should have some guinea pig try both and tell us LOL