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Current Style of Training You Prefer:

What Is Your CurrenT Style of Training?

  • DC/HIT Type of training

    Votes: 337 39.7%
  • High Volume

    Votes: 180 21.2%
  • Sling-shot (alternating between high and low volume)

    Votes: 110 13.0%
  • High Frequency Training with moderate/low volume

    Votes: 152 17.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 69 8.1%

  • Total voters
I've been training DC for the last few years and I've never had a training partner or spot. If available, use a Smith Machine for your chest and shoulder work etc. In addition, Hammer Strength works well, and both will allow you to workout without a spotter.

Yea guess ive just always been a stubborn free-weight user and would get myself in trouble trying static holds with free-weight barbell stuff back in the day ya know.

Ill have to print out the DC workout plan and give it a look over...its been awhile

whatever phil advocates for me too. Best of both worlds you can achieve in terms of physical changes and time saved.
Yea guess ive just always been a stubborn free-weight user and would get myself in trouble trying static holds with free-weight barbell stuff back in the day ya know.

Ill have to print out the DC workout plan and give it a look over...its been awhile


If you can go to failure with Phil's plan you can with DC as well... statics are only done when it can be done safely(spotter/machine/safety bars in power rack) and are a tiny piece of the puzzle... the first thing that someone can drop from the program.
My training

I prefer functional Strength. Sandbags, heavy long ad non stop untill I want to puke, Or 3 plus mile walks carrying 100 lbs lbs.

I also like lifting odd objects, Dinosaur training which my bags fall under and kettle bells as well. The iron has gotten old.
dog may not like being in same category as HIT

I definitely dont.

high frequency low volume is more descriptive.

I totally disagree with alot of things the HIT guys believe in
I definitely dont.

high frequency low volume is more descriptive.

I totally disagree with alot of things the HIT guys believe in

My apologies DC. No disrespect meant by that. Your training philosphy is a set apart from all others and as you can see people love your principles!
can yall out some xamples of DC, i just go for extreme intenisity and when run out of breath little break, then right back to a big super set starting heavy as shit
I alternate between DC inspired RP-training (3 set, 10-20sec rest), and 3 exercises, 1 set each with a little longer rest in between.
can yall out some xamples of DC, i just go for extreme intenisity and when run out of breath little break, then right back to a big super set starting heavy as shit

Not sure I understand, but if you're asking for some examples of DC Training, go here

**broken link removed**

Read stickies first, then ask questions...
My apologies DC. No disrespect meant by that. Your training philosphy is a set apart from all others and as you can see people love your principles!

Lenny I was in the same boat of thought as you.

I know the definition will vary but in general is HIT more like the routines that:
Hit each muscle group once every 7 days
2-3 movements per muscle group
1 big working set, no RP

is that considered HIT kind of routine?
Lenny I was in the same boat of thought as you.

I know the definition will vary but in general is HIT more like the routines that:
Hit each muscle group once every 7 days
2-3 movements per muscle group
1 big working set, no RP

is that considered HIT kind of routine?

Yes, I should have stated it differently in the poll...my bad.
I have been training Phils way for a couple of months now..and for the most part I really like it..Becasue I do like being in the gym (when I hit that stride) and not having to really take to many days off in the gym is best when Im really focused on training...I made some killler gains with DC training, and I really like it to, but I have to adjust the intensity for my recoverly abilty...

hybrid of powerbuilding for me.

Pick an exercise(mostly compound) warm up and get 2 heavy sets falling between 4-8 reps and then add one higher lighter burnout set to finish. I like 2 -3 exercises per body part. I have tried everything but always get best results with this scheme. Naturally you have to nudge the log book. Thats what progressive training is all about.

That said I am not oposed to having very heavy days where the majority of lifts end at 3 reps or so. Anything heavier than that and I am asking for an injury. Remember I am an old bastard turning 41 this year. Still good to know I can do double bw on most big lifts.
German Volume Training...:cool:
i clicked on DC/HIT but... here is what i really do. Main compound movement chest ---> ie bench or incline or decline etc will be rest pause, dips 4 sets of 8-12, then i add the fst-7 set of flys at the end.. i really believe in the muscle fascia stretching thru pumping crazy amounts of blood into the muscle.
I am a cross between HIT and volume. I don't do just 1 set to failure but I also don't perform 20 sets. I aim for 10 sets for bigger bodyparts and 8 sets for smaller bodyparts. I will use rest pause from time to time and also drops sets occasionally. I try to work out 4-5 times a week and take a full two weeks off from the gym every 6 months or so.

I will train with moderate weight for 10-12 reps and other times I use light weight and shoot for 20 reps. I do this to rest the joints. I never train for anything under 6 or 7 reps...... that to me is powerlifting.

6-10 reps for size and 20 or so reps for a damn good pump and to give the joints a little rest from the bump and grind of training.
I have been training low volume high frequency. Pretty much a 3 on 1 off split(group all muscle groups into 3 separate workouts--(ex chest/back, legs, shoulders/arms). Sometimes I take 2 days off depending on how I feel recovery wise. I also like DC training alot as well. DC taught me alot about training and is very helpful if your priveledged enough for him to take you on as a client. I was fortunate in that aspect. I find DC training to be the most productive when I have a consistent training partner. Currently I am under the guidance of Phil using his training philosophies. Honestly there are some very similarities in my opinion---but are different! ;) Mental1
Hey guys well let me start by saying I am turning 35 this nov. I have worked out with weights off and on for 8-9 months n a row then something always seems to fuck it up ever since I was 12 or so. Then me and my dad bought an olympic set of weights at age 23 and went from about 155 at 5'9" to somewhere around 195 all natural and was getting very strong.. Then stopped for can't remember the reason but either way stopped then me and dad would hit the weights off and on get most of our strength back then stop ect. well Three marriages later I bought a smith machine type free weight system at 32 and started taking some supplements 200mg per week and blew the fuck right up to around 230 from about 190 or so lotta water of coarse but very solid and what i was doing was lifting in the evening around 6 pm had a work out that was basically mon wend fri monday was heavy day pyramiding up to 3 reps Bench, Squat, Deads then wend was medium day working only 3-4 sets at 8-12 reps then Fri was light so only went only about 40 percent of the medium day and just repped out then we would hit bi's and tri's with some curls and skull crushers and that was it . Now have worked out several times since and tried all the workouts in the mags ect. and have never seen strength or size gains like that again haven't upped my supps either but maybe it was first cycle gains hell i don't know but have done about 4-5 cycles since same 200mgs per week but I think I am going back the basics again seemed to work and wasn't in the gym for 1.5 hours either. I say keep it simple. I do construction work all day to so can't do to much cause can't move my hands or back the next day then I don't eat..... wish i could sit at a desk all day I could grow like crazy Obtw I have stayed steady at 200- 210 this whole time too....... Sorry to run on, have never been really good at writing what I am thinking .
I have been training for 20 yrs. I use to do high volume, but for the last year I have been doing DC and love the gains I have made.
i am doing a powerlifting split and im surprised that I am putting on size faster than I was doing the whole 3 sets 8-12 reps pump volume bodybuilding bullshit that everyone else does.

and its a hell of a lot more fun! Nothing like hitting PR's and maxing out all the time going to the extreme.

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