Dude! your 200 lbs and on that much?!
Dont mean too insult you but...... well nevermind, im sure everyone else is thinking the same thing.
However, everyone is on this board to learn, so im sure most everyone will agree with me that the way you described your diet...YOU EAT LIKE A BIRD!
.. you really shouldnt be on AS at all right now, you dont seem to have a clue about diet.
Get your diet in check first, Get real specific on how much you eat, etc.
The people on this board are here to help if you are willing to put in the effort.
Im not trying to insult you in any way, im just saying it like it is.
Use the search engine and look at everyones elses diets, and youll start to get an idea of what you need, then post it up here and there are some very knowledgeable people on here that will help you get on track.
The more specific and more work you put into it, im sure you will get more help from the people on the board.