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Cyst Acne end cycle/PCT


Active member
Sep 25, 2009
Hey guys I know acne is part of the game but I never really get acne during cycle except for a bit on my back. I do though notice I ALWAYS get cyst like acne on my face starting the last week/ PCT time of my cycle and it carries on for a while.

So my question is there anything you can recommend to fight/prevent it? Shit hurts and scars up my face, scares away the women :cool:.
I"m prone to acne, not too bad at this time but notably worse at end of cycle when adding Clomid. Same as u, incredibly painful cystic acne to my chest. The last big cycle was the worst for the acne, Thinking of dropping the clomid.

Best of luck
depending on how bad it is, i would a cycle of accutane....i had a real bad breakout post cycle and ran 12wks cycle i ever ran, like any drug it affects everyone different so be carefull.....on the upside it permenantly shrinks your oils glands.......goodluck guys
Same Here

Had the same thing happen to me too. It was a Test C @ 400mg for 12 weeks. The first time I ever had cyst acne before. It was not a lot, but a couple on my chest and couple on my back.

I am off completely for now, but I still notice that every once in a while I would develop a couple here and there. Not sure what is going on, but before that last cycle, I can't remember ever having cyst acne before.

It seems after that cycle, my these cyst acne have been developing easier.

Hey guys I know acne is part of the game but I never really get acne during cycle except for a bit on my back. I do though notice I ALWAYS get cyst like acne on my face starting the last week/ PCT time of my cycle and it carries on for a while.

So my question is there anything you can recommend to fight/prevent it? Shit hurts and scars up my face, scares away the women :cool:.

NO.....its NOT "part of the game":(

sounds like something DOES NOT agree with you

so.......why do you keep doing the same thing????

FIND IT AND FIX IT!!!!.....there is NO reason why this should be happening

how many cycle have you done???
how old are you???
what are you doing for PCT???
what are compounds are you cycling???

i use a scrubber stick for my back, and for soap i use economy size anti bacteria liquid dial soap. i do this on my body 2x

during shower, i wash my face minimum 3x, maximum 5x with dial.

i dont break out all the time, but one or two popout maybe once a year.

man, i wish u the best of luck! i know acne, bacne.. they suck!!!
NO.....its NOT "part of the game":(

FIND IT AND FIX IT!!!!.....there is NO reason why this should be happening


That is what I am planning, for me it may be the Test C or the Clomid. Might be the Test C as I have used Clomid before. Then again, the source for the Clomid was different this time that leaves me high and dry. Therefore it is back to the drawing board!

i use a scrubber stick for my back, and for soap i use economy size anti bacteria liquid dial soap. i do this on my body 2x


Does that really work? I mean, I wash very often. Before and after the gym and after cardio. Then again...come to think of it, I don't use the scrubber stick and my back does have more acne than my chest.....

I guess I gotta give it a try! :D
for me it works, for you? its gonna help. but i wouldn't expect miracle by middle of next week... and make sure to scrub and rub with LOTS of soap, dont just paint the face with soap n rinse... u kno?

i never used but i heard B5 works pretty good but it dries out the face too much?

merry xmas! ihope santa brings u bacne free next yr
yeah finding your own cure teaches you alot along the way even if you reach the end there is no answer for ya

acne is tricky,,,estrogen can cause, AND androgen can cause it, then there are two estrogen receptors, and then blah blah its never ending.

AND,,,,if you find a cure for acne, think how fng rich you will be!!!!!!!

so there is none, at least you see it PCT, alot do. so, just grin and bear with it,,,,,price to pay i agree with you or you dont have to like tenny said.

i would avoid antibiotics (not good for GI and liver) and accutane,,, if you ONLY get it during 8 weeks of pct only...kinda overkill.

just try differin gel and vitamin b5 stuff,,,cuz my guess is that steroidogenesis and some hormone off set is causing you to be inflammatory and oily....histamine too, cortisol,,,,estrogen, see kinda hard to figure it out.

That is what I am planning, for me it may be the Test C or the Clomid. Might be the Test C as I have used Clomid before. Then again, the source for the Clomid was different this time that leaves me high and dry. Therefore it is back to the drawing board!


Does that really work? I mean, I wash very often. Before and after the gym and after cardio. Then again...come to think of it, I don't use the scrubber stick and my back does have more acne than my chest.....

I guess I gotta give it a try! :D

No, this will not work. Scrubbing the skin is only cleaning the surface. Cystic Acne is a deeper problem that you can not "scrub" away.

You will need an antibiotic for this problem. I would advise strongly AGAINST Accutane - This drug is responsible for causing Ulcerative Colitis, people are now suing and being awarded millions. Trust me UC is not something you want to be stuck with!

As for the Clomid, bag it. Clomid is garbage, stick with Nolva. There is a lot of info out about how pointless Clomid actually is, read up.

Good luck, Acne is no fun.
I have to say that Acne does not have to be part of the game... Its almost never an issue for me ....and im going on and off for my shows constantly...

And never had a problem of acne on my face... i would really take care of this and not giving you a hard time... i feel for you man...

A good cheap suggestion is benzoyle peroxide... that stuff in clearasil... its dirt cheap too... just be consistant with it....
For everyone getting acne issues, you must try my protocol that has worked on not only myself but many of my buddies. Get a huge bottle of 90% isopropyl alcohol, and get some cotton pads... EVERY night and EVERY morning, soak a pad in alcohol and go over the area with acne very thoroughly...after it dries, apply Mederma to area as well. Product looks like this

Its about $20 at walgreens but its worth its weight in gold. After 3 days of alcohol pad treatment and Mederma, I can GUARANTEE EVERYONE, they will see a MASSIVE improvement. Please take my advice ! You will thank me greatly! ;)
Acne is tricky.

You can over dry your skin from too much rubbing alcohol or face washes, which will agitate your skin and cause you to break out even more.

You can over moisturize your skin and block your pores. Causing more breaking out.

I have found that using Nizoral 2% shampoo helps with body acne. You have to buy it from any Canadian website or Ebay. Need a prescription in the US for the 2%.

Also get some PanOxyl soap (bar or cream) from any Walmart/CVS/Walgreens/Etc. It has Benzoyle Peroxide in it. Helps clean up the bacteria and dry out the oily pores. Also works for body acne but I mainly use for face/neck.

As well as getting a Bezoyle Peroxide face cream that you apply to your entire face or just the infected area, to help fight off the causing of any more during the time its applied to your face.

Finding what works is different for everyone.

But they should def help.


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