From my experience it did not effect my ability to do cardio at all. Keep in mind that I was only running 30-40mg daily. No idea if the larger doses would make it harder to do like tren, but anything is possible.
I think tren makes it harder because it tightens your bronchials and raises BP D-bol I'm not sure why. Some prohormones have the same effect on cardio as well
thats what I was trying to figure out- I cant find where i read this now been reading a ton (as suggested by members here) and I have saved some articles etc- but I cant find this one again- I actually ran across this a couple of times...when I find it Ill post it- but I was looking for members personal experience
Because tren lowers your t3 levels which means less endurance. With dbol I'm thinking that higher doses would lower endurance because of the bloat. When I'm bloated, cardio is even harder for me.
I have done Both, On Tren right Now and it doesn't effect me with Cardio at all. I just sweat at Night More and I'm Pissy alot. Shit sets me off easy. Nothing else has that effect on me.