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Damn bigbaldbulldog, thats why you should stay on this site only


Jun 6, 2002
You got lambasted over at musclemayhem for asking how to use syntherol. Why dont you just ask BIGA?? Why go over there and get cussed out? Also, if you have time to go over there and ask those type of questions, you have time to come by and see me.

Tom Prince was talkin shit to ya brother Bahahaha.
sorry man I had to go read that peice a shit thread for myself.
You asked A legitimate question IMO and they treated you like shit.

Hats off to the one guy that spoke up about Tom prince and his buddy
Chickerelo hahaha.

After reading a few threads there it Makes me appreciate that much more the solid group of HELPFULL guys we have here. Nothing against
chad or the forum.. there are some GREAT people there (massiveG for one)
but they seem to have some bad apples mixed thru-out.
it never used to be like that....then it just went to shit. It was one of the first sites I ever joined and it was good for a while and now it sucks. Too many dudes who don't know anything about the sport much less compete. Too bad it got that way...but chad does not seem to care at all which I think is strange.
I asked on Mayhem about synthol a long time ago and got flamed big time. Out of all the BB sites i've been to, Mayhem is the most un-helpful, most flaming, site ever. Fu$K Mayhem.
The board has gotten overpopulated with immature wannabees due to the pros that "post" there. It's like a bad fucking gossip forum these days. You can get some decent responses still but not on the "Discussion & Questions" forum..and even then you'll need to filter through it.
Bottom line the members of a board take their lead from the board mods. Tom Prince tells a member to cut his head off and all the wannabees jump in line to slam the poster.

The mods and vets at this board do not engage in flames and treat the members with respect and they get that in return.
All I can say is those bastards are lucky I retired from the flame wars. :D
I dont understand why tom has to be such a prick on that site....i mean i can understand him being upset cause he will never compete again and if you saw recent pics of him he doesnt look much more then 200 lbs....i just thought he would have been different when Chads board first opened...suprisingly he still has fans lol

Chic...i wont even go there....met him in pittsburgh a few years back at teen nationals and he was a tool bag then
Tom Prince is quite the hypocrite now a day. He's done a boat load of bodybuilding AND recreational drugs. Site injections with AAS is ok, but synthol isn't to him. You must realize that the reason he was forced to quit competing wasn't because of bodybuilding drugs, but due to years of cocaine & nubain abuse. And don't get me started on his imaginary masters degree. Entering a masters program & actually finishing it with a degree are 2 seperate things. Mayhem used to ge a great board. Now it's just gossip, flames & BS. It's quite sad really how it's gone downhill. Chads just wants as many members as possible on there so he can use it as a launching pad for his up coming supplements.
i'm been reading this board for months now and have been with mayhem for even longer.

Like every board there are members who we can do without; it's just with mayhem being so big, the number of people who aren't of the same high caliber as the rest also goes up..

But rest assured there are open-minded people over there who will speak up for individual choice and free-will.

To me, it is much more important to have a discussion that explores every angle rather than a one-sided bashing
Chad Nicholls is a friend of mine..and a good guy but

I have had probs with some on his site also and will not go back there because of it...

OMG I was wasted when I wrote this...at 3:00am bwhahaha I had to ***EDIT*** this myself..damn I was out of control...lol :D

RicPhoenix....Shhhhhhhaddddddddup...lol I wouldnt have even known that i posted that till I got your PM about being Ghetto in Iowa...hahahaha thanks :eek:
Last edited:
i never liked Tom,i met him a few years a go,and he was one selfcentered person,nothing to talk about,you can see him shaking all the time,he definetly nubain lover,i saw his veins and it was diskusting,they were black.anyhow,its not about that,that board was good a few years ago,but new members who has no clue what the fuck they are talking about,trying to make they point in they lifes i guess.but i wish they could band the members like this and it would never would go over the board,like it is right now.
it doesnt matter what its there,let them do they own thing,and let us do ours.we have a great board and just keep it this way,we need to bring here our friends and make this board even biger that way.
jerrywear said:
i never liked Tom,i met him a few years a go,and he was one selfcentered person,nothing to talk about,you can see him shaking all the time,he definetly nubain lover,i saw his veins and it was diskusting,they were black.anyhow,its not about that,that board was good a few years ago,but new members who has no clue what the fuck they are talking about,trying to make they point in they lifes i guess.but i wish they could band the members like this and it would never would go over the board,like it is right now.
it doesnt matter what its there,let them do they own thing,and let us do ours.we have a great board and just keep it this way,we need to bring here our friends and make this board even biger that way.

Damn his veins were black? thats not from nubain...atleast i never seen anyones arms like that who used nubain. However ppl who i know who shot coke in there veins sometimes turned the black....

but i agree that shit is just nasty as hell...you would think all the veins in his body he would switch up alittle.
Damn his veins were black? thats not from nubain...atleast i never seen anyones arms like that who used nubain. However ppl who i know who shot coke in there veins sometimes turned the black....

but i agree that shit is just nasty as hell...you would think all the veins in his body he would switch up alittle.

actualy i know few guys who was useing nubain,and bouth guys had the same black veins,but what the fuck maybe they were shuting coke too,i dont know about that ;)
but it does look nasty :eek:

We cant be to hard on the guy as then we are just the same
as Mayhem. Know what Im saying? who cares what Tom prince is pumpin in them veins, he is the one that has to live with himself.
Lets just try and keep are board up a notch and not bash on them imo
rAJJIN said:
We cant be to hard on the guy as then we are just the same
as Mayhem. Know what Im saying? who cares what Tom prince is pumpin in them veins, he is the one that has to live with himself.
Lets just try and keep are board up a notch and not bash on them imo


rAJJIN said:
We cant be to hard on the guy as then we are just the same
as Mayhem. Know what Im saying? who cares what Tom prince is pumpin in them veins, he is the one that has to live with himself.
Lets just try and keep are board up a notch and not bash on them imo

exactly what RajJ said!

Well said..thanks for your responses and respect guys...i was just hoping to get all thoughts and ideas from different guys....i guess i will have to try to climb into my ginnigoogoo mobile and go see phil...thanks again guys ...
Hey Alpha-Longhorn good to see you here, post more often bro!

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