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Damn it all another one down.....


Jun 14, 2002
Okay son of a bitch these women better wake the f up. Ok ive been divorced now for about a year and a half. Anyways i meet this girl who is a RN at work. Ok weve been dating for about 6 months now and all is well so i think. Then boom the women says to me " I dont think things are working out" out of nowhere. Then she states "we have nothing in common". I told her that it was a total cop out and that was bullshit. I told her "whatever forget you ever knew me and dont call me either". I know it was a little harsh but man i cant take the playing games shit. Im too old for that now. Hell im just looking for an all around nice, pretty, faithfull women. Is that too much to ask??? Im a nice guy. WTF????? Oh well i guess it just wasnt meant to be. Just thought i could vent a little. The bitch of it is i just dont know how to meet women anymore...... I dont go to clubs because im not a big drinker nor do i need the trashy women in my town. We have some sports bars i go to eat at but nothing "clubby". Shit man i dont what the hell to do.....:confused:
Its rough man

Try or some dating site. I dont know. My wife and I joined a kickball beer league this summer. Thats a great way to meet people...esp. women lol.
Having things in common helps but its highly overated-sometimes the things that people have personality wise that we dont are just as attractive- who wants to date them damned selves anyway- brother the shit is frustrating- thats why theres 10,000 books on it and how many self annointed experts and sites to match your chemistry and compatibility...fact is nature made the shit work a certain way and usually you meet the right girl when you are no longer looking for it ( I read that in a fortune cookie last week )
its very simple really....

you can dissect these kinds of situations all frigging day and night or you can come to the conclusion that I did.......females cannot be trusted .....theyre just as bad as guys....much worse in certain areas....flighty, prone to hormonal emotional driven fits of insanity and just plain nuts ...period. If you find yourself with one you think is any different than that......just give it some time......they all flip one only 40 and have already decided I only care about a female for one thing....guess what that is......i know that's unfortunate and could make you throw away a potentially good thing.....but that's a chance I'm willing to take.....thats what being with 2 or 3 psychos will do to a guy.....
you can dissect these kinds of situations all frigging day and night or you can come to the conclusion that I did.......females cannot be trusted .....theyre just as bad as guys....much worse in certain areas....flighty, prone to hormonal emotional driven fits of insanity and just plain nuts ...period. If you find yourself with one you think is any different than that......just give it some time......they all flip one only 40 and have already decided I only care about a female for one thing....guess what that is......i know that's unfortunate and could make you throw away a potentially good thing.....but that's a chance I'm willing to take.....thats what being with 2 or 3 psychos will do to a guy.....

lol, im sorry but this post is downright stupid.

So you are making a conclusion on all the women of the world based on your experience with 2 or 3 of them?

I don't mean to laugh at your misfortune but re read what you wrote....

I hope you and the OP find partners that you can both click with. There are plenty of bad ones out there but just as many if not more good ones. Don't lose hope.

Wish you luck.
Ok weve been dating for about 6 months now and all is well so i think. Then boom the women says to me " I dont think things are working out" out of nowhere.

You found yourself a 6 month runner. Lol, don't take it personal bro a lot of my prepetually single female friends are like that, they hit the 6 month mark, freak out, make some lame excuse and take off. They have a chronic fear of commitment and are unable to stay in a relationship no matter how good it may be going.

Good luck finding a sane woman...I think I've found one, but she hears a voice in her head telling her to burn things, meh, I figure that's close enough. :p
Just become comfortable with yourself. Do things alone get to rely on yourself not others to complete you. Don't be so willing to let others in your inner sanctuary. Trust me on this it is a nice feeling to be able to interact and associate with people because you want to and not that you have to.
very good advice

Just become comfortable with yourself. Do things alone get to rely on yourself not others to complete you. Don't be so willing to let others in your inner sanctuary. Trust me on this it is a nice feeling to be able to interact and associate with people because you want to and not that you have to.
very powerful words sir....bravo
stupid ??

lol, im sorry but this post is downright stupid.

So you are making a conclusion on all the women of the world based on your experience with 2 or 3 of them?

I don't mean to laugh at your misfortune but re read what you wrote....

I hope you and the OP find partners that you can both click with. There are plenty of bad ones out there but just as many if not more good ones. Don't lose hope.

Wish you luck.
you either haven't been with any psycho females or you are a glutton for punishment......point being once you've been to the exposed to psycho females its very easy to decide its not worth your own sanity and happiness on trusting another one......even the ones that show none of the bad traits at first can change on you with little to no warning ....i get it that some of female issues are caused by hormone changes (menopause etc.),then again some seem to come from somewhere else.....such as the PITS OF HELL..........letting a female into your heart is taking a stroll on a razors edge.....on one side is bliss, the othe side is misery......this is what life has taught me so far....
i gota agree with everything no1bastard has 44, and if i live the rest of my days alone, so be sick of women to be honest with ya, im a decent guy, its never enuff

ive always done right by a girl, and here i am single, so ,now, i think its time to start just banging them and blowing them off
Okay son of a bitch these women better wake the f up. Ok ive been divorced now for about a year and a half. Anyways i meet this girl who is a RN at work. Ok weve been dating for about 6 months now and all is well so i think. Then boom the women says to me " I dont think things are working out" out of nowhere. Then she states "we have nothing in common". I told her that it was a total cop out and that was bullshit. I told her "whatever forget you ever knew me and dont call me either". I know it was a little harsh but man i cant take the playing games shit. Im too old for that now. Hell im just looking for an all around nice, pretty, faithfull women. Is that too much to ask??? Im a nice guy. WTF????? Oh well i guess it just wasnt meant to be. Just thought i could vent a little. The bitch of it is i just dont know how to meet women anymore...... I dont go to clubs because im not a big drinker nor do i need the trashy women in my town. We have some sports bars i go to eat at but nothing "clubby". Shit man i dont what the hell to do.....:confused:

1 of 2 things here

#1 things weren't going all that great but in your head you came up with a fantacy that things were going very well when they weren't. (not saying this was the case just assuming)


#2 she was a bit of a wacko to begin with but you didnt see it or didnt care to see it and still tried to go out with her.

either way she's gone, let her go and move on.

I'm Barac O'Beiber and I approve this message!
1 of 2 things here

#1 things weren't going all that great but in your head you came up with
a fantacy that things were going very well when they weren't. (not
saying this was the case just assuming)


#2 she was a bit of a wacko to begin with but you didnt see it or didnt
care to see it and still tried to go out with her.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Thanks for putting it into words.

Wasp, no1bastard

Again, you guys are passing judgements on every women due to the
experiences you 2 have had with what... 3, 4 ,5 of them.

Seriously, its either incredibly bad luck or you didn't know them well
enough and they were already 'bad' 'psycho' already before you met

Or maybe you guys were the problem... I don't know and I'm not
speculating. I'm just not buying the 'their all fucked up in one way or
another" bullshit that you guys are trying to spin.
you can dissect these kinds of situations all frigging day and night or you can come to the conclusion that I did.......females cannot be trusted .....theyre just as bad as guys....much worse in certain areas....flighty, prone to hormonal emotional driven fits of insanity and just plain nuts ...period. If you find yourself with one you think is any different than that......just give it some time......they all flip one only 40 and have already decided I only care about a female for one thing....guess what that is......i know that's unfortunate and could make you throw away a potentially good thing.....but that's a chance I'm willing to take.....thats what being with 2 or 3 psychos will do to a guy.....

That's exactly what I was thinking. Thanks for putting it into words.

Wasp, no1bastard

Again, you guys are passing judgements on every women due to the
experiences you 2 have had with what... 3, 4 ,5 of them.

Seriously, its either incredibly bad luck or you didn't know them well
enough and they were already 'bad' 'psycho' already before you met

Or maybe you guys were the problem... I don't know and I'm not
speculating. I'm just not buying the 'their all fucked up in one way or
bullshit that you guys are trying to spin.

arent WE all?
arent WE all?

Don't take what I said out of context - I didn't imply anyone is perfect.:rolleyes:

All I am saying is that you can still have successful relationships in the future
even if past ones have not been that great.
Last edited:
Try to get back to what Aeliop said. Work on you. You can't control anyone else but you have the power to make and sculpt yourself into whatever you'd like to be. Then women who are looking for a guy like you will find you - not the other way around.

I get that many here have a little vestigial bitterness left over from some past love lost situation but it's no reason at all to paint every woman with the same brush. I don't like when women do that to men ("men are pigs" et al).

Here's some advice if you are not having any luck or the women in your area aren't very desirable: forget about dating American women. I've met American women that are great so they are out there but, in many cases, women are far too entitled and have zero accountability when they get in trouble. Men generally have to live with their mistakes (and cope). Women often just need to see their doctor or take a pill and presto! Problem solved! I don't want to get into that area too deeply because it still puts forth the notion that American women are bad - and they're not. It's the system that sucks. Adding another disclaimer here too. Not all non-American women are great either, no sir.

Forget it, just go to Puerto Rico or western Europe, you'll see what I mean.
Zephyr, if you approach life with the attitude "You know what? I am going to have a great life and enjoy myself! …and it will not matter if I am single or have someone special in my life, THEN you will have that special woman come into your life because you will be just irresistible :love:
you can dissect these kinds of situations all frigging day and night or you can come to the conclusion that I did.......females cannot be trusted .....theyre just as bad as guys....much worse in certain areas....flighty, prone to hormonal emotional driven fits of insanity and just plain nuts ...period. If you find yourself with one you think is any different than that......just give it some time......they all flip one only 40 and have already decided I only care about a female for one thing....guess what that is......i know that's unfortunate and could make you throw away a potentially good thing.....but that's a chance I'm willing to take.....thats what being with 2 or 3 psychos will do to a guy.....

I've been with my wife for 11 years now and if she hasn't gone psycho yet I don't think it will happen. Maybe the girls you attract are all crazy, but don't lump them all together like that.

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