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Deca / Trestolone Ace (MENT) / Tren Cycle


New member
Mar 7, 2009
Hey bros,

I just wanna post the experience with the cycle I am currently on and maybe get some feedback and comments regarding the experience you've had with MENT (Trestolone).

The idea here is to run 3 different 19-Nor derived products for short periods of time, to avoid the tapering off effect of staying on the same drug several weeks, and achieve the maximum lean bulk possible

Week 1-3: Test Cyp 500mg / Deca 600mg / Anadrol 100mg/d / IGF-1 LR3 80mg/d
Week 4-5: Test Cyp 500mg / MENT (Trestolone) 50mg/d
Week 6-10: Test Cyp 500mg / Trenbolone Ace 75mg/d / IGF-1 LR3
Week 1-10: HGH 10iu/day

Of course, proper PCT for 4 weeks with Tamox/Clomid/HCG

So far, I am very pleased with the results. During Wks1-3 the IGF-1 really contributed for something I wasn't expecting. It avoided the bloating effect and any chest sensitivity of Anadrol completely. I remained very lean throughout the entire time, while I gained 5lbs with my strength through the roof.

I am currently on Week 4 with my 2nd day of MENT. Because it is an acetate ester, I must say I can already feel the increase in muscle hardness and strength already in the 2nd shot. I am loving this compound, it is really powerful stuff !

I expect that once I enter the Trenbolone phase with IGF-1 again and proper diet, I will get very ripped and strong.

My stats:
38, 5'8", 173lbs, 6 previous cycles

I will keep posting the progress of my results as I go along. But, if anyone has experience with MENT also, please share that with us.
1. why are you only running deca for 3 weeks?
2. why are you running 3 different 19 nors?
Terrible cycle. Keep it simple.
Why is this a bad cycle ? I'd appreciate more details on that.

The idea is not to use the 19-Nor products at the same time, plus they give different results due to their differences in molecule structure. I wouldnt use 2 19-Nor products at the same time (i.e. Deca and Tren).

Deca in the beginning provides enough joint lubrication to support the additional strength you will get from the other compounds.
Why is this a bad cycle ? I'd appreciate more details on that.

The idea is not to use the 19-Nor products at the same time, plus they give different results due to their differences in molecule structure. I wouldnt use 2 19-Nor products at the same time (i.e. Deca and Tren).

Deca in the beginning provides enough joint lubrication to support the additional strength you will get from the other compounds.

Thats true but your only on it for 3 weeks. I see what you saying but I would keep it smple. Increase dosage if needed. But throwing in random things for a few weeks isn't gonna result in the best gains imo. Even slight modifcations would make things better... like instead of doing the 3 do 2 for 5 weeks each. I would personally do them for atleast 6 weeks though. You could do deca for 6 then tren for 6. Maybe do test c for 6 and swop over to test e for 6. So your doing 2 'short cycles' within one.
Thats true but your only on it for 3 weeks. I see what you saying but I would keep it smple. Increase dosage if needed. But throwing in random things for a few weeks isn't gonna result in the best gains imo. Even slight modifcations would make things better... like instead of doing the 3 do 2 for 5 weeks each. I would personally do them for atleast 6 weeks though. You could do deca for 6 then tren for 6. Maybe do test c for 6 and swop over to test e for 6. So your doing 2 'short cycles' within one.

Yes, that is also a possibility and I agree that Deca should be run for 8 weeks or more to get the full results. I only have 2 10ml vials of MENT so they will last 20 days q 50mg/d, but I wanna to get a taste of it at the same time did not wanna to run it together with Deca.

Thanks for the feedback bro !
I wanna to get a taste of it at the same time did not wanna to run it together with Deca.

Obviously you haven't read enough. The deca will still be active in your body when you're taking the rest. Keep studying and re-think this. Or you may seriously get milk coming out of your nipples on your new pair of a cups.
I run NPP with Tren, Letro and Prami and I have no issues. Whats the big deal?
Obviously you haven't read enough. The deca will still be active in your body when you're taking the rest. Keep studying and re-think this. Or you may seriously get milk coming out of your nipples on your new pair of a cups.

Eheheheh... I hear you, since Deca's half life is 2 weeks or more. But 3 weeks is not enough time for a huge build up of nandrolone in the body, and moreover i have never had prolactin issue with either Deca or Tren.

I actually did my homework on it. In Chemical Muscle Enhancement II by L. Rea, he promotes short cycles of each compound, with the objective of taking advantage of its benefits but not staying on it long enough to get the sides. This period of 21-30 days is called the androgenic dominance period or the anabolic dominance period.
5'8", 173lbs, 6 previous cycles

What did weight did you start out at before the 6 cycles?

I have alot of cycles under my belt I started at 160 pounds when I did Test E only cycle. I was 174lbs then i did some more cycles in the next two years now i'm 5'7'' 230lbs.

So what do you want to acheive whith this cycle you posted.

Why not run Test, Deca, and Abombs for 8 weeks.

Then run the Tren and Tres the last few wks to harden up. 8-12wks is still short compared to now a days cycles and if you don't beleive me do some research.
What did weight did you start out at before the 6 cycles?

I have alot of cycles under my belt I started at 160 pounds when I did Test E only cycle. I was 174lbs then i did some more cycles in the next two years now i'm 5'7'' 230lbs.

So what do you want to acheive whith this cycle you posted.

Why not run Test, Deca, and Abombs for 8 weeks.

Then run the Tren and Tres the last few wks to harden up. 8-12wks is still short compared to now a days cycles and if you don't beleive me do some research.

I started at 153lb...pretty skinny back then. I am a really hard gainer and I notice that going past 5 weeks of Test/Deca I stop gaining any weight. It could be receptor saturation, diet or something else....don't really know. So, that is why I will try switching compounds more often in the cycle, so that I keep gaining.
Try not to over complicate it. I find it is usually the smaller guys who want to do these new age approaches of combining various compounds etc.

The deca will remain in his system for awhile even if he is just taking it for 3 weeks but for the reasons he wants it a longer duration is required. I don't see the point in taking deca for short cycles... unless you have joint issues and your blasting and cruising training. My current cycle has deca in it and my shoulder was 10x better within 2 weeks of taking it.
am i missing something here? if you can get actual (MENT) why would you even run test cyp? MENT is used for trt hrt with out the the prostate issues and doesnt bind to SHBG. plus its 10 times as potent as test.
My first cycle was Deca 300 mg/ml and Tren blend of 3 esters. NO TEST, NO PCT, following my "experienced" buddy. Luckily I am not gyno prone so nothing happened other than gaining 25 pds of lean mass, but this was HORRIBLE in hindsight lol:banghead:
10iu HGH x 10 Weeks straight..why so much growth...? 6 cycles under Your belt what do You eat...? I seem to be missing something or something doesn't add up
What did weight did you start out at before the 6 cycles?

I have alot of cycles under my belt I started at 160 pounds when I did Test E only cycle. I was 174lbs then i did some more cycles in the next two years now i'm 5'7'' 230lbs.

So what do you want to acheive whith this cycle you posted.

Why not run Test, Deca, and Abombs for 8 weeks.

Then run the Tren and Tres the last few wks to harden up. 8-12wks is still short compared to now a days cycles and if you don't beleive me do some research.

x2.....You are doing something wrong if you have done 6 cycles and you weigh that little. Sounds to me like you are over complicating everything. Drop all of the crap except Test....EAT way more protein.....lift much heavier.....get plenty of rest for recuperation and if you still arent growing then I am not sure what to tell you.
I agree with the previous two posters. 10IU of HGH per day for that long is a couple of cows, 17 chickens and 48 fish... lots of protein :)
I started at 153lb...pretty skinny back then. I am a really hard gainer and I notice that going past 5 weeks of Test/Deca I stop gaining any weight. It could be receptor saturation, diet or something else....don't really know. So, that is why I will try switching compounds more often in the cycle, so that I keep gaining.

so your gonna TRY something new with the drugs huh??


your wrong

let us know how much weight you gained


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