the most effective way to do this is to stay clean year round 3-4 months out of your show start your gear... increase calories 20-30% to start but no shit food, i like red meat to start off and whole eggs, i am also a high carb guy, i can take 5-600 grams a day right up to the show and be in shape... there is no real guidline for this as everybody is different and growing into a show is very uncommon... basicly eat more and start your aas ( it dosent rake a lot at all especially if you are cleaned out of 8+ months) make sure the food is clean and digest well in your body... i like to take lots of oils for fats mac nut, olive, avacado, almond, coconut and such... you have to know your body pretty well befor you start as there is not going to be much time to make major adjustments... good luck man...