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Difference in protein sources and their effects

Why does everyone bring up this strawman when addressing whey? Does it have the same micronutrients as meat… no. But it’s a great protein source that can be utilized. Rice is practically nutritionally void, we don’t use fruit for all our carbs. Same logic here.
Not disagreeing again all semantics. I just don't...and others I'm sure agree, consider drinking a protein shake as "food". It's a drink, a shake, it has calories, but like a Pepsi I'm not calling it a food. It's closer to being a food than Pepsi but still lol
Following this thread for the banter,fights and arguments.
Carry on...

Well that is what families do..... at least at my family get togethers.
These days 1 of the ways i break down food is natural/whole food, lightly processed and heavily processed.
The first category would make up the biggest majority of my calories and the last would probably well be well less then 10%
I would probably call whey lightly processed for example and protein bars that are made from multiple processed foods that are reprocessed again as in the heavily processed category.
But in the end i find people generally eat what they want good or bad and then decide how to justify it.
Not disagreeing again all semantics. I just don't...and others I'm sure agree, consider drinking a protein shake as "food". It's a drink, a shake, it has calories, but like a Pepsi I'm not calling it a food. It's closer to being a food than Pepsi but still lol
You’re still missing the point but whatever lol
You’re still missing the point but whatever lol
So I guess you are both correct but looking it at different context. Functionality vs. Semantics. In my opinion, from functional perspective whey is decent food but not food in practical everyday sense if we follow the definition of word 'food' strictly (semantics).

So for the body and cells it is food but for the mind/ego it is not food but meal replacement, shake or drink. Ego likes to label things but body does not do that so I think you are both correct; other opinion is the opinion of the body and other is the opinion of mind. I guess both can be true simultaneously but on a different levels. So on the level of ego concepts are true and present somehow reality but not the highest truth of reality and not the truth for the body.
So I guess you are both correct but looking it at different context. Functionality vs. Semantics. In my opinion, from functional perspective whey is decent food but not food in practical everyday sense if we follow the definition of word 'food' strictly (semantics).

So for the body and cells it is food but for the mind/ego it is not food but meal replacement, shake or drink. Ego likes to label things but body does not do that so I think you are both correct; other opinion is the opinion of the body and other is the opinion of mind. I guess both can be true simultaneously but on a different levels. So on the level of ego concepts are true and present somehow reality but not the highest truth of reality and not the truth for the body.
I can agree with this. Meal replacement is probably a better term than calling it a food or drink.
It's interesting to hear that many feel that fish makes them flatter.
It's insulin index ( how much it elevates the concentration of insulin in the blood during the two-hour period after the food is ingested) Is higher than beef and chicken.
Higher insulin index?
Your thoughts/theories on this.
Any other member also please chime in.

Higher insulin index?
Your thoughts/theories on this.
Any other member also please chime in.

I'm afraid that, in spite of being almost 2024, most people don't even know that protein does cause the release of insulin even in the total absence of glucose. Some protein sources in a more pronounced amount, like fish indeed. Not to say people reporting less fullness with fish are imagining it, at all. I just find it interesting.
Take a look at this link. You may find it quite shocking.
It's interesting to hear that many feel that fish makes them flatter.
It's insulin index ( how much it elevates the concentration of insulin in the blood during the two-hour period after the food is ingested) Is higher than beef and chicken.
Its also fat content. At the point when most BBers are saying, "well its only fish and veggies for me now" they are deep into prep where they are depleted, glucose as well as intracellular triglycerides. Everyone feels stringy at this point.
I'm afraid that, in spite of being almost 2024, most people don't even know that protein does cause the release of insulin even in the total absence of glucose. Some protein sources in a more pronounced amount, like fish indeed. Not to say people reporting less fullness with fish are imagining it, at all. I just find it interesting.
Take a look at this link. You may find it quite shocking.
Your points are correct but stuff like this is the minutiae people get stuck in that prevents progress.

99.9% of guys with great physiques have never considered the impact of protein sources on insulin.

This thread is a great example of why a few here struggle so much.
Your points are correct but stuff like this is the minutiae people get stuck in that prevents progress.

99.9% of guys with great physiques have never considered the impact of protein sources on insulin.

This thread is a great example of why a few here struggle so much.

So is whey a food or not you big bastard?

What if I boof it?
Just whey by it self don`t exist in nature, is 20% part of whole milk.
Fair enough but:

1%, 2%, and skim milk do not exist in nature either. Cheese does not have the whey and most of the lactose naturally present in milk, is it not a real food as well? Boneless skinless chicken breasts do not exist in nature. 98% lean ground beef does not exist in nature. The majority of "whole foods" we all consume have the undesirable "parts" removed for our needs/convenience. Heck even 100% peanuts only PB removes the peanut skins before grinding. Little bit of a double standard when it comes to whey here.

I am NOT saying whey is preferable to eggs and beef, not at all, but to say it is not food is a mistake IMO.
Fair enough but:

1%, 2%, and skim milk do not exist in nature either. Cheese does not have the whey and most of the lactose naturally present in milk, is it not a real food as well? Boneless skinless chicken breasts do not exist in nature. 98% lean ground beef does not exist in nature. The majority of "whole foods" we all consume have the undesirable "parts" removed for our needs/convenience. Heck even 100% peanuts only PB removes the peanut skins before grinding. Little bit of a double standard when it comes to whey here.

I am NOT saying whey is preferable to eggs and beef, not at all, but to say it is not food is a mistake IMO.
Meat is meat , don`t mater is is grounded or not, the subject was the whey, whey is real also, but drinking whole raw milk is way superior to just whey. Only people that don`t produce enough lactase have trouble digesting lactose.
Your points are correct but stuff like this is the minutiae people get stuck in that prevents progress.

99.9% of guys with great physiques have never considered the impact of protein sources on insulin.

This thread is a great example of why a few here struggle so much.
I 100% agree about people getting stuck in details and missing the whole picture. Just find interesting the frequently reported drop in fullness with fish vs beef.
But I guess TheOtherOne55 is correct unfortunately and things often are taken out of context.
Why the massive fat bomb from a dozen eggs on a PSMF?
The reason I wanted to add eggs to my modified PSMF is that I've found them to be excellent anabolics. I eat a lot of whole eggs because I've found them to be very anabolic - and simultaneously they seem to be very healthy. The study I referred on my earlier post stated eggs are better for muscle growth than casein. Also another study noted they reduce visceral fat/fat mass while increasing muscle mass more than whey or casein (albeit it was egg white protein only).

From my personal experience, even though I ate quite low carb (200-250g/d) after I ended my 2 week water fast little over month ago I gained 40lbs lean mass while reducing fat mass a little bit (went from 163lbs to 209lbs - now I am back to 202lbs after starting this PSMF with very low carbs) in 4 weeks. I ate about 10 whole eggs a day. Other main foods where red meat, dairy products, fish/tuna and whey.

Also, considering lipids, my cholesterols kind of improved with high egg diet; LDL went down to 92mg/dl (2,4mmol/l), HDL went little down to 46mg/dl (1,21mmol/l) and Triglyserides down to 30mg/dl (0,34mmol/l). But I only used 10mg dbol + 10mg Anavar a day, mk-677 5on/2off and test levels were about 1800ng/dl-2400ng/dl and no AI:s. So one Sustanon every 5-7 days + Testogel on top of that.

So I think even though they give fat they somehow are so anabolic that they might even reduce fat mass on eucaloric diet and especially when calories will be very low anyway.

This study is also interesting with regards to eggs. They found eggs to be better than dairy products (or casein and whey).

Whey is real, however by consuming whole raw milk is much better for muscle gain. You can add extra why to your raw milk, I would never use why mixed with water, only mixed to raw milk.
Studies I've read only compare egg white protein to casein or whey but do you know or what is your opinion which is better whole eggs or whole milk? Maybe best to combine them. But in the whole egg there is supposedly ~500mg of Leucine and has a total of ~6-7g of protein so the Leucine content should then be 7-8g/100g of whole egg protein when it is 10g/100g in whey. But egg has more arginine and they have some other growth promoting ingredients according to those studies. But still it seems dairy products will rise insulin and IGF-1 more but if I understood those studies correctly eggs still outperformed whey and casein by reducing more fat mass and increasing more lean tissue? So they do it through some other mechanism than insulin/IGF-1 I guess.
As whey is processed from milk i would have to think it is not whole food.
Meat is meat , don`t mater is is grounded or not, the subject was the whey, whey is real also, but drinking whole raw milk is way superior to just whey. Only people that don`t produce enough lactase have trouble digesting lactose.
Raw milk is illegal in most of the United States, it isn't safe to drink here. Maybe if you have your own family farm you could drink your cows milk, but I wouldn't drink raw milk.
Raw milk is illegal in most of the United States, it isn't safe to drink here. Maybe if you have your own family farm you could drink your cows milk, but I wouldn't drink raw milk.
Hey, maybe on of the sources will start carrying it.
Raw milk is illegal in most of the United States, it isn't safe to drink here. Maybe if you have your own family farm you could drink your cows milk, but I wouldn't drink raw mi
Here in California availably in many stores, and at farmers markets.

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