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Do it yourself gear.


New member
Sep 4, 2002
I am thinking of making some Testosterone Propinonate from bulk powder. The cost is incredable but does the cost out weigh the risk?
I think that all comes down to each person. I have never ordered international so to be honest, I am a lil concerned. i have always went Domestic b4 cuz i thought it was safer, but to be honest, man, the price for powders makes me freakin drool here hehehe

well if you actually have the equitment supplies to make the gear of course you gonna be saving money when buying the powders, but your first time making something your ognna have to amke an investment... and if u bootleged anythign halfway decent u could maybe get some buddy to chip in pick some up off u to lower $ on you... im the same boat tho bro I wanna set up my own lab soon.
I don't know that much about making gear yet but it looks easier than making fina. Just add powder, filter, bake, and shoot. Sounds almost effortless to me.
like they said above the first time around it's going to cost a little more than buying a mex bottle because of certian supplies , But after the first time you buy supplies, the next time you won't have to buy as much stuff then it will be cheaper. I guess it depends on how much spare time you have. I guess what im tring to say is if you have the time it will pay off in the end!
What equipment do you need besides a kit?
Tate said:
What equipment do you need besides a kit?

Our kits come with everything you need for your conversion process.
Powder + kit = cheap gear that you know.

I like it.

Even the first time around it will be cheaper.
Fuck Yeah I am all over this shit.

Time to make some shit BABY. WOOOOOO
Sorry if this is a newbie question, but how do you know what you actually received is the correct AS at the correct dose? You receive either a powder or a paste, with no way of knowing what it really contains.

Somehow that makes me too nervous to try this on myself. I guess it just boils down to how much you trust your source.

Any thoughts? PM's welcome.

Ring Steel
You can tell by what temperature it melts at. Not sure if the mods want us to get into specifics. You could check out massmonsterz in the section called The Lab.
Daveb_19 said:
well if you actually have the equitment supplies to make the gear of course you gonna be saving money when buying the powders, but your first time making something your ognna have to amke an investment... and if u bootleged anythign halfway decent u could maybe get some buddy to chip in pick some up off u to lower $ on you... im the same boat tho bro I wanna set up my own lab soon.
Apparently, you haven't ever made your own gear?!? What type equipment are you talking about investing in?!?

I make my own gear all the time and everything gets used once then thrown away. When you get a kit like KC's, which are xcelent, they have everything you need for the conversion.

Ring Steel said:
Sorry if this is a newbie question, but how do you know what you actually received is the correct AS at the correct dose? You receive either a powder or a paste, with no way of knowing what it really contains.

Somehow that makes me too nervous to try this on myself. I guess it just boils down to how much you trust your source.

Any thoughts? PM's welcome.

Ring Steel

It does boil down to how much you trust your source but the one thing that is for sure is that every powder has very distict physical characteristics that can help you identify if what you recieve is actually what you have ordered.

As for the dose...that is an easy one. What ever weight in grams of powder you buy you can easily convert it to milligrams and you have all of your dosing measurments.
Ring Steel said:
Sorry if this is a newbie question, but how do you know what you actually received is the correct AS at the correct dose? You receive either a powder or a paste, with no way of knowing what it really contains.

Somehow that makes me too nervous to try this on myself. I guess it just boils down to how much you trust your source.

Any thoughts? PM's welcome.

Ring Steel

I have thought about this to and my conclusion was to go with a source that many other people have used.
All you need is Benzyl Alcohol, Benzyl Benzoate(Sp?), Sterile oil, sterile vials and syringe filters. it is quite easy.

The only problem with using a source that others have successfully used is that nobody says a word about their source. Therefore you never know if a source that you are looking at is one of the good ones, or is one of the bad ones.

checking a source against the scammers' list help some, but doesn't do much for the newbie that can't find a source or doesn't have anyone to recommend a source.
Ring Steel said:
The only problem with using a source that others have successfully used is that nobody says a word about their source. Therefore you never know if a source that you are looking at is one of the good ones, or is one of the bad ones.

checking a source against the scammers' list help some, but doesn't do much for the newbie that can't find a source or doesn't have anyone to recommend a source.

That is because once you tell ONE person it ain't a secret anymore and most these guys are passed down from trusted friends to trusted friends. Once you find a good guy you can't just give him away.

Do some research on "synovex" on dogpile or google, very cheap and pretty damn easy if you are patient.

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