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Doc said I probably tore my "labrum" muscle in my shoulder...quick question.


Mar 10, 2009
Doc said I probably tore my "labrum" muscle in my shoulder...quick question.

My doctor said he believes I tore my labrum muscle and we shall know for sure once the MRI is scheduled tomorrow. My question is with recovering being 3 months and this taking me out of the gym should I remain on my test im on. Also would 2iu's of HGH a day help with the healing process since its a torn muscle? It would probably slow down the muscle lose and help with overall physical well being and appearance huh?

Thank you guys
A torn labrum will probably require surgery. I tore mine and had surgery in July of 2009 and wasn't able to go back in the gym until mid october. The labrum isn't a muscle, it's similar to the miniscus in your knee. As far as shoulder injuries go, it's far less serious than a rotator cuff, but still a painful and difficult recovery. Your shoulder is the most complicated and complex joint in your body. Keep us informed about your progress and make sure you see a good ortho doc. Do your research and find one that is highly regarded and demand to see him. Given the sport we are in, shoulders are critical and you don't want anyone but the best working on you.
Personally i would get off the test and do a pct. I would run the HGH to help recovery.
Personally i would get off the test and do a pct. I would run the HGH to help recovery.

I agree....it will require surgery so you will be out for a couple months. Sorry to hear of the bad news.
Thanks guys. Yeah he said surgery will take three months of downtime. I think I'll try the hgh route at 2 iu's. Never took it before though. PM me if any of u have had good experiences with a particular sponsor. I know their all good though.
I guess it depends on the extent of the tear because not all tears require surgery. Mine didn't and I have dealt with it for almost 20 years without much of an issue. In MY opinion, I would decide for yourself if you want the surgery because you could always train around it and potentially find out that you didn't need the surgery, after all. He should have told you that if you do have the surgery there is a risk of "loose body" where there is more movement in the joint than there should be due to missing a part of the labrum.

Mine still pops to this day (if I make it pop by rolling my shoulder a certain way) and it only would be an issue for me in the last 20 years when I would overtrain the shoulder complex. I consider it a built in "overtraining" gauge to a certain degree.

Good luck.

i had a partial tear in mine come up in an mri last year and i didnt have surgery. ive learned to train around it and use massage therapy for my shoulder complex and im still using really heavy weights. the only time im bothered by it is if overtrain my shoulders like skip said.
if you didnt get 2nd n 3rd opinion make sure to do so. it is recession, especially for dr's. every dr's are trying to do any surgeries they can get these days. even it ifs not broken.. ihad my Dr friend tells, "if its not broken, break it! than fix it the best way u know how" i dont talk2this pos anymore once that came out his mouth.
good luck
Thanks guys. Yeah he said surgery will take three months of downtime. I think I'll try the hgh route at 2 iu's. Never took it before though. PM me if any of u have had good experiences with a particular sponsor. I know their all good though.

I had rotator cuff surgery a month ago and am running 4iu daily 6x a week. The hgh will help you heal faster, but it's not a miracle drug. It will still take time. Good luck
Ive heard of it requiering surgery and it not requiering it. If it doesnt you can still train legs and at that point its your decision to stay on or not. With out training any other bodyparts you could probably get away with three legs sessions per week if you did low volume high intensity.
A torn labrum is a significant injury, and there is no need to rush back. How long have you been on the test and at what dose? I would probably run a trt dose at 200mg if I had been on a while already, to help hold gains that you have made.
Thanks guys. Yeah he said surgery will take three months of downtime. I think I'll try the hgh route at 2 iu's. Never took it before though. PM me if any of u have had good experiences with a particular sponsor. I know their all good though.

I tore my labrum anterior to posterior and my supraspinatus/infrispinatis tendons have full thickness tears. I could not bench an empty bar, but could not afford the down time of surgery. I rehabbed it over a years time and am now back to 90% pretear strength. I still have to be careful and avoid certain excercises, but better then 5 months out of work.

This is my recommendation for a quick recovery or rehad depending on if you get surgery.

2-stay on low dose test and add deca at 300-400 mgs week for 12 weeks
6-use small minibands and work rotators-esp external/internal rotation

In my rehab I only followed 1,2 and 5, but others have used all 5 and had near 100% recovery
just had labrum surgery in june, and this week was the first time since then i've been able to bench a 45 lb. bar and still can't squat or deadlift. so don't be suprised if you're out of the gym for longer than 3 months. just make sure to do pendulums and passive stretching after surgery, then rehab when you're out of your sling.
goodluck, hope it all goes well for you.
I had mine done in 02' & was onstage end of 03' managed to get 90% of My strength back
I guess it depends on the extent of the tear because not all tears require surgery. Mine didn't and I have dealt with it for almost 20 years without much of an issue. In MY opinion, I would decide for yourself if you want the surgery because you could always train around it and potentially find out that you didn't need the surgery, after all. He should have told you that if you do have the surgery there is a risk of "loose body" where there is more movement in the joint than there should be due to missing a part of the labrum.

Mine still pops to this day (if I make it pop by rolling my shoulder a certain way) and it only would be an issue for me in the last 20 years when I would overtrain the shoulder complex. I consider it a built in "overtraining" gauge to a certain degree.

Good luck.


I agree, It took years with military docs to determine it was the labrum. I had one doc numb it then I went to the gym and lift with movements that made it hurt to see if it was it. Sure enough the pain was minimal. I decided against the surgery and it doesnt hurt as much anymore. Flat bench I stay away from except on the smith machine. I think flat bench isnt that important anyways. Scratch the surgery and adapt in the gym.
Sorry guys I forgot to tell u the most important reason im doing this. My shoulder DISLOCATES FROM THE SOCKET two,three maybe four times a year! It is extremely painful and usually requires a ER visit :(

He THINKS its the labrum muscle. MRI is this comin up monday. Ill keep updated. How much HGH should I do and I still dont know a good sponsor. The dislocations are getting more frequent and painful. I gotta fix it. He said he is 90% sure its labrum muscle. MRI will tell us more. I shall keep u gentlemen posted.

Thank u

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