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My shoulder is a mess

You need to sit down and make a plan not just throwing everything at it at once, i have had all the same issues like you and then some, from different accidents and one injurey from training, my left shoulder is permanently locked in subluxation, so my advice would be as follows.
1. Avoid any axercises that really aggrevates your shoulder
2.Warm up your shoulder extensivly personally i have 3 different exercises that all is only for shoulder and they made a big difference
i had a fysio help and locate where my shoulder had weaknesses.
3. use different supps that lower inflammation
4. HGH has helped me alot !
5.use different kinds of cream, oil what ever to heat up your shoulder pre wo and then post wo ice it down to lower inflammation

All these things helped me along with dry needling so thath within a year i went from doing 0 pressing on flat bench to pressing 315lbs for sets of 11 reps with no pain.
Very sound advice, look into adding bpc/tb at high dose. I have similar issues and have found 1500-2000mcg of bpc daily split into 3-4 injections along with tb 2500 eod dos wonders. I am currently using 1500mcg daily bpc and 2500tb eod and am taking it up and am considering trying 3000mcg daily for a 6-8 week run to see if benefit vs cost is there for anything above 2000. However I can tell you the 250mcg daily stuff is bs you need way more if injured
Very sound advice, look into adding bpc/tb at high dose. I have similar issues and have found 1500-2000mcg of bpc daily split into 3-4 injections along with tb 2500 eod dos wonders. I am currently using 1500mcg daily bpc and 2500tb eod and am taking it up and am considering trying 3000mcg daily for a 6-8 week run to see if benefit vs cost is there for anything above 2000. However I can tell you the 250mcg daily stuff is bs you need way more if injured
Has your injury actually healed of are you in the process and it just feels better with what you are doing?
I have had shoulder surgery just to clean out my shoulder which was about a 4 month process of just recovery. Never mind getting into a doc and scheduling surgery and unbeknownst to me decided I didn't need my bicep anymore. So surgery did nothing, on my third doc and all the time off I got a cortisone shot and it fixed it Good enough I could train without pain anyway but took about a year after that to where I could lift incline without any pain. I did get some tb and bpc and while there is always a chance it was faked or ruined in shipping I didn't notice anything from it. Friend said same thing about it but it was from the same pack, just wanted to add that caveat. I know its been posted multiple times but I was advised by someone on this board to vet the doc well. Unfortunately that was some advice in hindsight that I should have taken more seriously. I was out of the gym for 11 months. I am 46 and the bicep didn't sting that much but if I would have been in my 20s I would have been devastated.

Up to the pain compounding I was just taking ibuprofen before I would workout and had the attitude that It will snap or go away. My arm started giving out on exercises so that idea was pretty dumb.
I'll update a bit - on Monday I decided to add 50mg of deca and honestly I don't know if it's placebo or not but I can already feel a huge improvement in my shoulder today, the pain is at least 50% less. We'll see what more I can say in a few weeks
Has your injury actually healed of are you in the process and it just feels better with what you are doing?
It actually healed. I am down the road from a surgeon whom works with sport teams. He was astounded at the rate of recovery and when examining my shoulder he stated that there were no signs of the previous injury. I maintain a regimen including bpc, tb …. Year round with short breaks. I am currently taking 1500mcg bpc daily and am going up to 2000mcg Saturday along with tb 2500 eod. I still train extermely hard for an old guy and maintain very low body fat so it has become a necessary part of my protocol. It will heal injuries and did just that when i ruptured my quad tendon but again high dose. I was squatting 8 months after rupture and running 10 months. I was told 1 year before I would squat and it was a complete rupture. That stuff works but high dose made all of the difference, I would try that before surgical route.
It actually healed. I am down the road from a surgeon whom works with sport teams. He was astounded at the rate of recovery and when examining my shoulder he stated that there were no signs of the previous injury. I maintain a regimen including bpc, tb …. Year round with short breaks. I am currently taking 1500mcg bpc daily and am going up to 2000mcg Saturday along with tb 2500 eod. I still train extermely hard for an old guy and maintain very low body fat so it has become a necessary part of my protocol. It will heal injuries and did just that when i ruptured my quad tendon but again high dose. I was squatting 8 months after rupture and running 10 months. I was told 1 year before I would squat and it was a complete rupture. That stuff works but high dose made all of the difference, I would try that before surgical route.
Glad to hear. You had an MRI to say it was fully healed?
What Dr tell you as a time line is usually worst case scenario. I had 2 rotators muscles reattached and a ruptured biceps repaired and was still natural and recovered in less then half the time the Dr forecast. And was back to full strength in 8 months. But i was a kid of 40. Same with other surgeries i have had, always recover in way less then they predictand am back in the gym when they say i may still be wearing a sling. Was back at work and the gyn a week after i had my shoulder replaced, although not at full capacity. Dr.s tell you things so you will feel better that is their job.
Glad to hear. You had an MRI to say it was fully healed?
What Dr tell you as a time line is usually worst case scenario. I had 2 rotators muscles reattached and a ruptured biceps repaired and was still natural and recovered in less then half the time the Dr forecast. And was back to full strength in 8 months. But i was a kid of 40. Same with other surgeries i have had, always recover in way less then they predictand am back in the gym when they say i may still be wearing a sling. Was back at work and the gyn a week after i had my shoulder replaced, although not at full capacity. Dr.s tell you things so you will feel better that is their job.
Had multiple MRI, one right after long time pain, injury to determine how bad it was. 45 days after hammering bpc and tb, and 90 days. 45 days showed minimal signs of injury and I was able to train heavy, 90 day result were qoute on the MRI report, remarkable. Doc is a friend and won’t bs, he told me I was screwed and shoulder was extremely weak at time of exam, 45 days later he could not believe the strength. He is a very big guy, and was unable to move my shoulder when I was rotating and was the one that ordered the MRI at 45 day mark. I had a shoulder injury for a long time and trained through. My job aggravated it but it was 90% after 45 days and I have no signs of injury now. I was also told that my biceps tendon was abnormally thick which was odd as it had issues with bicep for a few years from heavy deadlift
I’ll have my BPC157 and TD500 today

Just had surgery on my left forearm and elbow post car crash

Planning on running 1 mg per day of each for 60+ days

Way too much solid info out there how these 2 peptides can heal you up and fix things broken and of course at an amplified rate of time = fast and speedy recovery and healing

I’m reading some guys now advocate running those peptides on/off throughout the year for recovery recuperation and over all health

To me this would also produce a premium environment for muscle growth and blast training
I’ll have my BPC157 and TD500 today

Just had surgery on my left forearm and elbow post car crash

Planning on running 1 mg per day of each for 60+ days

Way too much solid info out there how these 2 peptides can heal you up and fix things broken and of course at an amplified rate of time = fast and speedy recovery and healing

I’m reading some guys now advocate running those peptides on/off throughout the year for recovery recuperation and over all health

To me this would also produce a premium environment for muscle growth and blast training
That is what I have been doing for years to remain healthy and it has worked for me but doses are up there. I would recommend higher on the bpc but start out to see if you notice benefit at 1mg per day, I found large difference between 1, 1.5 and 2. 2mg per day is my sweet spot for healing on the bpc, 1 per day of tb is about spot on
That is what I have been doing for years to remain healthy and it has worked for me but doses are up there. I would recommend higher on the bpc but start out to see if you notice benefit at 1mg per day, I found large difference between 1, 1.5 and 2. 2mg per day is my sweet spot for healing on the bpc, 1 per day of tb is about spot on
Nice info brother

Thanks for sharing!

Deadhangs helped mine so much , you will feel it stretch out and it has studies showing surgery is often ruled out by doing them. I do 5 mins on a pullupbar with fat gripz daily.
Some good exercises if you want to rehab, just do Y raises and can openers, also kettle bell pullovers and or halos are amazing.
I'll update a bit - on Monday I decided to add 50mg of deca and honestly I don't know if it's placebo or not but I can already feel a huge improvement in my shoulder today, the pain is at least 50% less. We'll see what more I can say in a few weeks
I've been thinking of doing the same. Are you shooting 50mg 1 x a week?
Thanks Luki. I was going to start at 100mg but if 50mg seems to be working for you then might as well start there and titrate up if I need to.
I'll update a bit - on Monday I decided to add 50mg of deca and honestly I don't know if it's placebo or not but I can already feel a huge improvement in my shoulder today, the pain is at least 50% less. We'll see what more I can say in a few weeks
Werent’t you running like 100mg deca year round?
Thanks Luki. I was going to start at 100mg but if 50mg seems to be working for you then might as well start there and titrate up if I need to.
I’m going to try 50-60mg as well. Did 120mg before but that made me feel slightly off, probably because of the dopamine effect idk.
Did you notice a lasting effect even after stopping? For me it seemed to work for awhile after coming off it even.
permanent? in the world of steroids and drugs nothing is permanent and it is known that the effects of a compound such as deca last long after discontinuation because the ester is extremely long and it will take many weeks before it completely leaves the system

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