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does anyone eat quinoa


Jan 19, 2009
I heard about this from a buddy and im thinking about giving it a try. its a grain from south america and would make a good substitute if your tired of eating rice. I read up on it a little bit and on top of being a grain its also a complete protien im kind of suprised this is not more popular and more widely used. what do you guys think?
It's becoming more popular - I see it in more grocery stores and a lot of my clients use it.
Love the stuff. use it almost everyday.

Complete protein, good GI/GL for keeping insulin levels steady, and doesn't sit heavy in the stomach.
In Australia, we called it Cous Cous. I absolutely loved it! I make my own version Meditterean Cous Cous!! Even Cous Cous Salads is also yummy!
its good. just make sure you cook it long enough. If you don't give all the time it needs to absorb the moisture it sucks. kind of like if you under cook rice, but this is a little worse.
you are also supposed to rinse it before cooking, but i have no idea how you do this since it is so small, I haven't found a colander that won't let it fall through.
its good. just make sure you cook it long enough. If you don't give all the time it needs to absorb the moisture it sucks. kind of like if you under cook rice, but this is a little worse.
you are also supposed to rinse it before cooking, but i have no idea how you do this since it is so small, I haven't found a colander that won't let it fall through.

I absorb my cous cous in Chicken Stock and cover it with cling wrap and it always cooked it perfectly. You dont need to cooked it long enough and it usually takes 8 mins for me.
Ive been eatin it on my contest prep right now and love it. Especially on leg days, 1/4 cup is like 30g carbs so I don't feel too full like I do when I eat something more volumous like oatmeal. I'll eat it with some ground turkey and drizzled with a little Walden Farms Honey Dijon. Thats money right there.
i found it to be very hard to digest for me

lol......comes out the same way it went in
everytime i try it

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from the Andes

Quinoa is a grain/rice of the Inca's ,it is fantastic I would rather eat it than rice any day and it has more protein than anything except red meat (don,t eat red meat) meat meat equals Mad Cow Disease,Swine Flu,Bird Flu plus numerous heart clogging , intestinal cancers, Wake Up a message from the maker" RED Meat is going to Kill YOU"
i use it in replacement of oats.

add some manuka honey,raisens and choc protein powder. lovely
Try quinoa (pronounced keenwa) cooked in chicken stock with cumin, chipotle and or ancho chile powder, diced seeded tomato, black beans, Right at the end of cooking add lime juice, chopped fresh cilantro and grilled chicken breast (season with salt and pepper to taste). You can add raw diced chicken to this when you start to cook the quinoa if you dont feel like grilling the chicken. This is a great one pot dinner loaded with low gi carbs and tons of protein.
In Australia, we called it Cous Cous. I absolutely loved it! I make my own version Meditterean Cous Cous!! Even Cous Cous Salads is also yummy!

Hi Big Chef-Our cous cous here is basically pasta pushed through a fine screen to form small balls. Didnt know thats what the aussies called quinoa! Hope all is well with you mate!
Quinoa and Couscous are 2 different things here. I have been eating it for about 3 years and really like it. I first tried it at Native Sun foods deli.

Quinoa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Doh lol I thought it was the same, my bad! Reading some stuff about it. Couscous is actually a form of pasta, made from wheat. Quinoa is a whole grain. Couscous is traditionally from Morocco. Quinoa is from South America. Unless your couscous is whole-grain, quinoa is better. Quinoa is very high in protein. I've never had quinoa.

So i guess I was wrong even though I am a bloody Chef. :banghead:
Hi Big Chef-Our cous cous here is basically pasta pushed through a fine screen to form small balls. Didnt know thats what the aussies called quinoa! Hope all is well with you mate!

Actually I was wrong mate. I thought quinoa was cous cous type, but its similar but not the same. It is similar to Cous Cous and Bulgur. I am learning something new every day. All is well at my end mate! and you?
Aloha PM,

Have used it off and on, never really acquired a taste for it. Definitely need to give it a go and experiment with some different additions to it.


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