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Does crushing estrogen to zero cause a massive headache?

Also, you don't push drugs very hard, why are you so dead set on being on TRT right now? Do you have medical problems?
Also when I say "diet down" I truly mean that! Like down to at least 198lbs, you said you weighed in at 217 and you look to be 20-30 lbs away from contest form. 198 should be a good lean point to start from (hopefully) 🤞🏿
Also when I say "diet down" I truly mean that! Like down to at least 198lbs, you said you weighed in at 217 and you look to be 20-30 lbs away from contest form. 198 should be a good lean point to start from (hopefully) 🤞🏿
With all due respect, I think that you don't need to produce yourself because the author won't listen to what we all know
Number one rule if you work with me


I dont do guessing games.
With all due respect, I think that you don't need to produce yourself because the author won't listen to what we all know
I do understand that but I will give anyone a chance, if he doesn't then it no big deal, I just add him to my banned from help list, there are already a few guys from here on it.
Number one rule if you work with me


I dont do guessing games.
Please take Bboy up on this offer.

For real, when is a pro gonna offer his expertise free of charge….oh wait, bboy and several other pros have discussed tons of relevant pre contest info on here for yearrrrsss. This isn’t about info, this is about accountability now. You need someone to hold you to your word and to do the fuckin work. Again, take Bboy up on this offer.
This thread is going to be your accountability! You can post anything I tell you in this thread (I don't have bodybuilding secrets as there truly aren't any).

To anyone that pms me about coaching (1 already has) if your not a long time member here then the answer is definitely NO! I don't charge long time active members here if you actually contribute to this board, consider it a perk of professionalmuscle.com

If there are paying prep sponsors here I will gladly direct them your way, but I honestly don't know of any paying prep sponsors here anymore???
@Love_to_Bodybuild I ask that you copy and paste all pm's that we have recently shared today unless there is something of a personal nature that you don't want shared, but I believe everything has been pretty general prep stuff (answers and questions)
Shit just got real. @Love_to_Bodybuild please prove us wrong. 😎 I want to see this and not that Brad needs it but you’ve got my support and help. This is why this place exist.

We used to have member of the month on here. Think a thread like this could def top that.
@Love_to_Bodybuild I ask that you copy and paste all pm's that we have recently shared today unless there is something of a personal nature that you don't want shared, but I believe everything has been pretty general prep stuff (answers and questions)
@b-boy...brad...you have a heart of gold.
@Love_to_Bodybuild ...brother, this is your chance. You have a actual PRO guiding you. FREE also. Damn. Please don't let @b-boy down.
Please log this journey you 2 are going to embark. I look foward to see your fruits of your labor. Excited for 2024 now.


About same calories as your eating now just different macros
300 protein
200 carbs
50 fat

1 high day per week (on weakest bodypart training day)
275 protein
450 carbs
35 fat

Cardio - I don't know what you do for a living but for now just get 10,000 steps in everyday! If that takes some treadmill walking then so be it or walk outside. If you have a desk job then of course it's going to be a decent amount of cardio to get that in. We will slowly add this step count as needed. Let the diet do the work just train hard and get your steps in (probably want to buy a fitness tracker watch if you don't have one, they are pretty damn cheap on Amazon.com
Use a food tracker like my fitness pal or cronometer to track your food as I will ask for screenshots every so often of your food log!
Brad , is it okay to go out to eat and have more fat and more carbs steak maybe 4 oz , half a potato, not necessarily in that order because salad bar at the beginning, and after the main meal, a dessert maybe like lemon meringue pie?, as long as I hit calories for the day?
I wouldn't do that if I was you, not yet anyways, if you start dropping weight fast later on then I will give you a free meal, but if you get into the habit of eating food that is highly palatable then you are in for a tough diet as you will just end up cheating from the hunger and wanting that tastey food. If you must go out then have a steak, no potatoe and a salad (I still wouldn't do this as you can't properly track what your eating) I know it suck but I want to see you LEAN, prove to me and yourself that you can do it then do a show next year and come in way beyond your best ever and hopefully win or place top 5!
I wouldn't do that if I was you, not yet anyways, if you start dropping weight fast later on then I will give you a free meal, but if you get into the habit of eating food that is highly palatable then you are in for a tough diet as you will just end up cheating from the hunger and wanting that tastey food. If you must go out then have a steak, no potatoe and a salad (I still wouldn't do this as you can't properly track what your eating) I know it suck but I want to see you LEAN, prove to me and yourself that you can do it then do a show next year and come in way beyond your best ever and hopefully win or place top 5!
Uh, what’s going on here?
I wouldn't do that if I was you, not yet anyways, if you start dropping weight fast later on then I will give you a free meal, but if you get into the habit of eating food that is highly palatable then you are in for a tough diet as you will just end up cheating from the hunger and wanting that tastey food. If you must go out then have a steak, no potatoe and a salad (I still wouldn't do this as you can't properly track what your eating) I know it suck but I want to see you LEAN, prove to me and yourself that you can do it then do a show next year and come in way beyond your best ever and hopefully win or place top 5!
????? Answering yourself
I think alot of people can take some advice from this thread

Alrighty Brad, how about some good stuff. Any tricks or (like the kids say) hacks for us ?

I heard sleeping in the fetal position causes a gh spike ?

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