Sure have seen it- two weeks ago my gf woke up in the middle of the night with the same issues (no I didn't force her to take it, yes she competes)...she started at 100 mg ( I capped em) for two days, and every four days bumped it 100 mg to assess sides/tolerance. At 400 mg, three days in, she woke up with the same mid night issues...on top of that, she ran to the bathroom and threw up dnp yellow colored fun. She discontinued....and woke up the next day with red spots all over. They faded quickly, and obviously it was an allergic reaction-but it was strange that it took two weeks to manifest (hell that's why she stared at 100 mg!)....strangely, my buddy who used the same batch had a similar problem at around the same time on 700 mg....only his reaction caused his hands, feet, and EYES to swell shut- dnp can be some scary shit, use with caution. To the op- as has been said, sides seem to increase exponentially with increased carb intake....simple carbs cause a large heat spike, complex a longer more gradual far as whether that helps lose weight, I have no idea. The carb increase/increased heat example I just gave I read off a study on pub med and there was some reason for it that I am too stupid to remember. Meh I'm going to the gym-