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Does marinating meats effect its macros?


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Kilo Klub Member
May 31, 2007
I am very macro conscious about my foods. Having said that, does anyone know if marinating your meats effect its macros?

In other words, do the carbs in marinades like soy sauce, beer, juices, teriyaki sauce, etc absorb into the meat that its marinating?

I typically only add salt and pepper to my meats out of this concern. I know this is anal, but thats how I roll.

I am the king of seasoning my meats, I used all purpose seasoning or a couple specific seasonings, but spicey mustard is my key ingredient to all of it;) I do not worry about it too much, it is not like you are eating deep fried breaded chicken breast, be creative and do not worry about it too much. If it is pretty lean, that will just add taste...stay sane!
I am the king of seasoning my meats, I used all purpose seasoning or a couple specific seasonings, but spicey mustard is my key ingredient to all of it;) I do not worry about it too much, it is not like you are eating deep fried breaded chicken breast, be creative and do not worry about it too much. If it is pretty lean, that will just add taste...stay sane!

i agree, as long as you're not going crazy with the marinades and they are low calorie you should be fine. You have to enjoy what you eat, so find some recipes that aren't going to throw off macros too much and enjoy...i love basic seaons like montreal seasoning for steak and chicken.

Lenny..you got a PM bro :)
I do enjoy my food. I dont mind eating the way I do. However, I like to have other people that eat with me enjoy what I cook too.

So, please dont worry about my pleasure or ability to relax.

Now, does anyone know the answer? :p
I do enjoy my food. I dont mind eating the way I do. However, I like to have other people that eat with me enjoy what I cook too.

So, please dont worry about my pleasure or ability to relax.

Now, does anyone know the answer? :p

Hey ness,

When i was back in college, i used to work at a Lone Star serving and i know they marinated a lot of their steaks overnight in olive oil so they would be extra tender. I used to eat there all the time till the traininer i was working with told me that i was taking in way to much fat from the steaks at lonestar(there went my days of getting a nice steak at a restaurant). So i am not 110% sure if that is the answer you are looking for but if you marinate it in a high fat mixture for an extended period of time, it will soak some of it up.
(there went my days of getting a nice steak at a restaurant).
Anything at a restaurant is typically gonna be geared only towards flavor, with no bearing on nutrition.. I've worked at some restaurants in the past, and a couple things that stand out was Outback, who basically just fry the steaks in butter, and Bertucci's pouring olive oil by the gallon into the pizza sauce, lol..
Hey ness,

When i was back in college, i used to work at a Lone Star serving and i know they marinated a lot of their steaks overnight in olive oil so they would be extra tender. I used to eat there all the time till the traininer i was working with told me that i was taking in way to much fat from the steaks at lonestar(there went my days of getting a nice steak at a restaurant). So i am not 110% sure if that is the answer you are looking for but if you marinate it in a high fat mixture for an extended period of time, it will soak some of it up.

Thanks! Thats what Im after.

I could see how the fat would "embed" itself into the meat esp. while the meat was tenderizing. I would assume that this would hold true with any carbs as well?

I like to BBQ all my meat and I am curious if these carbs/fats from the marination "burned off" since it was on the meat's surface? Obviously, a heavy bbq sauce would remain...but that's out of the question anyway.
Thanks! Thats what Im after.

I could see how the fat would "embed" itself into the meat esp. while the meat was tenderizing. I would assume that this would hold true with any carbs as well?

I like to BBQ all my meat and I am curious if these carbs/fats from the marination "burned off" since it was on the meat's surface? Obviously, a heavy bbq sauce would remain...but that's out of the question anyway.

He gave me hell about it. I think i was like 9 weeks out from a show and decided to go out and have a steak rather eat that stringy ass flank steak i had at home. I showed him my diet journal the next day and wow lets just say the berating egan=-)

To be on the safe side,i would stay away from anythign that was either high in fat or carbs and keep the marinading time to aminimum......just enough to get ahgint of flavor you know.!
I am very macro conscious about my foods. Having said that, does anyone know if marinating your meats effect its macros?

In other words, do the carbs in marinades like soy sauce, beer, juices, teriyaki sauce, etc absorb into the meat that its marinating?

I typically only add salt and pepper to my meats out of this concern. I know this is anal, but thats how I roll.


It depends how long the marination is for as well , also soy sauce is liquid salt / and from what I read msg. I know there are some good natural marinades (mustard , lemon pepper) but treat it as what it says on the bottle. Obviously if you put a certain amount in some is going to be absorbed the hard part is find out exactly how much. I would use it sparingly.

I find its best to use a brush and very lightly coat it at the towards the very end of cooking. A lot of marinades / sauces list this in the directions. I like Rays Boss BBQ Sauce personally
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It depends how long the marination is for as well , also soy sauce is liquid salt / and from what I read msg. I know there are some good natural marinades (mustard , lemon pepper) but treat it as what it says on the bottle. Obviously if you put a certain amount in some is going to be absorbed the hard part is find out exactly how much. I would use it sparingly.

I find its best to use a brush and very lightly coat it at the towards the very end of cooking. A lot of marinades / sauces list this in the directions. I like Rays Boss BBQ Sauce personally

I love Ray's Boss too! Thanks for taking the time to reply. Makes perfect sense.
Anything at a restaurant is typically gonna be geared only towards flavor, with no bearing on nutrition.. I've worked at some restaurants in the past, and a couple things that stand out was Outback, who basically just fry the steaks in butter, and Bertucci's pouring olive oil by the gallon into the pizza sauce, lol..

True true true.I bartended at a country club many many moons ago and I ate the grilled chicken every shift.One day talking with the chef i said why is yours so moistand my grilled chicken is dry and flavorless? and low and behold he kept it in big tub marinating in oil and spices etc..
Absolutely it will...i am sure some of it gets cooked off but the bulk of it has to go somewhere...and that somewhere is your stomach. To be safe i would say count it as the same is if you were to pour it on your food before you eat it.
If it didn't get absorbed by the meat what would be the point of marinading it in the first place? If you can taste it, it's in there. Of course it adds calories. Depends what ingredients you use, the cut of the meat, and how long it marinades.. as well as cooking method.

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