this was really, really, REALLY bad. a prime example of sensationalist journalism and irresponsibility in the media. they did nothing to represent actual empirical medical evidence that steroids cause health problems; all of their claims were anecdotal nonsense.
they had superstar billy graham, the DOUCHE host, some supposed reperesentative of the medical community, and a DEA agent to purport the supposed "dark side" of steroids, and who do they bring on as proponents of AAS use? the fitness model and the fag from the MTV show. wow, what an accurate representation of the AAS community- two assclowns who want nothing more than to be on tv.
billy graham was there for one reason only- to promote his book. he doesn;t give a shit if he helps people or not- he is an uneducated, loser, rat bitch motherfucker who needs to line his own pockets because he has no other way to get income.
he kept talking about the "seriously addictive" nature of AAS, almost making them sound like heroin for fux sake. he went on and on about how euphoric, incredible you feel when on and how depressed you feel when you are off. he then mentioned that his liver failure had nothing to do with AAS, it was a consequence of hepatitis A, which he no doubt contracted while eating the ass out of a $10 hooker in a drug binge at a dirty motel.
later in the show, when the "medical expert" was talking about the side effects of AAS, she mentioned liver damage. the host shouted "hey, we got a guy who's liver fell out right here!!!".... this after graham had said his liver problems were the result of hepatitis! i had hoped that graham would have said something, but he sat there and nodded his head... then he plugged his book.
the fitness model managed to make a couple of good points, but he is still and asshat- not a good representative. then the fag decided to talk about how easy AAS are to get over the internet and blah, blah, blah.
it was complete and utter bollox, shite, crap, DOODEE. i couldn't watch the whole thing... when the douche host started going on about how websites that sell AAS are targeting children i had to change the channel.