My traps, shoulders, back, and chest are all growing nicely, but my arms have been stuck for 2 years! Has anyone else had this problem, and what did you do to get your arms growing again? Maybe as the rest of my upper body keeps growing bigger my arms will finally start growing again?
I am no expert. But I know that your bi's and tri's are relatively small muscles and get a hell of a lot of work from your chest, back, and shoulder work. My arms were at a sticking point and started growing again when I cut back on the arm exercises. Just a suggestion.
Strangely enough that's what works for me as well although I still do go heavy on cgbp, dips, and barbell curls. Everything else I'll go for moderate weight and higher reps. Bottom line is that everyone is different. Some guys grow better off using less volume and heavier weights while other guys grow from the opposite. To the OP........have you tried different protocols/rep ranges and weights for your arms?
Strangely enough that's what works for me as well although I still do go heavy on cgbp, dips, and barbell curls. Everything else I'll go for moderate weight and higher reps. Bottom line is that everyone is different. Some guys grow better off using less volume and heavier weights while other guys grow from the opposite. To the OP........have you tried different protocols/rep ranges and weights for your arms?
I have the same problem. Been training 20 years and never broke 17 inches. Done it all: one day cure, HIT, volume, high frequency, perfect form, cheating, Jreps. In the last three months they have gone to 17 and 3/4 by using a variation of Mike Mentzers consolitation routine with added arm work done every two weeks using negatives, omni reps and rest pause. What has worked for me has been infrequent training while rotating intensity techniques.
for me it's ridiculously light weights and lots of forcing the contraction throughout the exercise. i use 40 lbs on a cable preacher curl for 7 sets of 12 about every six days. for tri's it's bending over at the waist and doing cable overhead extensions for 7 sets with a whopping 60 lbs. this has improved my arms significantly.
When I cut back to 6 sets of bis with strict form and a moderate weight my arms began to grow. I see too many guy doing endless sets of bi and tris, and getting nowhere.
I was lead to believe that when you start adding quality mass to your thighs, your arms will be forced to increase at a rate of about one inch per 10-15 lbs. total bodyweight increases regardless of training style.
I would find a solid program for lower body development and give this first priority in your training for a few months. You may be simply overtraining your arms. Try not to train them directly for awhile.
Had the exact same prob up to a couple months ago...everything grew except my arms.....started thinking years previous when they had grow....put alternating dumbell curls as my first weight...30 to 45 secs in between sets to keep the pump going....3 exercises for bis....3 exercises for tris....only time i take a little extra rest in between exercises @ about 2 to 3 mins. Arms have noticeably been growing again since
When I cut back to 6 sets of bis with strict form and a moderate weight my arms began to grow. I see too many guy doing endless sets of bi and tris, and getting nowhere.
I don't think there are many people that ARE happy with their arm size. It seems to always be an issue for every local bodybuilder I've met.
I don't really care that much about my arm size, but I often wonder when I see the pros. I wonder how much of a role SEO plays into arm size for the pros. I have zero knowledge about it as far as the pros, but it just seems like every muscle in the body grows but stays somewhat in proportion to the muscles around them. Of course this wouldn't be the case if you just did curls and nothing else, ever.
But I do wonder how much one can really increase the size of their biceps in relationship to their forearms/triceps and shoulders/back size when you are training your entire body, for the most part, all year. Just seems like you'd have to do "something" localized other than training.
20 - 30 reps....balls set rest paused. and i mean shit your pants heavy with perfect form....explosive positive and slow controlled negative.
I am no expert. But I know that your bi's and tri's are relatively small muscles and get a hell of a lot of work from your chest, back, and shoulder work. My arms were at a sticking point and started growing again when I cut back on the arm exercises. Just a suggestion.
Just think about for a second brother any push movement in the gym affects your triceps like chest for example and any type of PULL movement in the gym works out your biceps example chin ups so say for a second you train your arms twice a week well u also train your chest once a week and your back once a week thats four days of training your arms A WEEK and that if you only train chest/back once a day a week and not every three days like some people so if you want them to grow and u tried everything as u stated have u tried maybe not working them out for a week on arms day i mean just take it off cook some chicken or something haha because alot of people in the gym will work out their arms after a chest or back day (if u dont train legs ) and their arms are still sore from the chest or back workout day....just try it lower the intensity of your arms day alot of just take the arms day out for a week