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Exemestane/Aromasin - It's the only choice


New member
Sep 7, 2006
After reading a couple of threads, I feel like something needs to be said about a couple of things.

Your health is important right? With all of the stuff athletes put themselves through, I'm surprised people forget or maybe neglect one huge aspect of their health and then think it's ok. What I'm saying is that so many guys end up needing an anti estrogen or anti aromatase and then either skimp on the cost and get something cheap or don't do anything at all.

Don't put your health at risk more than you need to. Exemestane is going to do everything you need it to and then some. Your lipids will thank you as well. Your igf levels will thank you too. If you can't afford it, save until you can. In the long run, it will be the best decision you make.
Nice post

I don't know this guy, I swear.
I don't know this guy, I swear.

No you don't and I have never ordered anything from you guys. I can just say that in all honesty it really is the best and now there is no excuse for anyone not to take care of their bodies.

After reading a couple of threads, I feel like something needs to be said about a couple of things.

Your health is important right? With all of the stuff athletes put themselves through, I'm surprised people forget or maybe neglect one huge aspect of their health and then think it's ok. What I'm saying is that so many guys end up needing an anti estrogen or anti aromatase and then either skimp on the cost and get something cheap or don't do anything at all.

Don't put your health at risk more than you need to. Exemestane is going to do everything you need it to and then some. Your lipids will thank you as well. Your igf levels will thank you too. If you can't afford it, save until you can. In the long run, it will be the best decision you make.

Good post BC, I was just reading about how older guys have higher estrogen and it may contribute to prostate cancer, and since my father has it I am taking an interest in keeping my estrogen levels in check, except I don't know exactly where they should be without bloodwork so am going for that soon.
Good post. I am still curious about how estrogen relates to male libido. I read things like too much suppression will lead to no libido. Understandably many things factor into libido and I am by no means implying that taking an anti-e is the sole culprit when those problems occur.

What if someone wasnt "on" and was in their late 20's? Could they in any way benefit from taking aromasin? Would it kill libido or is their some kind of happy medium that could be reached?

Sorry for the overload of questions. I understand that the answers would vary wildly from individual to individual, but I wanted to see if anyone had some thoughts on the matter.
Good post. I am still curious about how estrogen relates to male libido.

At 12.5 mg's to 25 mg's of exemestane (aromasin) per day, no problems in that department. I've been researching this stuff for a few weeks now, and I can say that there are no reported libido issues.
Good post. I am still curious about how estrogen relates to male libido. I read things like too much suppression will lead to no libido. Understandably many things factor into libido and I am by no means implying that taking an anti-e is the sole culprit when those problems occur.

What if someone wasnt "on" and was in their late 20's? Could they in any way benefit from taking aromasin? Would it kill libido or is their some kind of happy medium that could be reached?

Sorry for the overload of questions. I understand that the answers would vary wildly from individual to individual, but I wanted to see if anyone had some thoughts on the matter.

It quite possibly could benefit you. Exemestane has a positive influence in relation to your HPTA axis. One of the reasons its great for PCT. If you had some bloods run, and you knew your estradiol was high, it's going to help you out big time. I once heard someone describe Aromasin as using a hand grenade on an ant. Thats a pretty good way of putting things. MUCH easier on your system though and without the nasty rebound associated with other AIs. There are other positive benefits from this compound and they have been mentioned. If my doctor gave me the choice between Arimidex and Aromasin, I'd pick Aromasin every single time. Something else I might add as well as this AI will help clear your skin up. Estrogen causes all kinds of problems and those with stubborn acne, in conjuction with a good anti bacteria cleansing soap, will help with your skin big time.
100% agreement. I have been studying and looking into this for over a year now and there is no reason to use Arimidex over Aromasin. Aromasin is overall the best anti-e out there. Interesting about the acne....might pick some up even though I am OFF and a couple months past PCT. Could it negatively effect my hpta at this point if i use some?
100% agreement. I have been studying and looking into this for over a year now and there is no reason to use Arimidex over Aromasin. Aromasin is overall the best anti-e out there. Interesting about the acne....might pick some up even though I am OFF and a couple months past PCT. Could it negatively effect my hpta at this point if i use some?

As stated earlier, if it could be used for pct, then why would it effect your HPTA?
Aromasin is not an exogenous hormone in any way, it is simply the latest
generation aromatase inhibitor. It inhibits the best hormone in the male body from converting into one of the nastiest hormones in the male body, and with proper dosages, it keeps us healthy, lean, and in optimal condition for putting on lean, waterless mass.
So to answer your question, no it will not negatively affect your HPTA in any way, it will only tweak it to a better state ;)
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not everyone agrees because theres not as much profit in selling aromasin vs adex.
I know a lot of people swear by an love Femara/Letrozole over everything else.
Can someone

Answer this for me...i asked it in another thread but got no response. Basically i wanted to know how you can tell if you have high estrogen while "ON"??

I'm on a low dose test (250mg/wk) and i don't seem to have any gyno symptoms or bloat at this dose. Is this the only thing to look for as far as being affected by estrogen sides?

Actually i don't seem to be having any sides as far as acne or anything else..some hair shedding at first but seems to have stopped
Thanks in advance.
250mg/wk is a dose where you really don't have to worry about too much, IMO.
Answer this for me...i asked it in another thread but got no response. Basically i wanted to know how you can tell if you have high estrogen while "ON"??

I'm on a low dose test (250mg/wk) and i don't seem to have any gyno symptoms or bloat at this dose. Is this the only thing to look for as far as being affected by estrogen sides?

Actually i don't seem to be having any sides as far as acne or anything else..some hair shedding at first but seems to have stopped
Thanks in advance.

High BP, retaining fluid, acne, gaining excess fat
rereach stop or anyone else..........

we have ordered some reasearchstop letrozole this week.

we are basically doing a 3 on 3 off type blast protocol, im super happy with the results and never get as bloated as i used to when doing too long cycles (over 6wks) when my estro and prolaction would sky rocket and no more gains but high bp etc..

any way i was thining of 1.25mg letro 2 days on 2 off for 3 weeks starting the 3rd week "on" till the secoind week "off".. just to mop up excess estro...

what do you think of using letro in this way???????????

I am not trying to correct a huge isue just trying to be proactive and prevent a issue and safegaurd health....
No, don't stop the Letro. At 6.25mg your dog shouldn't have a libido problem. And the Prami is going drive up his libido like the crazy animal he is.

Originally Posted by King-kong
Thanks for taking the time to answer so many questions from the members of the board. I just received your product (amazingly fast) for a research project on my dog. I had pain - I meant he had pain in the nip areas while on cycle - tren test eq. (ed aromasin), and wasn't sure if it was prolactin related or estrogen related. We ordered letro - and pramipexole. After one dose of each (only about .25-.30 ml of each) the pain is down to about half of what it was. He hates taking the letro but hope this will aid in the minimizing of a small lump - by feel only, not visible. The more I am thinking about it - since aromasin was taken the entire time it must be prolactin related. Should I drop the letro and just stick with the pramipexole? The letro has been known to remove lumps and that is why it was purchased as well. I would sure hate to see my dog lose his libido. --- Also wanted to note - some years back I ordered a research product elsewhere - that was for my fish - and the bottle came in and was small as anything. I was very impressed with the quantity of product and bottle size ---- thanks again.


hey guys is this fellla in the other anti e thread talking of taking 0.25ml of letro ed ie 0.625mg???? if so yayyyyy that sounds great.... would this be enough????

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