Sixteen weeks isn't neccessary to make good gains. I am sure you want to gain as fast a possible and keep it when you go off cycle and still be reletivly safe, everyone wants that. So this is my opinion on it.
You should have your diet and training in check before you start. I am not a fan of more than 20 minutes of cardio a day unless your trying to cut. Make sure your protein intake is at 2 grams per pound of bw. Have bloodwork done before you start. If there is anything thats not where it should be don't start until you get it corrected and tested again.
If this is a get big and stop training idea stop now, you will be disappointed. If your idea is to keep training forever and work on your goals safely I think you should go with one thing only for your first cycle, Test. There is no need for a complicated stacked cycle for your first one. Your body will respond to 400-500mg/wk of long ester Test. You will learn how it feels, how your body works with it, and how you recover and keep the gains from it.
Ten weeks is long enough. If you are stretching the cycle for the EQ use then save it for next time. Ten wks, go through PCT, have blood work done, wait a few more weeks and maybe go again if it went smooth.
I think it's good to use Adex while using Test so keep that at 25mg/ed or eod. I don't think there is any benefit to using two SERMs during PCT. I recommend Nolvadex at 25mg/day for 4 wks, starting 2wks after last shot of test. I find it more effective and Clomid has more sides in my experience. HCG works well for me but fuels estro related GYNO big time. Since this is your first cycle you don't know if you are prone to it or not and should have plenty of Nolvadex on hand in case it starts. I think HCG at 500IU every 5 days through the entire cycle works best. If you want to use it at the end of your cycle only, I still wouldn't recommend over 1000IU per shot.
Hope I over complicated this enough
Good luck man.