I'm gonna have to disagree with Big Byrd on this one. I don't understand how Emmons makes a living doin this. His grammar sucks. The article was poorly researched, organized and written. To top it all off, it was dry and unimaginitive. If it were about thing we were less passionate about, we'd laugh at it.
To top it all off, the negative portrayal of AAS usage was rather surreptitiously woven into the story.
Ugh. Crap.
Regardless, Phil makes an excellent point. There's nothing wrong with goin to talk to a doc about your use. That's what they're there fore. Some may do a little browbeating, but in the end you're the one payin him, so let him know that. It's your body, he's just there to help guide you in your decisions, to counsel and advise. He can't force you to do anything, nor are you bound by his advice. Ultimately... you're responsible for your own health.