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Flu, what I do, y’all do, just me?

I'm still sick, a week today for me. It's mostly been congestion but the cough is hitting me more today...not too bad but when I do what comes up is ugly! My voice has been all screwed up to. I know @TheOtherOne55 is going through it as well.
Longest cold ever. The head congestion, fatigue and “haze” is gone. I can at least train now. But the flemmy kinda cough and runny nose is going on 8-9 days right now. The Wife is much worse than me. Ugh.
Longest cold ever. The head congestion, fatigue and “haze” is gone. I can at least train now. But the flemmy kinda cough and runny nose is going on 8-9 days right now. The Wife is much worse than me. Ugh.
Today is day 9 I’m just up and seem like I’ll be ok, did break down and take promethizine but other than being flat, soft and otherwise weak and a dose of self pity I’m on track to spending the holidays unfucking the last 9 days. Anyone who gets it getvtamiflu fast and either way expect a tough week. If u got kids get em away from unasap and find help when my fever hit 102 plus I couldn’t even walk.
Today is day 9 I’m just up and seem like I’ll be ok, did break down and take promethizine but other than being flat, soft and otherwise weak and a dose of self pity I’m on track to spending the holidays unfucking the last 9 days. Anyone who gets it getvtamiflu fast and either way expect a tough week. If u got kids get em away from unasap and find help when my fever hit 102 plus I couldn’t even walk.
Buddy it’s sucks yes. It’s definitely a mind fuck. That being said as we both know you really didn’t lose anything besides maybe some fat( more than muscle). we have conditioned our self mentally for so many years that we have to eat every two or three hours, or we are so catabolic and losing muscle. lol. that’s just the way we think now. In reality you will be fine. It sucks feeling bad. You probably look like shit now because you’re full of water and your muscles are depleted of glycogen. You’ll get feeling better eat some food 3-4-5 days you’ll fill out and probably look better than you did before you were sick. Tbh I would feel the same way as you though so you’re not crazy. Lol. Hang in there bro.
Athletic Greens 2x per day religiously
When feeling under the weather a meters cocktail every other day with a liter of fluids
Just getting over a bad cold myself and took a bit out of me so would be rough getting back to the gym. In the meantime I been resting and drinking lots of fluid plus some cold meds to help.
Buddy it’s sucks yes. It’s definitely a mind fuck. That being said as we both know you really didn’t lose anything besides maybe some fat( more than muscle). we have conditioned our self mentally for so many years that we have to eat every two or three hours, or we are so catabolic and losing muscle. lol. that’s just the way we think now. In reality you will be fine. It sucks feeling bad. You probably look like shit now because you’re full of water and your muscles are depleted of glycogen. You’ll get feeling better eat some food 3-4-5 days you’ll fill out and probably look better than you did before you were sick. Tbh I would feel the same way as you though so you’re not crazy. Lol. Hang in there bro.
Thanks brother yea 3 days ago I was so out my head I was convinced I was done lifting lol but high fever does that. You’re right and I appreciate you saying it as well bc when it comes from a peer it means way more than the wife saying “you’ll be fine you’re just sick, fml” Cheers
Thanks brother yea 3 days ago I was so out my head I was convinced I was done lifting lol but high fever does that. You’re right and I appreciate you saying it as well bc when it comes from a peer it means way more than the wife saying “you’ll be fine you’re just sick, fml” Cheers
Lol. Since you’re obviously crazy as well….I had a small medical procedure that I had to stay a night in hospital last year. I remember telling my wife…I doubt I will ever workout again. Lol wtf. She competes in figuire and let me know quickly I was being insane. This is the same lady that broke my ear drum last week cleaning wax out of my ear, and told me “stop moving you’re being a pussy” when I jumped. So ya I get it man bc our household is wacky. 😂
Lol. Since you’re obviously crazy as well….I had a small medical procedure that I had to stay a night in hospital last year. I remember telling my wife…I doubt I will ever workout again. Lol wtf. She competes in figuire and let me know quickly I was being insane. This is the same lady that broke my ear drum last week cleaning wax out of my ear, and told me “stop moving you’re being a pussy” when I jumped. So ya I get it man bc our household is wacky. 😂
Mines like that- we treasure the gym and we r aging it’s the ultimate fear-now mine she’s a psych doc and I’m a vet with ptsd and a bodybuilder so I’m a head case but none of the perks I got from gym chics which I’ll admit I miss but there are perks to a chic with good pay, huge tits and doesn’t care if I get all the attention my athletes were all awesome except for competing for attention. On the ear wax note I got a salon that I do ads for and they have that for nose and ears for free for me and I ain’t done that shit once the trimmer is alright by me 😂.
Mines like that- we treasure the gym and we r aging it’s the ultimate fear-now mine she’s a psych doc and I’m a vet with ptsd and a bodybuilder so I’m a head case but none of the perks I got from gym chics which I’ll admit I miss but there are perks to a chic with good pay, huge tits and doesn’t care if I get all the attention my athletes were all awesome except for competing for attention. On the ear wax note I got a salon that I do ads for and they have that for nose and ears for free for me and I ain’t done that shit once the trimmer is alright by me 😂.
Thanks brother yea 3 days ago I was so out my head I was convinced I was done lifting lol but high fever does that. You’re right and I appreciate you saying it as well bc when it comes from a peer it means way more

Lol. That’s great man. For sure. All of it!!!
My wife is a NP but………..in obstetrics dept. regardless if I have a vagina or not she thinks she can still do damn near any procedure i need at home. And as far as the tits go….my wife told me last weekend if I’m okay with it she will make a appointment in January to get hers redone. I mean why and the fuck would I have a problem with that. Dumb question 🤩
Lol. That’s great man. For sure. All of it!!!
My wife is a NP but………..in obstetrics dept. regardless if I have a vagina or not she thinks she can still do damn near any procedure i need at home. And as far as the tits go….my wife told me last weekend if I’m okay with it she will make a appointment in January to get hers redone. I mean why and the fuck would I have a problem with that. Dumb question 🤩
You are lucky to have a wife like that man, she has to be pretty much a lifesaver for ya and no doubt she's earned that tit surgery!
Lol. That’s great man. For sure. All of it!!!
My wife is a NP but………..in obstetrics dept. regardless if I have a vagina or not she thinks she can still do damn near any procedure i need at home. And as far as the tits go….my wife told me last weekend if I’m okay with it she will make a appointment in January to get hers redone. I mean why and the fuck would I have a problem with that. Dumb question 🤩
Yea I worship at the altar of tits over ass 1,000% and she wins too, she gets more attention everywhere and when they r more confident chics enjoy their tits more. So win win win

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