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? for 1st timer


Oct 26, 2009
Been trolling around for a while and could not really locate what I was looking for so here it is:

Looking for my first "Go Around" come prbly late this fall, right around my birthday, I will be 29 (if your wondering). I am an Endo through and through, (that is if you believe in those classifications, lol, I know some dont).

Was looking at the basic first timers run of TestE at 250x2wk=500. or if can only get 300 will do 600wk.

Dftnly the type to hold water, specially with carbs.
Question is as Arimidex type AI are generally pricey, are there OTC product that can have some what similiar results. Granted they will not be the same as the Real Deal, but something that just help alittle with the h2o.
Would they be worth it or just go around like a water buffalo, lol.
Dont need a specific one, just what to look for ingredient wise.

Dont plan on a kicker or a finisher. Do for some reason have Winni on hand, but dont plan on using it, this tiime around, want to keep it Test Only>
you know if your only worried about holding water

i would just do some otc shit
readily availible
works great

i have alot of female clients on diurex 3 days on 2 days off

and it works wonders......... fuggin 4 bucks

Thanks Tenny.

yeah as it is my first cycle, dont want to blow up on water. and not sure how sensetive my body will be to it, so i dont think i need a full out AI. Cause if I use it the first time around I will never know if the Test brought any unwanted sides during, that I would want to take in account in future cycles with more stuff tossed in.

Got to see how a respond to the Test 1st and for most. Will pick up some extra PCT (clomid and nolva) mainly the nolva incase any unwanted puffyness should arise. Dont want to run an AI from the get go, cause like I said then Iwould not have a true ready in how my body adapts/proccess the Test, king base of all cycles.

again thanks,
and that shit does look made cheap.
So just look for a water pill and I should be good to go.

Going to keep things very clean diet wise so hopefully there will not be too too much to start with.
Yeah if you're just looking to keep water off that can be done pretty cheaply with some OTC supplements. Also keeping a close eye on your diet; sodium particularly
Yeah if you're just looking to keep water off that can be done pretty cheaply with some OTC supplements. Also keeping a close eye on your diet; sodium particularly

Dfntly Diet is going to play a big big role aswell. Diet is Numero Uno. I tend to not go to much on sodium, tend not to add that much to what the food already consist of.

Looking at November 1st a Monday. Pin Mon and Thurs, unless my work schedule changes by then and i am working one of those days, and i am hoping that is the case so i can get off Sundays, lol. Birthday is the 18th a thurs. But a cycle through the holidays haha Nov,Dec,Jan.
I agree that diet is really the major factor. Stay away from sodium, and eat a clean diet.
I agree that diet is really the major factor. Stay away from sodium, and eat a clean diet.

Ofcourse with out question Diet is key. Just looking for a way to ditch any test bloat that would come regardless. But after reading the AntiEstrogen thread might just go with a research approach with aromasin.

Still playing around with my diet right now. Might go with carbs but try to keep it straight up gluten free, aside from maybe a pick-me-up meal once a week or so.
I picked up some 6-bromo dirt cheap, and if I don't feel the need to use it on-cycle, I'll have it to use in PCT.

But I may low-dose through out the cycle, since I haven't found a definitive answer to an AI hindering gains, and this 6-bromo isn't as potent as the other more popular ( and more $y) ones.

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