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Gh experiences with water retention?

Has anyone used telmisartan to lower HGH water retention? apart for the BP
Do you experience any subcutaneous water retention with test?
Not unless my estrogen gets way out of hand. But part of this is also likely due to maintaining a good diet all year, always maintaining reasonable body fat in offseason, etc.

In general I've had very little side effects from PEDs. The biggest has been acne and I'll gladly take that over more severe ones.
last year was first time running HGH in many years and puffy face was really bad at first with just 2iu of Jintropin/day...face got better after a couple weeks but never back to normal till i stopped---the upside was my muscles were def bigger and fuller
All great info, It's just interesting how certain brands will have more water retention. It does subside the longer you are on it. I remember I was running the riptropins and at first I was like fuck these make me hold a bunch of water but after 2 months I have never had my physique look that good since. The Rips were strong. I also loved those crazy ass kigtropins not sure what the hell were in those but body recomped immediately. The old school jintropins from way back when they were possibly using the real placenta gave me that euphoria feeling like was a kid in a candy store. I don't really get that feeling from gh like I used to but I still feel like if I don't have it in my system I'm missing out.lol
Sucks everyone gets water retention from hgh. This is something that does not happen to me. Even in high doses.
I don’t even seem to get sub q water retention from aas anymore either. Muscles hold water obviously but I haven’t had a moon face since the first few times I used aas 20 yrs ago
Has anyone used telmisartan to lower HGH water retention? apart for the BP

EOD/3x a week dosing and my ARB/BB combo reduced HGH water retention for me. Is it 100% gone, no but it is a noticeable improvement.

"Plasma aldosterone decreased with individual treatments (valsartan, 11%–22%; nebivolol, 20%–26%), with the largest reduction (35%) observed with maximum combination dose (20 mg nebivolol/320 mg valsartan)."

I use Valsartan and Nebivolol. I did not respond to telmisartan at all (this is not uncommon).
Not unless my estrogen gets way out of hand. But part of this is also likely due to maintaining a good diet all year, always maintaining reasonable body fat in offseason, etc.

In general I've had very little side effects from PEDs. The biggest has been acne and I'll gladly take that over more severe ones.
You don’t get any subq retention in your face either ?
I started experiencing it pretty bad when i jumped up in IUs too fast! I titrated back down and increased by 1 unit at a time for a few months and I am back to the same dosage without any symptoms at all. Around 4-5 IUs is where I am currently at and probably won't go any higher.
I get water retention but I guess because I stay relatively lean I feel like it’s mostly intramuscular and I like it. I was on for about 5 years steady then off completely for about 4 years and now back on again about a year. I added about 10 pounds bodyweight real quick when I started back up.

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