I have a contest in november, I want to tale gh for cutting and gain muscle, I have a little body fat, it is better to take in the morning, before bed, the two??I want to take 5 ui a day.
many thanks
I am 45.
there are different thoughts on when to take gh......it is secreted at nite while u sleep so many say to take it at bedtime to enhance and mimic the natural production..............some even believe early am hours are the best .....on an empty stomach...ie..3-4 am.......but in mnay research publications they dont notice a big difference whether u take gh in the am or pm...........i use it in the pm at bedtime........
The 2 times you do secrete endogenous hGH is during REM sleep and post Training. So to get the most of exogenous hGH use during the day, starting 1-2 hrs after waking. if you are going to use post training, wait 1hr after eating your post training meal. This is due to the insulin production from the high carbs or whey isolate you are consuming after training. also 1.5iu 2xd is sufficient for fat loss, especially if you have never used hGH before. Good luck with your show.