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Gone back to basic upper lower split


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2009
At 48 and natural I have noticed my recovery has declined considerably. Went through big beyond belief a month or so ago and my joints didn’t like it.
With this in mind I’ve decided to go back to a simple upper lower or torso and limb workout.
very low volume and an every other day split. Two days in a row too often seems too much now. I am hoping to put back 3-5lb of tissue that I have lost over the last couple of years. Test is low but it is what it is.
following Dante’s advice on rep ranges and looking at least 13 plus unless I pick the wrong weight.
two sets tops per exercise and one of those rest paused.
low intensity cardio on off days.
sample of each 3 second ish lowering
high incline smith x2 with 1 Rp
dip x2
chest supported row x2
rack chin x2
rear delt x1

leg curl x2
hip thrust x2
leg extension x1
leg press x1/2
cable curl x2
pushdown x2
all trained to quality rep failure. Risky grinder reps are a thing of the past

any other advice. I don’t deadlift or back squat due to disc issues but do single leg dead and squat for back health, same reason for hip thrusts.
I work full time And so have about 4 meals a day about 45 gr protein each.
currently 192. Looking to get back to high 190s.
train at home in the garage ista garagegymer if anyone wants to have a look.
Single leg deads and squats don't put more stress on your disc issues?
If recovery is a problem I don't know if I'd train upper lower. Would do a low volume body part split.
Single leg deads and squats don't put more stress on your disc issues?
No weirdly. Single leg squats I feel in my quads more than back squat ever did anyway and the deads I feel slowly strengthen my back with much lower risk reward
At 48 and natural I have noticed my recovery has declined considerably. Went through big beyond belief a month or so ago and my joints didn’t like it.
With this in mind I’ve decided to go back to a simple upper lower or torso and limb workout.
very low volume and an every other day split. Two days in a row too often seems too much now. I am hoping to put back 3-5lb of tissue that I have lost over the last couple of years. Test is low but it is what it is.
following Dante’s advice on rep ranges and looking at least 13 plus unless I pick the wrong weight.
two sets tops per exercise and one of those rest paused.
low intensity cardio on off days.
sample of each 3 second ish lowering
high incline smith x2 with 1 Rp
dip x2
chest supported row x2
rack chin x2
rear delt x1

leg curl x2
hip thrust x2
leg extension x1
leg press x1/2
cable curl x2
pushdown x2
all trained to quality rep failure. Risky grinder reps are a thing of the past

any other advice. I don’t deadlift or back squat due to disc issues but do single leg dead and squat for back health, same reason for hip thrusts.
I work full time And so have about 4 meals a day about 45 gr protein each.
currently 192. Looking to get back to high 190s.
train at home in the garage ista garagegymer if anyone wants to have a look.
Looks great, sounds a lot like early Hernon and Jordan Peters style. I do a similar approach experimenting between EOD and 2 on 1 off frequency. Just curious if T is low and at age 48, not looking to get on TRT or?
I would consider something like this JORDAN PETERS TBT routine and not making any modifications other than specific exercise selection based on what exercises "work" for you based on body type, pre-existing conditions, machine availability. https://www.instagram.com/p/CjaEiTxtB5Q/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
How do you like that routine? I've tried full body but wasn't for me, when I'm not excited to go to the gym, I know it's not the best routine for me. I like to get in, get out. More times per week but shorter sessions. I feel like 5x45 minute sessions I recover better than 3x80-90 minutes session.
At 48 and natural I have noticed my recovery has declined considerably. Went through big beyond belief a month or so ago and my joints didn’t like it.
With this in mind I’ve decided to go back to a simple upper lower or torso and limb workout.
very low volume and an every other day split. Two days in a row too often seems too much now. I am hoping to put back 3-5lb of tissue that I have lost over the last couple of years. Test is low but it is what it is.
following Dante’s advice on rep ranges and looking at least 13 plus unless I pick the wrong weight.
two sets tops per exercise and one of those rest paused.
low intensity cardio on off days.
sample of each 3 second ish lowering
high incline smith x2 with 1 Rp
dip x2
chest supported row x2
rack chin x2
rear delt x1

leg curl x2
hip thrust x2
leg extension x1
leg press x1/2
cable curl x2
pushdown x2
all trained to quality rep failure. Risky grinder reps are a thing of the past

any other advice. I don’t deadlift or back squat due to disc issues but do single leg dead and squat for back health, same reason for hip thrusts.
I work full time And so have about 4 meals a day about 45 gr protein each.
currently 192. Looking to get back to high 190s.
train at home in the garage ista garagegymer if anyone wants to have a look.
Big beyond belief the 6 day routine or the 4 day routine?
I went from doing a ton of volume to basically a fortitude style split. 2 full body days then an upper & lower. Heavy lower & light upper on day 1, reversed day 2. Then rest pause and cluster sets on upper/lower days. Only 1 set on total body day and up to 2 sets on upper/lower. At first I was thinking it was way too low of volume but after doing it for a month it's taxing. Some weeks I'm sore AF. Never got sore doing volume work. I like this layout. I'm going to stick with it until it stops working.
I was actually doing this a few weeks ago and I like it but I just can’t recover.
I was only doing 1 working set 2 days on 1 day off.
I think if you can recover and it doesn’t aggravate your joints it’s a great way to train.
If you’re doing rest pause, I wouldn’t do it as a back off set id just do it as a rp set.
Sounds like you know what you need. Maybe find a spot for lateral raises and calves in there somewhere?
I would consider something like this JORDAN PETERS TBT routine and not making any modifications other than specific exercise selection based on what exercises "work" for you based on body type, pre-existing conditions, machine availability. https://www.instagram.com/p/CjaEiTxtB5Q/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
i Think a full body even just 3 days a week is a bit much now. I know Jordan says just one set but I now need at least 2-3 warm ups on small body parts and 4 on bigger. Even keeping those as Jordan does them just a couple of reps building up I can’t get away with less really. Fatigue just builds from all of this beyond what I can easily recover from
Single leg deads and squats don't put more stress on your disc issues?
Squats put a ton on pressure on the lower back. Ronnie Coleman blew out his discs and ended his career while performing squats.
At 48 and natural I have noticed my recovery has declined considerably. Went through big beyond belief a month or so ago and my joints didn’t like it.
With this in mind I’ve decided to go back to a simple upper lower or torso and limb workout.
very low volume and an every other day split. Two days in a row too often seems too much now. I am hoping to put back 3-5lb of tissue that I have lost over the last couple of years. Test is low but it is what it is.
following Dante’s advice on rep ranges and looking at least 13 plus unless I pick the wrong weight.
two sets tops per exercise and one of those rest paused.
low intensity cardio on off days.
sample of each 3 second ish lowering
high incline smith x2 with 1 Rp
dip x2
chest supported row x2
rack chin x2
rear delt x1

leg curl x2
hip thrust x2
leg extension x1
leg press x1/2
cable curl x2
pushdown x2
all trained to quality rep failure. Risky grinder reps are a thing of the past

any other advice. I don’t deadlift or back squat due to disc issues but do single leg dead and squat for back health, same reason for hip thrusts.
I work full time And so have about 4 meals a day about 45 gr protein each.
currently 192. Looking to get back to high 190s.
train at home in the garage ista garagegymer if anyone wants to have a look.
If you have joint problems you’ll most likely recover better training each muscle only once a week. I’d recommend the following 3-day spilt:

Monday Day 1) chest/back

Wednesday Day 2) shoulders/biceps/triceps

Friday Day 3) legs

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