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Hamstring training/prioritizing


New member
Feb 22, 2009
I know this is anything but an advanced question, but sometimes easy questions with easy answers reap the best benefits.

Im sure MANY of you have hamstrings that dont match up with your quads. It seems like the standard, just like alot of guys upper chest lags behind lower since they did flat bench for yrs first before noticing the problem.

My wheels need work in every aspect, but hammys sit atop the list. I was wondering, when you prioritize hamstrings, does anyone do them FIRST in their leg workouts? Or, like i was thinking, would this be almost countereffective, like training bi's before back, as you are basically pre exhausting the smaller muscle b4 hitting the larger one.

I was also thinking about hitting hamstrings on a seperate day, my deadlift day, but worry about overtraining, since hamstrings play such a huge role in any compound move for quads already, if done right obviously.
Training hams first in your routine is fine, thats how we do it in DC training. It doesnt effect strength in the rest of the workout either. Deep squats bring in the glutes and hams, so obviously your number one exercise should be squatting.

What I've been doing lately is having separate days for hams and quads, and so far it's been working really well for me.
I train my legs twice a week with emphasis on hamstrings. The one thing that stays constant is I always do squats, but after that I pretty much do lunges, Stiff-Leg Deadlift, Leg Curl...emphasizing the hamstrings and the squeeze. I have the same problem of lagging hamstrings and I wish I would have been doing this a long time ago!
Training hams first in your routine is fine, thats how we do it in DC training. It doesnt effect strength in the rest of the workout either. Deep squats bring in the glutes and hams, so obviously your number one exercise should be squatting.

What I've been doing lately is having separate days for hams and quads, and so far it's been working really well for me.

What would you think about doing, on my normal leg day, squats first, followed by my standard ham exercises, which is seated curls and lying curls, then whatever other exercises for quads (usually ill do hacks OR lunges, and 1 legged leg press, and finish out with extensions). Then on my deadlift day, which is 4 days after, throw in 3 sets of stiffs and 3 hypers? That makes sense to me, but again, ive always been prone to overtraining, as i think alot of newer guys are, so im trying to fix that...

I know everyones different, and ill have to try it to see how i react, but just lookin for some basic feedback on this approach. If you saw my hamstrings youd know why :eek:
"Prioritizing," eh? I read about that in arnold's "encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding" not too long ago. An interesting read, if you have it or know where to get it.
"Prioritizing," eh? I read about that in arnold's "encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding" not too long ago. An interesting read, if you have it or know where to get it.

haha yea ive read it many times actually. i got it signed by him at the arnold classic :D
Get a hell of a lot stronger than you currently are on Romanian Deadlifts and Barbell Squats.

It doesn't matter how you split it up, "prioritize", or whatever... just accomplish the above and your hamstrings will be much bigger and thicker next year.
Get a hell of a lot stronger than you currently are on Romanian Deadlifts and Barbell Squats.

It doesn't matter how you split it up, "prioritize", or whatever... just accomplish the above and your hamstrings will be much bigger and thicker next year.

yea thats always the only sure fire way. Hit hard excercises hard. Thats kinda why i started this thread. For guys to tell me if im overthinking it or if this prioritizing would help in addition to the basics. I think, as long as im not overtraining, anything is gonna help at the level im at.
yea thats always the only sure fire way. Hit hard excercises hard. Thats kinda why i started this thread. For guys to tell me if im overthinking it or if this prioritizing would help in addition to the basics. I think, as long as im not overtraining, anything is gonna help at the level im at.

Also make sure you're using your hamstrings to do the work on hamstring exercises. It's all too easy to get caught up in moving big weights and you end up using your lower back, quads, momentum, etc. instead of the target muscle groups.
For Romanians, think of pushing thru your heels. Even lift your toes up a bit to keep emphasis off your quads.
Also make sure you're using your hamstrings to do the work on hamstring exercises. It's all too easy to get caught up in moving big weights and you end up using your lower back, quads, momentum, etc. instead of the target muscle groups.
For Romanians, think of pushing thru your heels. Even lift your toes up a bit to keep emphasis off your quads.

yea i always feel it correctly in excercises targeting hams specifically, like curls, but if im being honest, i know on excercises like lunges, when i wasted and trying to get that last one or two, my form suffers. Im making a BIG effort this yr to change that.

Ive NEVER done romanian DL's before. Its always been normal and stiff (although now because of my herniated disc is mostly rack deads) After 5 sets of even racks though, my lower back is super sore and pumped. Is it a good idea to do romanians afterwards in your opinion? Or is this something better served to do on leg day, after squats for example? I see advantages and disadvantages to both...
I know this is anything but an advanced question, but sometimes easy questions with easy answers reap the best benefits.

Im sure MANY of you have hamstrings that dont match up with your quads. It seems like the standard, just like alot of guys upper chest lags behind lower since they did flat bench for yrs first before noticing the problem.

My wheels need work in every aspect, but hammys sit atop the list. I was wondering, when you prioritize hamstrings, does anyone do them FIRST in their leg workouts? Or, like i was thinking, would this be almost countereffective, like training bi's before back, as you are basically pre exhausting the smaller muscle b4 hitting the larger one.

I was also thinking about hitting hamstrings on a seperate day, my deadlift day, but worry about overtraining, since hamstrings play such a huge role in any compound move for quads already, if done right obviously.

You could try Power Factor training if your looking to do something drastically different.
I noticed significant change in my hamstrings when I started putting emphasis on hamstring exercises like Deadlift, Sumo Deadlift, Sumo Leg Press, Good Mornings etc rather than isloations like Lying Leg Curl and Seated Leg Curl.

I know it seems like common sense but in your one post you mentioned different types of curls rather than compound lift the heavy slag iron kind of lifts.
I noticed significant change in my hamstrings when I started putting emphasis on hamstring exercises like Deadlift, Sumo Deadlift, Sumo Leg Press, Good Mornings etc rather than isloations like Lying Leg Curl and Seated Leg Curl.

I know it seems like common sense but in your one post you mentioned different types of curls rather than compound lift the heavy slag iron kind of lifts.

yea i know what you mean. Ive always been an advocate of basics and heavy weights. I always did the curls though because i could really FEEL the squeeze in it. LIke i said before though, im making a BIG effort this season to REALLY feel the heavy lifts where i should be.

hahaha im still wet behind the ears, but i know things like concentration curls, dumbell kickbacks, cable crossovers, and seated ham curls arent gonna get it done :D
What really brought up my hams was going heavier on dead lifts. I went from 8-10 reps to 3-6 reps. They really forced my hams to work over time.

Also, I switched my sqauts to a really wide stance. I had to drop the weight, but it really brought up my hams especially where they tie into glutes.

I always do lying leg curls and lately seated legs curls since they took the standing one away. I hated it at first but I really get a good stretch. I usually do reps from 10-15 on the curls 4 sets each. I used explosive controlled reps, full range of motion. I feel that hams more than any other muscle group benefit from getting a good stretch and squeeze at the top of each rep.

I tried doing dumb bell lunges too if you take a larger step than normal you really feel it in the hams and glutes. This helped me big time and now i feel my hams actually look better than my quads so it evened things out a bit.

I have always trained hams and quads together. I used to do calves too, but I do them on chest or shoulder day and arms days. This leaves me more time to prioritize the hams and quads.
Well i tried a new workout scheme on leg day-

Wide stance, below parallel squats

Romanian Deads- did 5 sets. Planned on 3 but was going light as it was my first time doing them, and REALLY tried to feel in the hamstrings. I think i got the hang of it on the 3rd set and really started feeling the stretch in the hammys.

Single legged leg press- i also feel this hits hammys more then standard

Lying leg curls

Hacks-as deep as possible

Extensions- I used to do them first in my workout, in an effort to warm up knees. Now i just do 2 'easy' sets first thing to get the blood pumping before hitting squats. Ive found the wide stance really takes alot of tension off my lower back. Also, ending my quad work with these leaves them writhing!

It turned out to be a great workout. Legs (hams especially) were fried today! R. deads are definatly gonna be a big part of my leg training now, and im excited to master the movement and start slingin serious weight. My only complaint about this workout was my lower back was FRIED after the wide stance squats and only 2 sets of light weight R deads. I feel its because my lower back has gotten lazy from not hitting the deads because of injury, and im hoping the endurance will steadily come back
that why i hit legs and back about 3 or 4 days apart
yea my usual routine is legs thursday, and back thickness (deads, bent rows ect) on monday.

I would hit the hams later (on deadlift day) but go lighter with volume and DO NOT work to failure...pick a few good exercises such as:

glute/ham raises, one-legged romainians, bulgairan deads, swiss ball leg curls,
good morning, lying leg curls (one legged), etc

so in other words on leg day hammer them and later in the split hit them again with a feeder workout
I would hit the hams later (on deadlift day) but go lighter with volume and DO NOT work to failure...pick a few good exercises such as:

glute/ham raises, one-legged romainians, bulgairan deads, swiss ball leg curls,
good morning, lying leg curls (one legged), etc

so in other words on leg day hammer them and later in the split hit them again with a feeder workout

So in order to prioritize his hamstrings you are advocating that he train them not to failure? If you arent getting stronger, you arent getting bigger.

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