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Heavyweight cycle


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2014
With all the high/low doses thread here I thought I would post my cycle I did for my show this last weekend.

I´m a heavyweight competitor. This past weekend won the overall at my country Nationals. This weekend I´m going for a pro qualifier.

I did 15 weeks prep for the first show.

15 weeks out

Test P 100 mg ed
Mast P 70 mg ed
Tren A 30 mg ed
GH 5 iu ed
Slin 10 iu pre wo(5 days a week)
Adex 1 mg eod
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 100 mcg ed

13 weeks out

Test P 100 mg ed
Mast P 70 mg ed
Tren A 30 mg ed
GH 5 iu ed
Slin 10 iu pre wo(5 days a week)
Adex 1 mg eod
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 100 mcg ed
Clen 40 mcg ed

12 weeks out

Test P 150 mg ed
Mast P 100 mg ed
Tren A 40 mg ed
GH 8 iu ed
Slin 10 iu pre wo(5 days a week)
Adex 1 mg eod
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 100 mcg ed
Clen 40-80 mcg ed

7 weeks out

Test P 150 mg ed
Mast P 100 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 60 mg ed
Proviron 50 mg ed
GH 8 iu ed
Slin 10 iu pre wo(5 days a week)
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 100 mcg ed

4 weeks out

Test P 100 mg ed
Mast P 150 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 80 mg ed
Halo 40 mg ed
Proviron 75 mg ed
GH 8 iu ed
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 120 mcg ed

2,5 weeks out

Test P 50 mg ed
Mast P 150 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 100 mg ed
Halo 45 mg ed
Proviron 100 mg ed
GH 8 iu ed (2 weeks out 4 iu ed)
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 160 mcg ed

1 week out

Test P 33 mg ed
Mast P 150 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 100 mg ed
Halo 45 mg ed
Proviron 125 mg ed
GH 0 iu ed
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 120 mcg ed

5 days out

Test P 0 mg ed
Mast P 150 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 120 mg ed
Halo 60 mg ed
Proviron 150 mg ed
GH 0 iu ed
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 80-120 mcg ed
Looks sane as far as a big guy goes. How was you BP with Halo?
With all the high/low doses thread here I thought I would post my cycle I did for my show this last weekend.

I´m a heavyweight competitor. This past weekend won the overall at my country Nationals. This weekend I´m going for a pro qualifier.

I did 15 weeks prep for the first show.

15 weeks out

Test P 100 mg ed
Mast P 70 mg ed
Tren A 30 mg ed
GH 5 iu ed
Slin 10 iu pre wo(5 days a week)
Adex 1 mg eod
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 100 mcg ed

13 weeks out

Test P 100 mg ed
Mast P 70 mg ed
Tren A 30 mg ed
GH 5 iu ed
Slin 10 iu pre wo(5 days a week)
Adex 1 mg eod
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 100 mcg ed
Clen 40 mcg ed

12 weeks out

Test P 150 mg ed
Mast P 100 mg ed
Tren A 40 mg ed
GH 8 iu ed
Slin 10 iu pre wo(5 days a week)
Adex 1 mg eod
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 100 mcg ed
Clen 40-80 mcg ed

7 weeks out

Test P 150 mg ed
Mast P 100 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 60 mg ed
Proviron 50 mg ed
GH 8 iu ed
Slin 10 iu pre wo(5 days a week)
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 100 mcg ed

4 weeks out

Test P 100 mg ed
Mast P 150 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 80 mg ed
Halo 40 mg ed
Proviron 75 mg ed
GH 8 iu ed
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 120 mcg ed

2,5 weeks out

Test P 50 mg ed
Mast P 150 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 100 mg ed
Halo 45 mg ed
Proviron 100 mg ed
GH 8 iu ed (2 weeks out 4 iu ed)
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 160 mcg ed

1 week out

Test P 33 mg ed
Mast P 150 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 100 mg ed
Halo 45 mg ed
Proviron 125 mg ed
GH 0 iu ed
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 120 mcg ed

5 days out

Test P 0 mg ed
Mast P 150 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 120 mg ed
Halo 60 mg ed
Proviron 150 mg ed
GH 0 iu ed
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 80-120 mcg ed
What's your offseason and stage weight?
Maybe after will come. I not all for posting my pics with this information.
Congrats on your win!

One Q I have about your cycle - why so much and frequent adex? I'm curious bcoz you were running mostly dry compounds?

Good luck on your pro qualifier.
Congrats on your win!

One Q I have about your cycle - why so much and frequent adex? I'm curious bcoz you were running mostly dry compounds?

Good luck on your pro qualifier.
Thank you!

I really don´t think it´s so much. I was on 1050 mg prop a week for like half the prep. 1 mg ed of Arimidex is pretty standard protocol. I want my estrogen low the last half of prep that+s when it went up to ed. Befpre that it was eod.

I have shed fat like never before this prep. So everything worked great for me.
With all the high/low doses thread here I thought I would post my cycle I did for my show this last weekend.

I´m a heavyweight competitor. This past weekend won the overall at my country Nationals. This weekend I´m going for a pro qualifier.

I did 15 weeks prep for the first show.

15 weeks out

Test P 100 mg ed
Mast P 70 mg ed
Tren A 30 mg ed
GH 5 iu ed
Slin 10 iu pre wo(5 days a week)
Adex 1 mg eod
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 100 mcg ed

13 weeks out

Test P 100 mg ed
Mast P 70 mg ed
Tren A 30 mg ed
GH 5 iu ed
Slin 10 iu pre wo(5 days a week)
Adex 1 mg eod
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 100 mcg ed
Clen 40 mcg ed

12 weeks out

Test P 150 mg ed
Mast P 100 mg ed
Tren A 40 mg ed
GH 8 iu ed
Slin 10 iu pre wo(5 days a week)
Adex 1 mg eod
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 100 mcg ed
Clen 40-80 mcg ed

7 weeks out

Test P 150 mg ed
Mast P 100 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 60 mg ed
Proviron 50 mg ed
GH 8 iu ed
Slin 10 iu pre wo(5 days a week)
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 100 mcg ed

4 weeks out

Test P 100 mg ed
Mast P 150 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 80 mg ed
Halo 40 mg ed
Proviron 75 mg ed
GH 8 iu ed
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 120 mcg ed

2,5 weeks out

Test P 50 mg ed
Mast P 150 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 100 mg ed
Halo 45 mg ed
Proviron 100 mg ed
GH 8 iu ed (2 weeks out 4 iu ed)
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 160 mcg ed

1 week out

Test P 33 mg ed
Mast P 150 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 100 mg ed
Halo 45 mg ed
Proviron 125 mg ed
GH 0 iu ed
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 120 mcg ed

5 days out

Test P 0 mg ed
Mast P 150 mg ed
Tren A 50 mg ed
Win 120 mg ed
Halo 60 mg ed
Proviron 150 mg ed
GH 0 iu ed
Adex 1 mg ed
T3 25 mcg ed
T4 150 mcg ed
Clen 80-120 mcg ed
Thanks to share with PM.
Interest to add proviron with masteron ?
Congrats on your win!

One Q I have about your cycle - why so much and frequent adex? I'm curious bcoz you were running mostly dry compounds?

Good luck on your pro qualifier.
^^^very standard for Pre-Contest ..1 tab of LETRO/ED also very common

^^^this is even without as much TEST as @m76r was using

..to get to very low BF for Pre-Contest conditioning ..this is part of how it's done (..successfully)

Thanks for posting. I don't think this is even high dosed, IMO, for a prep cycle. Very mild and standard.
Thanks to share with PM.
Interest to add proviron with masteron ?
I respond great to both so I take both to look my best.

High mast and proviron is really great for me. I stay pretty full looking. Some people get to dry I guess with over 1 g masteron.
I crusied for 7-8 weeks on 300 mg Test E and 3,33 iu GH before this prep.

Before that this is what I did for offseason:

Test E 250 mg eod
Test P 100 mg eod
NPP 200 mg eod
GH 5 iu ed
Slin 10 iu pre/sometimes also post WO
Adex 1 mg eod
T4 100 mcg ed
Yep, this seems about right and pretty much what is required. This is a valuable and honest poster for the board. Nice
interesting? personally, I do not know anyone who would not use prop proviron + masteron + vinstrol + anavar + often primo, i.e. 4-5 different dht at the same time

When I started competing again in 2018 I used most of these (no primo) in the last 4-6 weeks of prep.
Added Halo once to see if any difference - there wasn't, but it did allow me to train harder while depleted.
Crop/cover your face. Would def like to see off-season-prep-stage shots.
He’s posted pics before, he’s pretty advanced.

I’d like to see stage pics though for sure.

Pretty standard heavyweight contending for a pro card cycle these days.

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