Ok, so I have done 5 cycles already. So far it's been only nolva and clomid for PCT. Used Adex for my past cycle, found it worked pretty well. HCG always during the cycle 250IU E3D. IGF-1 for PCT for the last 2 cycles. I feel like the old nolva/clomid for PCT is a little out dated given some of the cool stuff out there now. I'm not planning for my next cycle.
My last cycle was 1g test E a week for 12 weeks, worked real well, loved the gains. I feel like I could do better PCT wise though. I've been reading about Aromasin, seems like a cool compound, but how do i work it into my PCT.
Since I am running IGF-1 PCT, should i steer away from the nolva because of it's effect on IGF-1 levels? Still keep the clomid though.
I do have a mild case of gyno probably from a shitty M1T cycle back when i knew NOTHING. It doesn't flare up while on. I did one cycle with Deca and ran Adex during the cycle to make sure gyno didn't happen. So where do i go from here???
I'm thinking Aromasin
1-4 25mg/day
1-2 150mg (day 1, 300mg)
3-4 50mg
80mcg/day postworkout
250IU E3D during cycle, stopping 5 days before PCT starts
IF and ONLY IF gyno flares up then 25mg Aromasin while on cycle till it goes away? Or should nolva still be used during cycle for gyno?
Lots of questions, I know! Any help would be awesome!
My last cycle was 1g test E a week for 12 weeks, worked real well, loved the gains. I feel like I could do better PCT wise though. I've been reading about Aromasin, seems like a cool compound, but how do i work it into my PCT.
Since I am running IGF-1 PCT, should i steer away from the nolva because of it's effect on IGF-1 levels? Still keep the clomid though.
I do have a mild case of gyno probably from a shitty M1T cycle back when i knew NOTHING. It doesn't flare up while on. I did one cycle with Deca and ran Adex during the cycle to make sure gyno didn't happen. So where do i go from here???
I'm thinking Aromasin
1-4 25mg/day
1-2 150mg (day 1, 300mg)
3-4 50mg
80mcg/day postworkout
250IU E3D during cycle, stopping 5 days before PCT starts
IF and ONLY IF gyno flares up then 25mg Aromasin while on cycle till it goes away? Or should nolva still be used during cycle for gyno?
Lots of questions, I know! Any help would be awesome!