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hey bros


New member
Apr 28, 2003
5 wks out from nationals, i'm starving to death, i'm finding myself wanting to cheat on the weekends when i'm with my gf. what can i eat to supress or take , to decrease my appetite. my diet has changed again, it consists of 2-Lo days and 1-High day, the low day all i have for carbs is 50grms. of fiberous carbs (5 cups of broccili), the high day is 100 grms of fiberous carbs, the protien intake is the same for both days, 7 eggwhites for 4-meals, and 2 6oz. meals of chicken. its gettin me fuckin shredded, my bf is 5.8% as of yesterday. i'm training my main bodyparts twice a wk, such as legs, chest/shoulders, back, and arms. and i train my calves 4 times a wk, and my abs 3 times a wk, all high reps, and my cardio , i do 45 minutes every day. i'm looking good, just thought i'd give ya an update, OH i will have some pics posted soon , gotta get some film:D
Well there are far more educated/experienced guys here but I will through this out there.

Personally when I do even a LITTLE ephedrine and caffine the last thing I want to do is eat ANYTHING> Infact I almost have to force the water down.

Don't know if it could work for you or screw up your precontest or not.

Just an idea.

yea that works i take that before i work out and i'm fine during the day , but at night time when i'm not working or working out , its like i'm dying to eat shit, i've just been chewing the shit out of sugar free gum, well if u find out anything else it would be greatly appreciated
Re: efferdrine

Deca19 said:
yea that works i take that before i work out and i'm fine during the day , but at night time when i'm not working or working out , its like i'm dying to eat shit, i've just been chewing the shit out of sugar free gum, well if u find out anything else it would be greatly appreciated

hmmm yea night time hunh? :)

Well can't think of anything. You can check out the fourth post down here by homocculous:


i checked it out, how old is that guy, i'm just gonna try to drink lots of water
Re: dieting

Deca19 said:
i checked it out, how old is that guy, i'm just gonna try to drink lots of water

Here are some other tricks, Deca.

Sugar-free metamucil, blended w/ ice and water. SOunds nasty but when you're dieting for a show, its awesome. ;)

Diet soda will not kill you - another way to get some taste. This can for some people lead to a binge. I just stay away for the most part.

Go outside in the heat and tan - the heat will inhibit appetite.

Take your thermos later in the day if you can still get to sleep.

Do all the other distracting things you can - surf the web, TV, take a walk, call the GF, start a project, etc. Whatever will keep you occupied.

As you saw, the gulping of water is a big one. There are stretch receptors and nerve fibers that sent signals to the brain when the stomach distended, inhibiting appetite.

Almost forgot - work on your posing routine! Will get your mind back in the game and off the idea of cheating...


P.S. I'm 18... LOL Look of for me (the one with the snout) at Teen Nat's in 5 weeks!!! :D
teen nationals

hey man what weight class u gonna be in, hows your stats now, thanks for the info.

Your gonna scare the guy to death worrying if your in his weight class!:D
Re: teen nationals

Deca19 said:
hey man what weight class u gonna be in, hows your stats now, thanks for the info.

LOL I could be wrong but I don't think he will be in the teen nationals.

Here he is:

dude i'm not scared

just wait untill u see me at teenage nationals then u will think twice about typing your little BS phrase again, i'm sittin at 5.8% bf at 5 wks. out, 5'6 198lbs. So yea whos scared again:D

:eek: utilize ephredrine in throughout your day. I chew lots of gum also it helps. Ephedrine is an appetite suppressent. EPhedrine to my understanding attaches (once digested) to Alpha 1 and 2 and Beta 1 and 2 cell receptors. It mimicks epinephrine or the "fight or flight" adrenaline hormone, it reduces GI (stomach/intestines) blood flow and reduces the need of hunger, basically blocking hunger signals, but lik everything you build a tolerance and it akes more and there are other risks attributed to that.

LOL. Relax man it was a joke because I believe he's an old fart like me. And......well, never mind. Good luck.
Last edited:
Re: dude i'm not scared

Deca19 said:
just wait untill u see me at teenage nationals then u will think twice about typing your little BS phrase again, i'm sittin at 5.8% bf at 5 wks. out, 5'6 198lbs. So yea whos scared again:D

Hey Deca!!!

I'm not scared either!!! LOL

I'm 5'3", 263lb with 24" arms and 3.4578935% Bodyfat!!!


Just trying to add some levity here, man. I know how you feel. (I'm 4 weeks out right now.) And no, I am not really 18 yr old. I was just screwin' around, man. I am an old fart, yes, so I won't be able to be in Pittsburgh (not old enough for master's though).

Good Luck, Bro. Sounds like you're right on track, man.


damn man thats some good stats. i didnt' think u was young enough to be at pittsburgh
good luck on your show
this is the funniest thing ive read in a long time. thanks for the laugh randy. i have really needed it. ill talk to you soon

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