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hey guys is my training split ok?


Jul 17, 2006
day 1.chest/arms
day 2.shoulders/back/traps
day 3.legs
day 4.off
day 5.chest/arms
day 6.shoulders/back/traps
day 7.legs

its a 3 on 1 off split

i do 12 sets per bodypart

am i overtraining?
IMO if your not splitting up those workouts in to 2 different training sessions i dont know how you can get the most out of your training in terms of intensity and quality of work outs. may i suggest this instead...mind you im no trainer but this worked for me in the past and i am a verry hard gainer.

day 1 chest/quads/abs
day 2 back/hams/ calves
day 3 shoulders/ abs
day 4 rest
day 5 arms/calves
day 6 rest

hope this helps. like i said im no trainer and i dont know how your body responds to training but this seemed to do the trick for me. take your time and experiment with different splits and see how your body reacts. theres noone here that can tell you "do this workout and youll look like ronnie coleman" this sport is all about experimentation and listening to your body... oh and diet diet diet. thats the real key to results.
Before DC training i did the typical push/pull deal.
Tuesday-Back Bis
Wed Off
Sat & Sunday Off
And so on. i also liked hitting one bodypart twice a week.
day 1.chest/arms
day 2.shoulders/back/traps
day 3.legs
day 4.off
day 5.chest/arms
day 6.shoulders/back/traps
day 7.legs

its a 3 on 1 off split

i do 12 sets per bodypart

am i overtraining?

how do you feel generally? do you think you're getting the best out of this routine? how long have you been on it? how are your gains?

day 2 and day 6, you're not doing 36 sets are you?

from reading extensively and doing loads of searches on here I get the feeling that its very easy to overtrain.

cheers :)
day 1.chest/arms
day 2.shoulders/back/traps
day 3.legs
day 4.off
day 5.chest/arms
day 6.shoulders/back/traps
day 7.legs

its a 3 on 1 off split

i do 12 sets per bodypart

am i overtraining?
I don't like it. are you overtraining? I don't know, but I would be. depends how intense your sets are etc.

sounds like a lot to me

you'll know you're overtraining if you end up feeling tired and not gaining strenght. as long as it works good just keep doing it.
too much

after warmup 6 working sets per bodypart every 5th day....you will gain best with adequate rest. workouts should not exceed 40 minutes in length.
monday-chest and arms
tuesday legs and abs
wednseday- rest
thursday-shoulders and back

I do a Dc split,
Day one
Back thickness
Back width
Day 2
This can be done 2 days on 2 off. Or 1 day on one day off. I prefer doing 2 days on one off 2 days on 2 off. So Mon tues lift, wed off, thurs, fri lift, sat sunday off. You hit each body part 2 times per week. With Dc though this workout only takes me 45 mins to 1 hour. If you are doing higher volume you probly can't do this split.

day 1.chest/arms
day 2.shoulders/back/traps
day 3.legs
day 4.off
day 5.chest/arms
day 6.shoulders/back/traps
day 7.legs

its a 3 on 1 off split

i do 12 sets per bodypart

am i overtraining?

WHY? I would never do heavy back after a bicep day....that would likely result in an injury for me. I also would never do heavy shoulders after a chest day if your shoulder work includes any type of pressing.

I would get some rest days between upper body movements.....look at all the recover days between your leg training. Recovery is key to grow, right? I'd tear myself apart following your routine.

That's just my opinion based on how my body feels after training.

ALSO- Your leg day comes immediately after BACK? If you do any heavy deadlifting, rowing, etc...That's asking for a lower back injury if you do heavy squats.

Again...I would end up hurt if I grouped my routine as you have outlined above.
Last edited:
I agree with JT... would not work for me. I would be over-trained. But I don't know how long you have been training and how old you are. Personally, I like to train back on a day by itself. Its a very big muscle group. By the time I hit that hard with deads, t-bars etc., I am in no shape to hit shoulders/traps too.
Several factors should be considered:

1.) body type -ecto, meso, endo. Workouts need to patterned according to specific type.

2.) macronutrients- carbs, protein, fat intake

3.) "special supplements"
I like to use 2 on ,1 off ,2 on,2 off when gaining weight. 3 on,1 off is used for cutting. I find the push pull method works great for both splits.
WHY? I would never do heavy back after a bicep day....that would likely result in an injury for me. I also would never do heavy shoulders after a chest day if your shoulder work includes any type of pressing.

I would get some rest days between upper body movements.....look at all the recover days between your leg training. Recovery is key to grow, right? I'd tear myself apart following your routine.

That's just my opinion based on how my body feels after training.

ALSO- Your leg day comes immediately after BACK? If you do any heavy deadlifting, rowing, etc...That's asking for a lower back injury if you do heavy squats.

Again...I would end up hurt if I grouped my routine as you have outlined above.

I think JT gave you some really helpful information to take into consideration. -StOrY
I don't like it. are you overtraining? I don't know, but I would be. depends how intense your sets are etc.

sounds like a lot to me

you'll know you're overtraining if you end up feeling tired and not gaining strenght. as long as it works good just keep doing it.

all sets are to failure 6-8 reps im still gaining strength and size i just wanted to know if this was a good split

in your opinion wut would be the best split for mass/strength gains ?

my split works good for me but if there is possibly sumthing better id like to know about it mabey DC training?
all sets are to failure 6-8 reps im still gaining strength and size i just wanted to know if this was a good split

in your opinion wut would be the best split for mass/strength gains ?

my split works good for me but if there is possibly sumthing better id like to know about it mabey DC training?
So you are making gains in size and strength. What is wrong with that???? Why would you think there is a better way to make gains? You have already answered your own question. Yes this is a good split for you. keep at it until you no longer make progress then switch.
So you are making gains in size and strength. What is wrong with that???? Why would you think there is a better way to make gains? You have already answered your own question. Yes this is a good split for you. keep at it until you no longer make progress then switch.

idk im just thinkin mabey there are more effective splits out there:cool:
idk im just thinkin mabey there are more effective splits out there:cool:
Yes there is nothing wrong with this way of thinking but, you have a program that is currently producing results, you don't want to change this unless something stops working. Just be patient, this all takes time. You are gaining right now, so let's say you switch to another split and then all your gains stop! What do you do? Because you now have a problem, it is called non productive training......see where I am going here? This is the problem we all face from time to time. We start to question what we are doing and wonder if there is a better way when in fact the best way is what we are already doing. SOmetimes the best secret to gains is no secret, nothing special, just hard work, smart work and solid nutrition. And always remember the golden rule.........MORE IS NOT BETTER, ENOUGH IS BETTER!!
Yes there is nothing wrong with this way of thinking but, you have a program that is currently producing results, you don't want to change this unless something stops working. Just be patient, this all takes time. You are gaining right now, so let's say you switch to another split and then all your gains stop! What do you do? Because you now have a problem, it is called non productive training......see where I am going here? This is the problem we all face from time to time. We start to question what we are doing and wonder if there is a better way when in fact the best way is what we are already doing. SOmetimes the best secret to gains is no secret, nothing special, just hard work, smart work and solid nutrition. And always remember the golden rule.........MORE IS NOT BETTER, ENOUGH IS BETTER!!

thats sum good advice thanx bro
JETHRO gave you some really good advice too earlier in the thread... stick to your training as long as you gain good, but eventually you'll want to space out your chest and shoulders and your back and biceps. I'm just like Jethro in that I would destroy myself training back the day after biceps over and over again/etc.

Training splits are something you learn by trial and error, and unfortunately it's a long process. I just spent about 1 year on a program where I was lifting 5x per week and it took me that much time to realize that it kept leading to overtraining and all things considered wasn't as good as the program I had been doing before.

Forget DC training because I'm pretty sure it's for advanced lifters who are already smart about this stuff and know their bodies. Again, as long as you make good progress you have nothing to worry about... when you find yourself stalling, do make yourself a new training split taking into consideration the things JETHRO told you in this thread

my 2 cents

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